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Stuart Baggs


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Arguing the toss with two cartoons with ridiculous names....It doesn't get any better.


Arguing what I wonder? Better than what I wonder?


Sorry and all that but.....




Is English his first language, any offers?

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Golly gosh! You're just so witty and clever and brave and handsome and strong and lots of other stuff as well.


My hero!


Dear me, more tedious willy-waving. What a waste of bandwidth...


I think his willy is an admirable use of bandwidth; but only so long as it doesn't startle the horses.


Ah yes. Regimental loyalty is something I know all about. The Grumblers close ranks.


I don't know what you mean, I was never on Manxnet or Beemanx so couldn't have been christened by you as a Grumbler.


I just prefer Stavros's posts; they are usually humourous.

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Summoning help 'eh. Come on PK, you're not the only man with a bald head, plastic teeth and an incredibly small dick.......Take it on the chin.


I didn't summon help. It just arrived. Take it on the chin....


Is English your first language or what?

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I have no knowledge of either Manxnet or Beemanx. Were the discussions on there as pathetic and childish as this one has turned out to be?


Ask the pathetic and childish. But don't expect any illuminating answers....

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I just prefer Stavros's posts; they are usually humourous.


Of course! This is just so clever and witty and funny and all of that stuff that it's easy to see how it would impress someone like you:


You were only on ignore when I was signed in. I took you off ignore a while ago and like to pop on every now and again just to remind you what an obnoxious twat you really are.


Hilarious without a doubt!



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Just to be very clear about this.


You called me a f****** c*** amongst other similar abuse. Your reasons for doing that were unclear then and remain so now.


I found your attack vicious, uncalled for and absolutely filthy and foul.


So I asked the mods to remove it.


The fact that you'd obviously had complaints made by other people was unknown to me, but it seems that my one and only remark to the mods tipped the balance and brought you even closer to a ban.


That was not my fault. Your foul and unpleasant attack brought you to that outcome and you're still sulking.


I'm not getting into an argument with you, PL, and only you and the mods know your present warning status, but you call me filthy names again, I'll ask for the post to be removed.


That is all.


It's a shame you behaved in that way. You are normally one of the more reasonable posters on here and it would be a pity if you joined the ranks of the petty.

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You'd think I would have leant by now to read to the end of a thread before posting ....


+1 I wouldn't want to see PL banned from this forum.

Addie and Pierrot need to put this spat to bed and move on flowers.gif


I genuinely had.


But he obviously won't let it go and having someone you don't know disliking you like this is distressing.


No flouncing here, but I'm genuinely not up to it, so with great sadness and after many years I'm opting out of posting on here. It feels a little like losing a friend as I've enjoyed chipping in here and there but sadly I'm no longer young enough, healthy enough nor hard enough.


You are an asset to this forum and I'm sorry to see you.


This is what happens when the mods enflame the situation. Had they ignored Addie's report or had a quiet word with PL this would have calmed the situation. Instead John Wright gets to act like Demester Dread and the situation escalates.


And we lose 1 good member and another good member moves closer to a ban.


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I have no knowledge of either Manxnet or Beemanx. Were the discussions on there as pathetic and childish as this one has turned out to be?



Who are you talking about.


Stav's always been an annoying dick, but he posted more often then so was more annoying.


PK was irrelevant back in the day. He'd hold Vader's cloak or Steven's dog in a battle but not throw any effective blows himself.

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Stav's always been an annoying dick, but he posted more often then so was more annoying.

If I wasn't such a cock I'd be hurt by that.


I like Declan, we've always had very similar mutual feelings for each other.

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