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Stuart Baggs


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Golly gosh! You're just so witty and clever and brave and handsome and strong and lots of other stuff as well.


My hero!


Dear me, more tedious willy-waving. What a waste of bandwidth...


I think his willy is an admirable use of bandwidth; but only so long as it doesn't startle the horses.


Ah yes. Regimental loyalty is something I know all about. The Grumblers close ranks.


Regimental loyalty was there much of that when you where stacking shelves in the naafi? LOL

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PK was irrelevant back in the day. He'd hold Vader's cloak or Steven's dog in a battle but not throw any effective blows himself.


Just like a wednesday of old!


Slag Tesco's off all you like. Their Belgian Abbey Beer is excellent stuff! Very similar to Leffe but slightly more expensive. For that you get a smoother more refined experience. Mind you at 5 units per bottle just a couple and you're cruising....


Ah yes, the Declan who used to take a childish delight in excluding me at my own request on a wednesday night. He also felt the need to gleefully let everyone know that it was HE and HE alone who had barred me from the site.


Well, in your obviously small minded opinion (see above) I didn't throw any effective blows but then that's just your small minded opinion (see above) and that of the other Grumblers. Yet strangely all sorts would contact me in all sorts of ways to complain about the Old Guard, Declan included. "Misogynist" was a frequent accusation made against them....


But as I don't give a flying anyway who cares?


and PK has a massive knob


According to my business colleagues I also have massive cojones ....


I'm still wondering if "Pirbrightis" first language is English. Because I suspect it isn't.

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Ironic that you decide to start talking about your 'massive cojones' now when it was the very thing you wanted kept out of the post you complain about being most quoted.


WOW! Have to say P.K - you've got balls for posting that one that's for sure!

Let's keep my cojones out of this if you don't mind.....


Now this is something you seem to say a lot:

Oh really? Then why is it this reminds me of you, Saddo Stavro, Topaz and the rest of The Grumblers from the early days? I mean, Saddo even trawled back through six years of posts in a desperate but vain hope of dissing me. I mean, didn't Saddo even realise we're not even the same people we were six years ago?


Now I wonder if Saddo Stavro will pathetically dig back 6 years or more to try and diss me like he did the last time? The poor fool obviously doesn't realise most of us aren't even the same people we were back then. Most of us learn from our experiences, but clearly not all of us do...


So you clearly try to make your point that we're not the same people as we were six years ago.


Let's move on:

I also wonder if Saddo will trawl back through another five years or so of my posts to try and diss me like he did the last time? I can but hope I suppose....


Alright, let's have a quick look at the original post:

I despise homosexuals. To me it is not intolerance. I am convinced that we are genetically attracted to the opposite sex for the purpose of successful breeding, no more no less. To me anything outside of that simply cannot justify it's existance. Sure you get all the usual lentil-eating do-gooders carping on about homophobia etc etc etc yawn yawn yawn but at the end of the day I don't like them in the same way that I find certain races smell a particular way that I don't like either!


Homosexuals fortunately add nothing to the gene pool and therefore do not move evolution forward. If they want the same legal rights as "married" couples then fine but I'm sure they don't need to go through sham ceremonies to obtain them. So why do they see it as important? As I am not homosexual I'm afraid I can't answer that one. There you go,


And now we should have a look at how we have changed over the many years that we're not the same people anymore...?

The reason I despise homosexuals is the same as the reason I despise any vociferous minority i.e. "You're very much in the minority so get out of my face. And be aware, you push us too hard and one day we might not be so tolerant any more - which is the bit you choose to ignore". Plus I was once given some real abuse by one Peter Tatchell which no doubt coloured my opinions somewhat! Live and let live I'm all for, but start pushing me and I'll push back.


There we have it, you've not changed at all. You're still full of the same old shit you've always been full of regardless of how many times you try to hide behind your accusations of playground name calling or digging up the past. As for trying to boast about your 'massive cojones' laughable just doesn't do it justice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

According to this Manx Radio News article it looks like Stuart Baggs didn't draw the short straw with Lord Sugar's Company after all.



Stuart's dream job was 'overpaid lackey'

Published online at 07/03/2013 06:30:05




It was the job Stuart Baggs wanted – but the woman who beat him in the Apprentice is now claiming she was little more than an overpaid lackey.

In 2010 Stella English, from Kent, won the reality TV programme’s prize of a £100,000 a year job with Lord Sugar’s IT company Viglen, but is claiming constructive dismissal at a London employment tribunal.

She says Viglen’s chief executive told her on her first day there was no job and after a year her contract wasn’t renewed.

Her case continues – this is the moment Stuart, from the Isle of Man, found out he wouldn’t be working for Lord Sugar:


Audio file link here:


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I read that, I think she might be a publicity kind of person. I'm pretty sure Lord Shergar would have it nailed down and made perfectly clear to all contestants that it was 'just a show' and the wages would be £100K for whatever job you're given. Guess she is just putting herself out there again. Sure a sharp witted and canny lass like her will be snapped up rapido styleee.

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