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Does Any One Play Wow


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Its definately the social side that keeps you hooked. Like tonight, we're on the 2nd day of a 40 man raid. We did well last night, but the instance we're in resets on Weds, so you really want to log in with your 40 mates and finish it before it resets.

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Our guild has a hectic raid schedule at the moment.


We have 2 raid groups clearing Black wing layer on a wednesday/Thursday, then on a Thursday/friday we clear the 20 man instances and Ony, then at the weekend we clear MC and mon tuesday we clear AQ40!


It was so much easier with 50 members in the guild,but now because we have 2 raid groups and an alt raid group (its a lvl 60 only guild, this includes alts.) it has became much harder to manage, and with the new instance coming in the next 2 weeks, life in WOW is going to be a nightmare!


I am getting my monies worth though!



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We were stuck on Nef for a couple of weeks, the hardest part was dealing with phase 1, once we craked that he went down really really easy.


Just remember the stratholme holy water and engineer bombs for the 20% zerg, it makes it so much easier!

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To be honest, we've bearely even looked at nef strats. We only started bwl a few weeks ago, and didn't really expect to get through so fast. Amazed at how easy the broodlord and drakes are in particular after the challenge of vael and razor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know most people in this thread already play it, but I just thought I'd let you all know that you can download a free 10 day trial of WoW from fileplanet. I just finished downloading it, time to see what I've been missing out on all this time.


Get the client/trial key here.

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Well, my priest is 60 now, warrior is still only a wee pup @ 31, I sacked my mage (hes lvl 25 or something, but I hate playing him, stupid cloth wearer). Mr Bee has his 60 Pala and mini Bee has at least 3 chars that she plays. I daren't do /played...

I'm finding lvl 60 a bit too demanding, must do raids everynight, why? I still want stuff from BRD (much nicer cloth drops than the Devout set) Our guild is 'well serious' DKP site, forum and webby too. I quite enjoy the ventrillo chat during raids though.

I keep meaning to go and gank low level horde in retalliation for the beatings I recieved on my way to lv 60 but I'm far too busy doing other things for that kind of malarky.

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thebees - do you have to spec totally Holy/Disc to get into raid content with the priest?


I did a fair amount of MC when I still played my rogue on Runetotem but like you found it a little demanding, in addition to squabbling over places on the raid kind of took the fun out of it.


I've now a 45 Priest on a pvp server, full shadow spec which is great fun. I've found no problem healing groups in instances thus far with my spec.. I don't like the fact that at 60 I will most liekly have to respec Holy/Disc in order to raid the high end content :(


A level 60 life of pvp for me? :)

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thebees - do you have to spec totally Holy/Disc to get into raid content with the priest?


Most guilds have a spot for one shadow priest, who realistically only exists to debuff mobs for teh warlock. It's not that bad being holy/disc now though, since the revamp we have pretty good damage output. I'm above the paladins and def warriors at least :)


I did a fair amount of MC when I still played my rogue on Runetotem but like you found it a little demanding, in addition to squabbling over places on the raid kind of took the fun out of it.


Well, you join an uber guild, thats what you get. We run things a lot more casually, MC once a week, BWL twice or so and some 20 man to fill the gaps. All is optional and we dont boot anyone for not coming to raids, so it's pretty chilled.


I've now a 45 Priest on a pvp server, full shadow spec which is great fun. I've found no problem healing groups in instances thus far with my spec.. I don't like the fact that at 60 I will most liekly have to respec Holy/Disc in order to raid the high end content :(


Depends on your guild. We have one shadow priest, if you can find that spot, you're laffin. I imagine theres lots of shadow priests on a pvp server tho so it's probably tougher.


Me, I played a priest to heal not nuke. If I wanted to nuke, I'd have rolled a mage.


A level 60 life of pvp for me? :)


We've room for a rogue in our BWL raid on Runetotem! :)

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