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Stuart Baggs


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Hey! hey! Calm it down people.


You have to understand the tribalism.


A long time ago in a galaxy far far away there existed Beemanx and Manxnet. The denizens of both ended up on Manx.net and swore allegiance to one another to go to flame war against anyone foolish enough to even look strangely at a member of the tribe. They are labelled by me as "Les Grognards" which was the nickname of Napoleans Old Guard - The Grumblers - which was too apt to miss.


As I couldn't give a flying about that kind of nonsense you may recall poor old Stavros ended up digging back through six effing years worth of posts in a vain effort to diss me on behalf of a fellow Grognard. As he is either too stupid or too inexperienced to realise that we're not even the same people we were six years ago all he did was make himself look very sad indeed.


So all he has left to do is pop up every now and again in defence of a fellow Grognard and demonstrate what a sad character he is with his usual pathetic playground name-calling. He crawled out from under his stone this time probably because of Grognard Addie stating she was leaving the tricolour for good.

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Time to invest in Tena Lady methinks...

That'll not help you. It'd probably be alright if you piss yourself a lot but you're just so full of shit you'd need a constant supply of adult nappies.


Golly gosh! You're just so witty and clever and brave and handsome and strong and lots of other stuff as well.


My hero!


Dear me, more tedious willy-waving. What a waste of bandwidth...

I think his willy is an admirable use of bandwidth; but only so long as it doesn't startle the horses.

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Golly gosh! You're just so witty and clever and brave and handsome and strong and lots of other stuff as well.


My hero!


Dear me, more tedious willy-waving. What a waste of bandwidth...


I think his willy is an admirable use of bandwidth; but only so long as it doesn't startle the horses.


Ah yes. Regimental loyalty is something I know all about. The Grumblers close ranks.

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