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Oscar Pistorius


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Oh right yeah of coarse, only childrens toy guns made of plastic that MDO plays with in his spare time can be used for sport or enjoyment, but no 'real' gun is ever bought/used/sold for sport, no no...


So gonna talk about the subject at hand or answer my questions Al or what?.


I must laugh, on the one hand just a minute ago, MDO is critisising other members on another thread of derailment yet is over here doing just the same. But carry on by all means as its rather entertaining, its just interesting how he says what suits at the time, and can't seem to make a single point or pass any argument at all without getting personal and dropping ad hominems at every single oportunity. Makes me feel like I'm back in the playground.


You are in the playground Ruger.


Children play cowboys and Indians. Your problem is that you want to play the game with real guns.


Adults see no need for guns.


Logic suggests you are a child at heart, and as such you should be banned from owing firearms.


It's a catch 22. If you are mad enough to want a gun, you are too mad to be allowed one. But if you are not mad, you don't want one.


If Oscar did not have a gun his gf would still be alive.


Another life cut short because of a twisted mentality of lethal force being a reasaonable response to a paranoia induced shadow.


I call it cold bloodied murder. because if you are mad enough to want to own a gun to defend yourself against some imaginary evil, then you deserve to be sectioned.


As for sportings goods....... well. No problem with point 22 target shooting. I have no problem with Canadians or Icelanders having powerfull rifles to deter Polar Bears. African game wardens may need something that can stop a charging Rhino.


But an M16 to shoot a deer? Is that fair? A Barrett to shoot a turkey from a mile away. How is that sporting?


A handgun to kill a junkie who want's to nick your laptop. Yeah.... is your laptop really worth the life of a human being?

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As for sportings goods....... well. No problem with point 22 target shooting. I have no problem with Canadians or Icelanders having powerfull rifles to deter Polar Bears. African game wardens may need something that can stop a charging Rhino.


But an M16 to shoot a deer? Is that fair? A Barrett to shoot a turkey from a mile away. How is that sporting?


A handgun to kill a junkie who want's to nick your laptop. Yeah.... is your laptop really worth the life of a human being?


In SA the person stealing thinks your laptop is really worth the life of a human being - yours!

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As for sportings goods....... well. No problem with point 22 target shooting. I have no problem with Canadians or Icelanders having powerfull rifles to deter Polar Bears. African game wardens may need something that can stop a charging Rhino.


But an M16 to shoot a deer? Is that fair? A Barrett to shoot a turkey from a mile away. How is that sporting?


A handgun to kill a junkie who want's to nick your laptop. Yeah.... is your laptop really worth the life of a human being?


In SA the person stealing thinks your laptop is really worth the life of a human being - yours!


Some years ago a friend of mine (in his 80's) in Jo berg got out of his car and 2 scroats wanted to nick his car, he locked and closed the car door and they put 6 bullets in him , they left the car.


Another friend had his house burgled by a gang, unfortunately he , his wife and daughters were at home,they weren't killed but you may imagine the rest.


Life was cheap , the chances of getting away with it were better than here , so if times haven't changed over there I'd defend myself if threatened with robbery as there may be a good chance of being killed anyway.

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So the fact life was/is cheap in SA is the fault of who?


...white SA's


I'm not disputing the cause of the attitude of life being cheap .


Perhaps I'm not as sanguine as you would be when an unarmed friend is murdered or a friend and all his family are raped and beaten up at knifepoint .


The cause of life being cheap is people with your mindset , I wouldn't be surprised if you suggested killing all the jewish folk "cos they killed Jesus"


May your god rest your soul

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You are in the playground Ruger.


"Children play cowboys and Indians. Your problem is that you want to play the game with real guns."



What on Gods green Earth are you talking about?


"Adults see no need for guns."



Speaking on whose behalf here?. The 722,428 adult gun license holders in England & Wales alone?. Since when were we a nation of needs anyway?. People, free people, of a perfectly sound disposition NEED freedom of choice, they don't need arbitrary decisions being made by highly emotional hand wringers.


"Logic suggests you are a child at heart, and as such you should be banned from owing firearms."



Logic suggests you know absolutely not one iota about me, you've attacked me, lied about me, and to say that you've put words in my mouth!, well lets just say, that fortunately, your the last person our authorities would come to over a decision regarding my choice in life.


"It's a catch 22. If you are mad enough to want a gun, you are too mad to be allowed one. But if you are not mad, you don't want one."



What an insulting person you are indeed, its absolutely clear that you don't know a single licensed gun owner, I know rather a lot and they are some of the best, most genuine, honest, and friendly people you will meet in our society, it also might surprise you that they are extremely normal!. Yet here you are labeling millions of these people throughout the British Isles as "mad" just because of your own personal irrational fear and hatred of what they just see as a tool and accessory to their chosen competitive sport, recreational hobby, or even line of employment.


