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America - Hoax Atrocities And Guns Out Of Control


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Agreed. Hurrah somebody gets it biggrin.png


Some people do not understand the commercial aspects of war.


War is a business and who better to understand this than a mercenary armychris.gif ? If someone does not get the "occupation" of Iraq by a mercenary army then I have to add another muppet whatever.gif to my ignore list.


It's not just wars. They used to speak of a "military-industrial complex" (President Eisenhower's words, not Fox Mulder's!) but now it has morphed into the high technology / prison / security / surveillance complex. Instead of wars abroad, it's all about security at home. They used to use the Pentagon as a way to channel public money into high technology research, so they were trumping up wars so they could have an excuse to fund the subsidisation of private industry (it had little to do with genuine perceived military threats). That's how the private sector aeronautics industry took off. The taxpayer funded all the research and development under the pretence of fighting the commies. They can't do this as much anymore, so they have to trump up "the war on drugs", the "war on terrorism", and -- now -- the "war on gun-owners". Some sociologists even suggest that the government will eventually make tobacco illegal. They need an enemy to continue this subsidisation, and they're finding it is a lot more profitable to invent these enemies at home rather than abroad. This is why America has one of the largest prison populations on the face of the earth.

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contracts to purchase over a billion bullets over the next 5 years


Yeah, anyone would think they are currently engaged in combat operations in two seperate theatres. The US Armed Forces had a trained strength of just over 1.4 million personnel as of 2010 (first figures I could find). Thats around 700 rounds each, divide that by 5 years aannnnnddd thats 140 rounds each year Yeap, I can see the US fight two wars abroad and take over the continental US. How many bullets do you think an infantryman gets through on combat operations in the course of a month? Initial load out for a British service man is 6+1, i.e. six full magazines kept in the webbing and one on the webbing. Thats 210 rounds and each infantryman will be carrying additional in his gear for reloading of his spent magazines.


Oh and do you have a source for you claim of "a billion bullets over 5 years"....I bet you don't.......


recently spent millions of dollars buying paper target practices which used the images of old people, young children and pregnant women


Bloody hell have you been sharing CrossRoss's pills? Again a source if you will please.....

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The regular US army is not the issue, as most of their personnel are libertarians. If what CrossRoss alludes to were to really occur, it would be the private sector mercenary security forces (contracted by the government) doing it, and those mercenaries would be working in conjunction with local police forces and with organisations like the TSA. If anything, the regular US army personnel are looked at with suspicion by the elites, because so many of them come back from the wars disillusioned and politically aware, supporting candidates like Ron Paul.


Right so now its the police (who are normal people with families, loved ones, neighbours and aquaintences) are the ones who are going to turn their guns on the populace, not the army? And the TSA, hahahaha have you actually been to America? All the TSA agents I saw were the lardy fuckers who couldn't into the actually police.


Lets play a game. Without using google or wikipedia (but you will anyway), name as many (real life) PMCs as you can....People always say Black Water because they are the only ones who've had any real press coverage....

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MDO, Next time you go to America I challenge you to say what you said on here under an anonymous name


"Hoi lardy fucker, you are only doing this because you can't get a proper job with the real police"


There is no excuse for being stupid ignorant and rude.


Here is a link to a target picture of a pregnant woman - who exactly is training for this scenario - worried yet? There were some lovely showers for your sort in Auschwitz a while back.



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MDO, Next time you go to America I challenge you to say what you said on here under an anonymous name


"Hoi lardy fucker, you are only doing this because you can't get a proper job with the real police"


There is no excuse for being stupid ignorant and rude.


Here is a link to a target picture of a pregnant woman - who exactly is training for this scenario - worried yet? There were some lovely showers for your sort in Auschwitz a while back.




Would that be a picture of a woman pointing a gun at a law enforcment officer? Hate to say this numbnuts, but if you're pointing a gun at me, I don't care if you're white, black, gay, straight, pregnant or just got a few to many pies in you, you're about to get shot.


That is the point of targets like this, to train those who would go into harms way (i.e. get shot at) to assess a threat as quickly as possible, and react appropriately. Hesitation is the fast road to being dead.


But yeah, if you're a drug addled conspiracy nutjub who sees the boogey man in the shadows everywhere he looks.....who knows the sinister purpose of this target.

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From your link:


"No More Hesitation Targets were designed to give officers the experience of dealing with deadly force shooting scenarios with subjects that are not the norm during training.No More Hesitation faded background enhances the isolation and is meant to help the transition for officers who are faced with these highly unusal targets for the first time."


