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Does Any One Play Wow


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I'll probably do the same thing. If they're sold out, it's not as though I'll have a choice but I can pretend to myself that I'm not really that bothered about TBC and level 70 and ohhhh I do really want it sooooo much.... nah, I'm tougher than that <_<



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I ordered our TBC's from Play (all 3 of them.....), I hope they have enough and send them out on time. We are doing BWL again after the Christmas break, it would be ace if we could do BWL, Naxx and AQ40 this week b4 TBC but I dont see it happening. Is it just me or did they make BWL easier? we cleared upto Chromaggus with no wipes (this is a first for us but we are only babies in comparrison to you lot of T3 epicheads :whistling: )

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I have ordered from play and i am hoping it will come through on the 16th or 17th. I have also just been given an account by a guildie so i am going to need another copy of TBC, shame that knowone is opening up on midnight for it, i think they would have a lot of custom.

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I have ordered from play and i am hoping it will come through on the 16th or 17th. I have also just been given an account by a guildie so i am going to need another copy of TBC, shame that knowone is opening up on midnight for it, i think they would have a lot of custom.


would the servers be up for it?

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Blizzards past record for big events does not inspire me with confidence but its not the servers that i think will be the problem. I think the problem is going to be the account managment screen where you have to put your expac code in.


Whenever the servers are down and you try and log onto the wow forums or if you cant log into your toon getting on the main wow sites is a hell of a task. God knows what its going to be like for the first 24/48 hours.


Lucky enough i am on a night shift so i can ring my PC into work and spam the pages in the early hours.

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I ordered my copy from play, it was sent on Friday so I hope it'll turn up for me today!


I'm not in a rush to get up to 60, but I'm certainly looking forward to exploring the new zones :)


Edit: Well my order status showed posted on Friday, but I've only received an e-mail notification of it being posted 5 minutes ago :(

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