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Oscar Pistorius


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I think: Never met a nice South African is a quote from Spitting Image sketch along with a song....I had to work with some in Safeways and a few had to be told to clear away after themselves in the canteen as there were no servants...Also, they tended to look down on people such as me doing cleaning work in The Hilton/Palace. Quite laughable to see foreign bar girls thinking they above cleaners and talk to me like a black..They spoke perfect English amongst themselves and only spoke Afrikaans when people like me got too close. Bit like a Post Office/Corner Shop in North Wales! I have heard MEA engineers complain about the way South Africans spoke to them. Mind you, at safeways I picked up enough Afrikaans to understand the rude words used about the management and certain customers!..Time to start a thread of Van jokes????

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I therefore just asked how would British law deal with a case of someone thinking they were at risk and so shooting only to discover they had mistakenly killed someone. Would it be automatically a murder charge?


Murder or manslaugter I should think, they would hardly be let off for killing someone that they couldn't even identify. You have to beleive that your life is in immenant danger, how could that be true in such circumstances?.


Tony Martin firstly had an unlicensed firearm stuffed under the bed for one obvious reason, and then shot the intruders in the back on their way out the window of his house, then I believe pretty much went back to bed without informing authorities. Ok so he was robbed out of most of his belongings repeatedly prior to this and had been very badly let down by the police, and apparently could only see silhouettes of the intruders when he fired so argued that he beleived they were aproachng him, but he couldn't convice the court of self defense in the end.


Since then many more likely self defense killings have resulted in no charges brought against the victim of the attack, they usually involve stabbings with kitchen knives being readilly available items in the home. Google it theres loads. But the British police are always shitty with anyone using force against thug attackers, they must feel that's their job. Look at the chap last year who fired his wifes clay shotgun at four masked and armed intruders who broke into their home and bedroom in the middle of the night, he only wounded two of them causing them to flee but the couple were held for atleast four days in custody before being released... absolutely inexcusable.






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