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Oscar Pistorius


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The expression on Steenkamp's mothers face has remained steely. Methinks her mind is made up.


Spot on with that Declan, it's all about him. I can't help seeing a charade; the weeping, his whining falsetto....


I have a sneaking suspicion he'll walk.



It's a miracle.

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I have to say I am sick and tired of this trial being headline news day after day.


It really shows the insidiousness of celebrity culture - and I suppose human psychology.


The trial is for a crime which happens daily all over the world. The cruel mundanity of a partner killing someone who is meant to be their beloved is usually hidden in indifference as the police and court bureaucracy go about their work exposing the wounds left in the families affected. In this case though celebrity makes it headline news worldwide.


What is it about humanity that we can be indifferent to 99.99% of cases like this, but then be captivated by autopsy reports and witness box snivelling when the perpetrator has been marked out as famous.


This isn't news. Apart from for the families tragically affected there are no wider implications for what has happened, but we want to peer in and get the vicarious excitement of trying to understand what happened and why.


It is psychology, not import, which makes us all voyeurs on the tragedy - and that is what the modern media just loves.


I don't know, I would rather have this crime set in its proper context, and remain well away from the voyeurism. It is a few paragraphs of a court report, not something to hold the front page for as Oscar cries, and the mother collapses in grief.

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Spot on, hourly Sky news updates on the local radio station, time they gave it a rest quite frankly.


So turn it off. You still have the choice.


They're selling advertising on the back of representing this as a public spectacle. If you deliberately leave it turned on then it means you want more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I read somewhere that he'd been receiving acting lessons in preparation for his time in the witness box. This can't be true, can it?


Goodness knows what the correct outcome of this killing should be, but for the moment, I'm leaning towards him being guilty.

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