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Pope Benedict Retires


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Why are people even talking about the Pope and Hitler Youth as if it is something worth pondering over. It isn't. He didn't get a choice to join it and it has no bearing on his politics. (And even if it did, those politics are not relevant.)



The dude's politics and economics are firmly left-wing socialist. On the other hand, religiously, he's a social conservative on the right-side of the spectrum. I am not entirely clear as to his role in the cover-up of abuses. Maybe he was involved in this personally, but still no evidence has been forthcoming. Do I have to actually get off my lazy ass and google it myself? I expect the evidence to be spoon-fed to me.

I would have thought my post (No89 in this thread) about his role as head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of The Faith,would have constituted evidence to any intelligent reader but... yeah, on second thoughts, Google it yourself.

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Your quite right, it is not worth pondering over when his teaching is responsible for millions suffering and dying from aids in Africa. Aids is what you have to suffer for your sins, but you will be rewarded in heaven. However, use a condom and you will burn in hell for eternity.

I am talking about Hitler Youth. It has fuck all to do with anything.
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Why are people even talking about the Pope and Hitler Youth as if it is something worth pondering over. It isn't. He didn't get a choice to join it and it has no bearing on his politics. (And even if it did, those politics are not relevant.)


Your quite right, it is not worth pondering over when his teaching is responsible for millions suffering and dying from aids in Africa. Aids is what you have to suffer for your sins, but you will be rewarded in heaven. However, use a condom and you will burn in hell for eternity.




It's not his teaching, though. He may well think contraception would be good, but he believes in the Bible so that pretty much trumps any common sense or deductive reasoning. Don't make the mistake of assuming the Pope is not fully aware of the various issues involved here. He is a smart cookie, but he's also bound by 2,000 yrs of canon law, not to mention a religious text which was written during the Bronze Age.

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Despite all the billions of people praying for him, he's a walking corpse.


If there was a God who listened to prayer as the soon-to-be-ex-Pope advocates, he'd be the world's healthiest man, on his fourth set of teeth, running a marathon before breakfast, and scaling the walls of the Sistine chapel to touch up the altar boys frescoes.


His failure to keep going is reasonable proof of the non-existence of God and the pointlessness of prayer.

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Despite all the billions of people praying for him, he's a walking corpse.


If there was a God who listened to prayer as the soon-to-be-ex-Pope advocates, he'd be the world's healthiest man, on his fourth set of teeth, running a marathon before breakfast, and scaling the walls of the Sistine chapel to touch up the altar boys frescoes.


His failure to keep going is reasonable proof of the non-existence of God and the pointlessness of prayer.


The primary purpose of prayer is to enter into communion with the divine, it is not to approach God as if He was some sort of wish-fulfilling slot machine.

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The primary purpose of prayer is to enter into communion with the divine, it is not to approach God as if He was some sort of wish-fulfilling slot machine.


Nonsense. Read the "Lord's Prayer", it's just a bit of grovelling to a fictional character and a long list of requests.


There's no communion with the divine, since you can no more enter into communion with God than you can with Mickey Mouse or Gollum.

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The primary purpose of prayer is to enter into communion with the divine, it is not to approach God as if He was some sort of wish-fulfilling slot machine.


Nonsense. Read the "Lord's Prayer", it's just a bit of grovelling to a fictional character and a long list of requests.


There's no communion with the divine, since you can no more enter into communion with God than you can with Mickey Mouse or Gollum.


I'm just saying what they believe they're doing.

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Not one post supporting the Pope or his religion = the silent majority win again

All posters in this thread are religious bigots


I think the opposite is the case.


We are fighting against his bigotry.


I wish I could put it into words.


But yeah...... A woman priest would be a good start.


Yeah..... How can I be a bigot if I agree with others here..... We need a black single mother as Pope.


I am just anti establishment.

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Why are people even talking about the Pope and Hitler Youth as if it is something worth pondering over. It isn't. He didn't get a choice to join it and it has no bearing on his politics. (And even if it did, those politics are not relevant.)


Your quite right, it is not worth pondering over when his teaching is responsible for millions suffering and dying from aids in Africa. Aids is what you have to suffer for your sins, but you will be rewarded in heaven. However, use a condom and you will burn in hell for eternity.




It's not his teaching, though. He may well think contraception would be good, but he believes in the Bible so that pretty much trumps any common sense or deductive reasoning. Don't make the mistake of assuming the Pope is not fully aware of the various issues involved here. He is a smart cookie, but he's also bound by 2,000 yrs of canon law, not to mention a religious text which was written during the Bronze Age.


But he is the Pope. He can change the whole thing if he wants. All he had to say is he had a Chat with God. That's his job.


He could change things in a flash of a burning bush.


What he thinks and believes is supposed to come from Him. If he is too week to believe that then he should not be in the job.



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