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Stanford Geneticist: Human Intelligence Is Declining

Thomas Jefferson

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Human intelligence is declining according to Stanford geneticist




Ever can’t help but think you’re surrounded by idiots?


A leading scientist at Stanford University thinks he has the answer, and the bad news is things aren’t likely to get any better.


Dr. Gerald Crabtree, a geneticist at Stanford, has published a study that he conducted to try and identify the progression of modern man’s intelligence. As it turns out, however, Dr. Crabtree’s research led him to believe that the collective mind of mankind has been on more or a less a downhill trajectory for quite some time.


From there, the doctor goes on to explain that general mutations over the last few thousand years have left mankind increasingly unable to cope with certain situations that perhaps our ancestors would be more adapted to.


“I would wager that if an average citizen from Athens of 1000 BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions, with a good memory, a broad range of ideas, and a clear-sighted view of important issues.


Switching off your television and avoiding Manx Forums might help to slow down the downhill trajectory.

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I've been thinking about this kind of thing recently. We were watching the thing on BBC4 about the oldest computer then I found some other similar stuff in a book I'm looking at (it's a bit naff, called 'We are not the first') so I got to thinking where did it all go wrong, why are there so many stupid people and thugs 'in charge'? Was it the Romans fault? They killed some pretty smart people, like yer man that did the things with triangles and all. Maybe it's the Spanish's fault for wrecking things in South America, according to the book my friend is reading at the moment Mexico city had excellent transport systems, police, universities and was equal to a modern day city in the 1500's. Look at the stupidity of the muslims who've burned ancient libraries and destroyed buddahs and the like, there is just no accounting for people and their craziness. Maybe the people he questioned were 'wrong un's'

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Gosh and golly they have heard about Geoffrey in America !!!!! News certainly travels fast or were they eavesdropping on Tynwald trying to find out how we are such a great Nation when most of the people in the world have never heard of us, I do hope they picked up some useful tips though I very much doubt it. We could of course volunteer to send a few candidates for any future experiments.

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