OMG they sell zombie and alien targets!!!!! Maybe they have been training secret government agencies to fight the soon to be alien zombie invasion!!!!!

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The regular US army is not the issue, as most of their personnel are libertarians. If what CrossRoss alludes to were to really occur, it would be the private sector mercenary security forces (contracted by the government) doing it, and those mercenaries would be working in conjunction with local police forces and with organisations like the TSA. If anything, the regular US army personnel are looked at with suspicion by the elites, because so many of them come back from the wars disillusioned and politically aware, supporting candidates like Ron Paul.


Right so now its the police (who are normal people with families, loved ones, neighbours and aquaintences) are the ones who are going to turn their guns on the populace, not the army? And the TSA, hahahaha have you actually been to America? All the TSA agents I saw were the lardy fuckers who couldn't into the actually police.


Lets play a game. Without using google or wikipedia (but you will anyway), name as many (real life) PMCs as you can....People always say Black Water because they are the only ones who've had any real press coverage....


You're right about the TSA. They deliberately target bitter low lifes who want to feel big. They want people who will deliberately get a kick out of having "authority" and using it to pick on others. Many of their employees are in fact immigrants, which is all part of the process of trying to create a "them vs us" mentality. They want people to resent them. It's all about control. And don't think it'll stop at the airports; they already have TSA agents on inter-state highway checkpoints. They're not looking for Al Qaeda, they're picking on conservative constitutionalists, libertarians, tea-party people, and now gun-owners. In order to perpetuate the "police / prison / security state" (i.e. to keep the money rolling in to the corporate coffers) they need to criminalise as many people as they can, to get us all suspecting each other and being afraid. There has been a quite deliberate policy of "balkanisation", whereby blacks, whites, hispanics, etc, are turned against each other. Again, it's classic divide and conquer.


As for blackwater, I don't think you got my point. This is not about the military. It is the homeland security people. It is not the army who are contracted to buy over a billion loads of ammo, it is HOMELAND SECURITY (i.e. the gestapo who target the civilian population at home, not enemies abroad). Even in the Isle of Man, we have privately contracted security forces, like G4S, and they run prisons in America. They may be benign here, but in America they have the largest prison population in the world for a reason: MONEY. Not only do the corporations use the prisoners as forced cheap labour, but they also make loads of money with government contracts to keep them imprisoned.

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Bloody hell have you been sharing CrossRoss's pills? Again a source if you will please.....


Homeland Security buys 2 billion rounds of ammo:




Local police buying up paper targets of pregnant women and children (article provides links to proper sources)


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Perhaps TJ and CrossRoss could go to the US and start the process of liberating the people. You both seem to have so much knowledge of what the state/government or whoever is up to that I feel it should be your moral duty!


The United States had its chance. They could have elected Dr Ron Paul, but they voted like lemmings for Emperor Obama instead.

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Perhaps TJ and CrossRoss could go to the US and start the process of liberating the people. You both seem to have so much knowledge of what the state/government or whoever is up to that I feel it should be your moral duty!


The United States had its chance. They could have elected Dr Ron Paul, but they voted like lemmings for Emperor Obama instead.




So when is your book "My life as a failed civil servant: Conspiracies of a mad man" coming out?


I bet it makes for interesting reading.....

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Quotes from Ron Paul:


"...I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in [Washington, DC] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."


"Boy, it sure burns me to have a national holiday for that pro-communist philanderer, Martin Luther King. I voted against this outrage time and time again as a congressman. What an infamy that Ronald Reagan approved it! We can thank him for our annual Hate Whitey Day!"


"An ex-cop I know advises that if you have to use a gun on a youth [to defend yourself against armed robbery], you should leave the scene immediately, disposing of the wiped off gun as soon as possible... I frankly don't know what to make of such advice, but even in my little town of Lake Jackson, Texas, I've urged everyone in my family to know how to use a gun in self defense. For the animals are coming."


“I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities. They could also not be as promiscuous. Is it any coincidence that the AIDS epidemic developed after they came 'out of the closet,' and started hyper-promiscuous sodomy? I don't believe so, medically or morally.”


“[Magic] Johnson may be a sports star, but he is dying [of AIDS] because he violated moral laws.”


“[T]he criminal ‘Justice’ Department wants to force dentists to treat these Darth Vader types [people with AIDS] under the vicious Americans With Disabilities Act;" and “[W]e all have the right to discriminate, which is what freedom of association is all about, especially against killers [AIDS patients].”



So to sum up, he is a racist, homophobic moron that shouldn't be in charge of a wet paper bag, let alone run a nation.

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