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Stuart Baggs


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Yes, the problem with society is that very few take a pride in everything they do anymore. I like that about the Baggs boy, he is confident and proud of whatever he does, I have been trying to boost my children with a bit of do the best you can as long as you have made your best effort, you should be happy and proud. I'm even trying to be positive and proud about emptying the cutlery basket of the dishwasher (the most hated job I do...every single day)

If the dishwasher ain't working efficiently give him a kick .

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Some people on Manx Forums are annoying. I've even put myself on ignore, cos I can't stand what I write. I met myself in the loo mirror at the pub last week and gave myself a right good slap. Trouble was I did it exactly at the same time as myself and I both ended up with a cut hand.

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No flouncing here, but I'm genuinely not up to it, so with great sadness and after many years I'm opting out of posting on here. It feels a little like losing a friend as I've enjoyed chipping in here and there but sadly I'm no longer young enough, healthy enough nor hard enough.

Addie you will be greatly missed - go well whatever you decision about posting here.


It is a sad consequence of the Internet that people think what they write is of no consequence and does not affect people. It does and when people clearly telegraph that and still the person goes out to wound it is unacceptable. Goodness knows how a community polices its behaviour. I've defended PL and his ilk in the past and there is a place for rudeness etc. but not nastiness and my feeling is that when someone clearly expresses their desire to be left alone and some one goes on the offensive to glory in what has offended it is bullying.


Nasty and sad that it so effects someone who's opinion is considered and far from the smart Alec noise the forum is too dominated by.

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But does it really affect people in such a way that they are truly offended or is it all show? I genuinely find it hard to understand the mentality of someone who is called names on a forum and is offended by it. Why would that offence happen? If someone insults me on a forum it is a situation where one person who knows next to nothing about me is insulting someone who they know next to nothing about. Isn't it a bit silly getting offended? When someone claims to be offended, regardless of whether they did or not, do we not think they should really grow up?


It also seems more stupid considering stuff regularly happens on forums that is much worse and more offensive. For instance, if someone posts something and others reply with ad hominem attacks then it (wrongly) depreciates what you have said. That's a worse crime on a forum and is real nastiness. But nobody complains about it even though it is a more direct attack.

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I did used to get really angry whenever I read anything by MDO, just one of those people innit? So I bunged him on ignore, problem solved. It's not nice to come here for a bit of a giggle and end up being "totally furious" because someone has a different opinion. I suppose name calling is personal and could be taken to heart, unless the person calling the names is PL, he calls everyone names, it's his tag lol. I've reported things to mods in the past, posts where people have used real names and made inflammatory comments which could land MF in legal bother. I had one of my posts taken down because I had been rude about someone...I had photographs to back up my post but it got removed before I got the chance to post the link.........gnash gnash little grass got his ass defriended on facebook for his troubles (hahahahahahaha)

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But does it really affect people in such a way that they are truly offended or is it all show? I genuinely find it hard to understand the mentality of someone who is called names on a forum and is offended by it. Why would that offence happen? If someone insults me on a forum it is a situation where one person who knows next to nothing about me is insulting someone who they know next to nothing about. Isn't it a bit silly getting offended? When someone claims to be offended, regardless of whether they did or not, do we not think they should really grow up?


It also seems more stupid considering stuff regularly happens on forums that is much worse and more offensive. For instance, if someone posts something and others reply with ad hominem attacks then it (wrongly) depreciates what you have said. That's a worse crime on a forum and is real nastiness. But nobody complains about it even though it is a more direct attack.


You don't understand why people can be offended? It's a question of sensitivity, dear boy. You're very capricious sometimes.


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Not at all. I understand that there are different degrees of sensitivity, but how a person would react to different comments on a forum is a relatively new subject.

Maybe it is my naivety. I just wouldn't expect the degree of sensitivity that some people have on a place like this.

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Agreed PP.


Addie don't go, I have had run ins with PL - to the extent she (i believe PL is female) was calling me an incontinent old bag. (I may be old but I have full control of my bladder). I did take it to heart, but then put a bit pf perspective on it and have quite a soft spot for her, mainly because my pelvic floor is that of a woman half my age - PL's may not be!


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Addie don't go, I have had run ins with PL - to the extent she (i believe PL is female) was calling me an incontinent old bag. (I may be old but I have full control of my bladder). I did take it to heart, but then put a bit pf perspective on it and have quite a soft spot for her, mainly because my pelvic floor is that of a woman half my age - PL's may not be!


Time to invest in Tena Lady methinks...

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