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Does Any One Play Wow


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We have some people that grinded the 5 mans to ding 70 but them same people are now moaning about the quest lines and how they dont know where they start and end.


I am loving going to each new area and following all the quest lines and exploring the new content. I have made a silly amount of gold completing all the quests and last night i went into the caverns of time for the first time! now that is a fantastic instance!

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I'm the same really, I've been completing al quests in an area before moving onto the next. I'm about 50k away from hitting 66 and that's pretty much all been questing, very few instances. Zagrand is turning into a bit of a grind though, every quest seems to be 'Kill x of x' which is a bit dull. I just dont have the heart to do all that Nesingwary crap in one sitting.


I'm not in a rush, I can powerlevel alts when the time comes. I'd just rather enjoy the content.

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Some of the kill quests are silly, but I gather they're an alternative for people who dont want to level in instances/groups. The pain is knowing which quests are a useful chain for rep/dungeons and which are just time filler kill quests.


Kill 30 nagas? I mean come on!

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I was lucky enough to do them during the daytime when there was plenty about, one thing i found usefull was the Nagrand quest map. The ring of blood is very cool but if people camp the npc then it becomes a pain in the ass.


I took a couple of days off last week and finished up all the quests i could find and now i am 68 and just starting out in the Netherstorm. I have a week off next week so i am going to grind some Aldor rep and get the heroic quests done.

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You just wait until the various 'Mastery' quests in Nagrand. Remember STV? :)


The elites are simple to kill, Durn the hungerer is not all that much either.


just dinged revered with keepers of time :) will be having a play in hillsbrad heroic very soon, i sense lots of dying will be involved.

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The elites are simple to kill, Durn the hungerer is not all that much either.


Oh yeah, they're not hard to do, it's just the monotony of killing 180 mobs to get there.


I hit 68 today, going to take a rest from questing I think as my instance rep is awful due to less than 10 runs in total :)

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It's like a different language man. :(


EdIt: TEE - book the night of Saturday 24th March off dude - you need to come for a beer to celebrate 3 years of Manxforums. :)


Will have to see whats going on first, but may try and make it for sure.

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We had a Karazhan run the other night, its not that hard at all and we managed to get the first 4 bosses down, the stage part was hillarious!


Think on and get some arcane res kits for your melle for the 5th boss though he is a pain and what i think is the "stopper" in that instance.

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