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Does Any One Play Wow


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This is My Priest Build I was mostly shadow with about 15 points in holy/disc through to lvl 58 but then the guild needed me to be holy so I changed, it had always been my plan to change to a healer for big raids. I liked the vampiric embrace and shadow pain for PvP ownage :) but my holy build is 'great' for healing...Priests FTH!


Slim, are you Sweedish? you sound so very serious man. It is a game, it is supposed to be fun. It is NOT a serious game and I wish the damned Swedes would try and grasp the concept of gaming for fun, its not real gold, those epic shoulders aren't going to come in the post!


Edit: Ans, a rogue, I'm not at all surprised. ;)

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The stress of raiding every night is begining to get to me!


We have just started Naxxramus and we have got 3 bosses down but the Raid leaders are pushing for us to do more and more!


Morale is low, so much so that i am considering changing servers when the pay $25 to migrate comes in, its a game that i love to play but at the moment it feels like a job more than a game!

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Its mad isnt it? I'm guild mom, I take care of 'sick notes' and meanial things like professions and the like. Last week I got called to an Officers meeting in the Library at IF...DKP blah, Raid Blah, I had to leave, I dont actually care who gets the Epic drops, one day I might win one, it will be a bonus but it still isnt going to change the shape of history. I love WoW too. I wake up thinking, "I'll just heal the tank, ignore the clothies, FTH" and I goto sleep thinking "Why did the mage take it personally when I let him die"





Ans in.."told what to do" headline shocker.....

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Slim, are you Sweedish? you sound so very serious man. It is a game, it is supposed to be fun. It is NOT a serious game and I wish the damned Swedes would try and grasp the concept of gaming for fun, its not real gold, those epic shoulders aren't going to come in the post!


Er, no, what makes you say that? I'm saying our guild is casual, we do BWL but we dont demand our players go everynight or anything like that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The mighty Beeoelf There she is :) isn't she lovely? I did a bit of a mistake swapping my devout armour for the virtuous but I dont think it really matters. I have a dagger/offhand on there because Im leveling my dagger skill. Trin, do you likes her?

The wet lettuce warrior with a crappy axe heres my warrior, hes a bit rubbish, i havent paid much attention to him recently, all the fun of the raid kinda makes the boy less playable.


I've shown you mine, now (please may) you show me yours...as they say

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Just to cut in.


I know next to nothing about WOW.


Do I get it, how does it work, how do I "join", how much does it cost, is it REALLY that good, will it cost me my marrige?

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Its fairly addictive. Might cost you your marriage...if you dont give your wife the best pee cee in the house. Theres a DL (somewhere further up this thread). It is best to read about the chars and stuff first. Good luck

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Nice Tier 3 boots. You must be doing pretty well in Naxx already.


Was going great in Nax until half of the raid group decieded to leave and join a different guild!


The buggers waited till they all had T2 and AQ40 gear and then formed a super guild with the other epic chasers on the server.


Its left us with about 15 players missing from our first raid group so i dont see us going back to Nax for a few weeks, well further than Instrucor Razzuvius anyway he is just a joke we killed him with 35 drunken people and all the priests were alts in pvp gear.


If you can kill nefarian (Grats THH by the way!) then you can kill the instructor in Nax easy, just make sure you have 2-3 priests with +4 hit or above.

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