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Went well but ended up with Romula and Julianne hardest of the opera lot :( phase 1 and 2 went well phase 3 is murder. hopefully next time will get something easier so we can progress a little :)



quick edit: all is not bad got nice shammy belt and bracers :) now currently at +1300 heal

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We have 2 teams running through Karazhan now and we were going to make a third but someone brought up a very good point.


There is no point locking 30 people to the instance for 3-5 days a week ( we only raid 3-5 times a week) when there is some amazing loot in the heroic instances that we have been doing, so rather than make a 3rd group we have decieded to make 2 groups and have the rest farm the heroic 5 man instances. We are working on a rotation system but things look pretty hopefull.


Going to take a poke in Grulls lair this week and see if we are good enough yet, will prolly be a wipe fest but at least we will know :P

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Hello you lot. Well Bee has been 70 for a bit now, hows things in your guilds? Do you think TBC has sent some players mental? Our guild is mature and we're all pretty matey but since TBC came people are changing in the way they play and its all getting a bit strange. Is anyone else finding weirdness?

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Hello you lot. Well Bee has been 70 for a bit now, hows things in your guilds? Do you think TBC has sent some players mental? Our guild is mature and we're all pretty matey but since TBC came people are changing in the way they play and its all getting a bit strange. Is anyone else finding weirdness?


Yep, too wierd for me and I've cancelled my account. Hated TBC really, 'kill 30 vulchers' and shit like that just really got on my nerves. Found the instances very samey and really missed the 40 man raids. So I'm free, woohoo!

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Been 70 for a while and the guild split and reformed to make it more TBC friendly. This was the case for most of the raiding guilds on our server while some of the smaller guilds have flourished with the new 10/25 man content.


Making sure everyone is still enjoying playing together in the guild is becoming hard, we killed the prince in Karazhan last week so we plan on getting the instance on farm to keep us busy for a couple of weeks and then once we have a core of 30 players with good enough gear we are going to try the 25 man raid stuff.


I dont play half as much as i used too because it bores me now but i am holding onto the hope that Blizz will soon see the gaps and listen to the players and come up with some good content. And buff engineering ffs!


On the bright side, LOTR online is shit so i know i will not be buying that and splitting my gaming time between 2 games :P

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Its on Hellscream at the moment i transfered it here a while ago. I am trying to get onto the account management list to see if its up for transfet but the link is down, will let you know.


The priest was just a little time sync thing for me really, one of my guild mates stopped playing ages ago and gave the account to me so i used it for pvp and to farm things, his gear is crap but its fun to play.


I just dont have time for him anymore, i have a 70 warrior a 64 lock and a 63 druid to keep me busy for now and the priest is just collecting dust.

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