"If Oscar did not have a gun his gf would still be alive."



What a bizarre logic. IF this idiot is telling the truth, which we don't even yet know, then you might be right. BUT, you might not be and he simply meant to murder her in which case he would have just stabbed her (people with your logic are actually suggesting we ban kitchen knives with sharp points because of this problem). Now assuming it was an accident, are you going to take responsibility for every home owner and their family murdered by armed intruders, because your arbitrary irrational decision took away every other sensible South Africans means of protection against these truly abhorrent criminals?. I highly doubt it. If the media reported every family of good people saved from these thugs like they do with the stupid actions of people like OP then perhaps you'd see things more for what they are. Except you buy into the hysteria and sensationalism, and I'm sorry that you need me to point that out.


"Another life cut short because of a twisted mentality of lethal force being a reasaonable response to a paranoia induced shadow."



IF he is telling the truth!. If he is then I totally agree, if he had an axe he'd probably be stupid enough to swing toward the head of that poor girl. No excuse to penalize the majority of people who aren't total fuck-wits however.


"I call it cold bloodied murder. because if you are mad enough to want to own a gun to defend yourself against some imaginary evil, then you deserve to be sectioned."



I call that cold blooded murder, because if your prepared to leave the good folk of that shit hole as the only ones prohibited from owning a gun, then you take responsibility for every family thereafter who is murdered and raped by the scumbag criminals who remain armed and untouched by your insane reactions to a thankfully extremely rare event.


"As for sportings goods....... well. No problem with point 22 target shooting. I have no problem with Canadians or Icelanders having powerfull rifles to deter Polar Bears. African game wardens may need something that can stop a charging Rhino."



Excellent, a level of reasoning.


"But an M16 to shoot a deer? Is that fair? A Barrett to shoot a turkey from a mile away. How is that sporting?"



Again, why oh why do you say that?


"A handgun to kill a junkie who want's to nick your laptop. Yeah.... is your laptop really worth the life of a human being?"



Absolutely NOT, even a scumbag, that's not where South Africans are looking to go with their policies, a handgun to defend yourself from a crazy man wielding a machete running across your bedroom towards you and your wife lying in bed?. 100% YES. That's what they are for. Please don't dismiss the huge problem they have with these kinds of evil people.


Good grief. No doubt you will just come back with "well you just want a howitzer in every home to blast away at every uninvited visitor" or some such other tirade of hysterical nonsense.


Sorry about the quote problems my compo is having, will sort it later. Edit: sorted.

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The thread seems to be going off the rails and degenerating into the same kind of back and forth rants that accompanied shooting i9ncidents in America. And it's noticeable that it's the same people carrying their arguments over from that one.

Reeva Steenkamp was a very beautiful and intelligent young lady who made the huge mistake of getting involved with someone who appears who to have mentally unstable. She ended up dead, and only someone blindly supportive of Pistorius would believe the nonsensical story he's made up to exculpate himself.

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So the fact life was/is cheap in SA is the fault of who?


...white SA's


I'm not disputing the cause of the attitude of life being cheap .


Perhaps I'm not as sanguine as you would be when an unarmed friend is murdered or a friend and all his family are raped and beaten up at knifepoint .


The cause of life being cheap is people with your mindset , I wouldn't be surprised if you suggested killing all the jewish folk "cos they killed Jesus"


May your god rest your soul

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So the fact life was/is cheap in SA is the fault of who?


...white SA's


I'm not disputing the cause of the attitude of life being cheap .


Perhaps I'm not as sanguine as you would be when an unarmed friend is murdered or a friend and all his family are raped and beaten up at knifepoint .


The cause of life being cheap is people with your mindset , I wouldn't be surprised if you suggested killing all the jewish folk "cos they killed Jesus"


May your god rest your soul




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  • 3 weeks later...

The farmer who shot the traveller burglars went after them and carried on firing well after an argument of self defence had passed - he went on the offensive! Farmer Tony Martin deserved to go to prison - because he only wounded one of them!


Nick Makin, Martin's solicitor, said: "It is appalling that the family of someone who has a criminal record for burglary and assault should attempt to claim any damages of criminal injury when he was shot while burgling the dwelling of an innocent person... It is also appalling that they may get legal aid while his victim is in prison and patently unable to work and equally cannot get legal aid... There is something wrong and perverse with our legal system that it permits this."[11]


Couldn't agree more .....

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

He's moany little bastard isn't he? He consciously shot someone, the only thing to debate is whether it was cold blooded murder of his girlfriend, or the reckless and unjustified manslaughter of an innocent party. There's no contrition it's all about him and how horrific it was for him.

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The expression on Steenkamp's mothers face has remained steely. Methinks her mind is made up.


Spot on with that Declan, it's all about him. I can't help seeing a charade; the weeping, his whining falsetto....


I have a sneaking suspicion he'll walk.



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