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Stuart Baggs


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Just to be very clear about this.


You called me a f****** c*** amongst other similar abuse. Your reasons for doing that were unclear then and remain so now.


I found your attack vicious, uncalled for and absolutely filthy and foul.


So I asked the mods to remove it.


The fact that you'd obviously had complaints made by other people was unknown to me, but it seems that my one and only remark to the mods tipped the balance and brought you even closer to a ban.


That was not my fault. Your foul and unpleasant attack brought you to that outcome and you're still sulking.


I'm not getting into an argument with you, PL, and only you and the mods know your present warning status, but you call me filthy names again, I'll ask for the post to be removed.


That is all.




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Hahahahaha smile.png I think you're both ace, the forum would be well boring without PL and his little spats.


Edit: to add - I think Stuart Baggs is quite amusing, I do not like reality tv shows but they have their place and often the people who go on them are using them as a platform to 'get where they want to be' and make connections in the business, tis the way of the world innit?

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Just to be very clear about this.


You called me a f****** c*** amongst other similar abuse. Your reasons for doing that were unclear then and remain so now.


No I didn't. For one thing I never use silly asterisks for the pathetic purpose of pointless self censorship. And what I called you was a fucking ungrateful cunt* followed by a jokey symbol to lighten the load. It was contextually appropriate and I stand by it. You were bleating constantly about not being able to source certain ingredients for cooking with. I politely and helpfully pointed you in a direction where you could source such things locally and you responded with rude insults. So to bring things back down to the level of the playground so beloved by you - you started it. And then bleated like a lamb to the mods when the coherency of your argument withered. And I'm not sulking, I'm just reminding people of the reasons should I vanish, which is quite likely, and what with me being really popular around here and that.


only you and the mods know your present warning status,


My warn log is at 7. Your little bleat got me 3 points off John Wright. Who bizarrely isn't even listed as a moderator. So now you know too. That is all.



Edit to add - *On reflection what I actually wrote was - 'Fuck you you ungrateful cunt.... ; ))' . And rightly so.

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Hahahahaha smile.png I think you're both ace, the forum would be well boring without PL and his little spats.


Edit: to add - I think Stuart Baggs is quite amusing, I do not like reality tv shows but they have their place and often the people who go on them are using them as a platform to 'get where they want to be' and make connections in the business, tis the way of the world innit?

+1 I wouldn't want to see PL banned from this forum.

Addie and Pierrot need to put this spat to bed and move on flowers.gif

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Stuart is a top bloke. Thought he came across well last night. And Bluewave, his telecom, are hiring staff as we speak, so I'm sure he's happy with his lot ...

Jokes and quips aside I see Baggsy as young and brash but full of the enthusiasm and energy that is synonymous with the entrepreneurial spirit.

He'll improve with age as most of his business genre do.

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Yes, the problem with society is that very few take a pride in everything they do anymore. I like that about the Baggs boy, he is confident and proud of whatever he does, I have been trying to boost my children with a bit of do the best you can as long as you have made your best effort, you should be happy and proud. I'm even trying to be positive and proud about emptying the cutlery basket of the dishwasher (the most hated job I do...every single day)

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+1 I wouldn't want to see PL banned from this forum.

Addie and Pierrot need to put this spat to bed and move on flowers.gif


I genuinely had.


But he obviously won't let it go and having someone you don't know disliking you like this is distressing.


No flouncing here, but I'm genuinely not up to it, so with great sadness and after many years I'm opting out of posting on here. It feels a little like losing a friend as I've enjoyed chipping in here and there but sadly I'm no longer young enough, healthy enough nor hard enough.

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The lovely Mrs Bees makes the point that "All work is honourable" - or it was at one time anyway.


All that went with selfishness, making a virtue out of greed, putting the material above all else, being successful no matter what the cost to others and so forth.


In short Baggsy sums up to me all that is wrong in the business world. Fortunately he's a figure of fun and not much else. As my parents used to say "All mouth and trousers...."

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+1 I wouldn't want to see PL banned from this forum.

Addie and Pierrot need to put this spat to bed and move on flowers.gif


I genuinely had.


But he obviously won't let it go and having someone you don't know disliking you like this is distressing.


No flouncing here, but I'm genuinely not up to it, so with great sadness and after many years I'm opting out of posting on here. It feels a little like losing a friend as I've enjoyed chipping in here and there but sadly I'm no longer young enough, healthy enough nor hard enough.


I find some of PL's posts offensive , and he has had a 'pop' at me , and I complained to the mods .


He is a bully who claims to be the most popular member on the site, not a view I share. His pastimes would seem to include 'blimping' at Box Hill and making false allegations about others sexual behaviour.


I regard him as an irrelevance and live in the vain hope that if he ever has the bottle to express some of his offensive views in public he will get the 'slap' he so richly deserves.


N'ere mind him Addie..............'e ain't worth it biggrin.png

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