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Stuart Baggs


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Addie is part of the forum furniture, she can't go.


Ignore is a wonderful function, don't let others spoil your enjoyment of the forum.


PL does liven the place up but maybe goes a little too far at times with certain people. We're all different, none of us can say they agree 100% with everything that gets posted on here or that certain posters don't grate on them. I have my moments when I think I just CBA with it all anymore but this place has provided some very entertaining and informative threads over the years and I would definitely miss it before too long and want to chip in with something here and there.

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Time to invest in Tena Lady methinks...

That'll not help you. It'd probably be alright if you piss yourself a lot but you're just so full of shit you'd need a constant supply of adult nappies.


Golly gosh! You're just so witty and clever and brave and handsome and strong and lots of other stuff as well.


My hero!


Dear me, more tedious willy-waving. What a waste of bandwidth...

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Maybe Stav was offering to share his supplier with you, that might be a nappy on his profile pic?


That profile pic looks like the output from the Broadmoor School of Art.


Someone who claims to have me on "ignore" yet keeps popping up for more playground name-calling. Most odd.


I suspect that the clue is in the name - "Les Grognards"

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Someone who claims to have me on "ignore" yet keeps popping up for more playground name-calling. Most odd.

You were only on ignore when I was signed in. I took you off ignore a while ago and like to pop on every now and again just to remind you what an obnoxious twat you really are.

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Someone who claims to have me on "ignore" yet keeps popping up for more playground name-calling. Most odd.

You were only on ignore when I was signed in. I took you off ignore a while ago and like to pop on every now and again just to remind you what an obnoxious twat you really are.




If it massages your little ego then by all means keep waving that willy....

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