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Does Any One Play Wow


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We've got similar problems, too many sign to BWL for easy epics, and its harder to get signups for AQ and Naxx. AQ's getting better now that we've taken the princess down, so at least we're delivering some T2.5. Not killed anything in naxx yet, had 3 nights of wipes on Anooob, need that slacker shill to wake up and run :)



Be great to get the wins down so we can hand in reglalias without having to beg cleared instances from other guilds.


But if your fustrated by a lack of uberness in your current guild, mine isn't the place for you. We're a long way from uber, we're more about having some fun.

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Thats the point, we used to log on and have such a laugh, play benny hill music when we wipe, hide from people in instances or all get naked and tell someone its a bug. But all that has gone now and its an effort when we are trying to learn a boss and no bugger wants to have a laugh.


I have tried organising gnome runs and fun stuff like that but everyone has just turned dull, there is an uber leet guild on our server (all ex members of our guild.) and they are recruiting but again they have mr serious hats on all the time and when all is said and done i like to play this game for the fun factor rather than the progress.


WTB big fun stick to hit people with!

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  • 2 months later...

We're not doing a huge amount atm just waiting for TBC and having a laugh in BG's


My Shaman is looking kind cool ATM +674 healing, mana regen aint too shabby @ 90mp2 and new heal ccrit of 5034 :D






Desire on Eonar

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My 10 year old has just heard of WoW. I was going to get the game for him and let him have a look at it. He's been playing games like Morrowind and Oblivion so can get his way around games okay (taught himself the basics of using the TES construction set).


Would he find WoW easy to get into?


Is there any advice you'd give him on starting out?


Any websites worth looking at before starting off with the game?


Should he start with the basic game or get any of the exapnsion packs?


Thanks in advance.

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My 10 year old has just heard of WoW. I was going to get the game for him and let him have a look at it. He's been playing games like Morrowind and Oblivion so can get his way around games okay (taught himself the basics of using the TES construction set).


I'd say 10 is far too young for wow. It's an online game populated mostly with adults. Not something I'd let my kids play.

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I'd say 10 is far too young for wow. It's an online game populated mostly with adults. Not something I'd let my kids play.


Firstly - Merry Xmas and thanks for replying Slim.


What would put you off letting your kids play it? Adult content or just adult behaviour? If i'm to tell him he can't play it then i'd need a valid reason.


I've had a quick look on the WoW site as I was thinking of downloading the free trial and they have the game as being suitable for 12 upwards.

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The main thing is that a lot of the game later on relies heavily on team work and being part of groups of people - the vast majority being 14 plus at the very least. As most people in the game just assume they are talking to a relatively adult person they won't have the patience or non-adult mindset to help a 10 year old play which will result in bad feeling all round I suspect.


I may be totally wrong but I would wager that even if your lad is a mature 10 year old he will struggle to enjoy the game fully and perhaps lose patience towards the later parts of the game where quests start getting very hard, time consuming and out of his reach without a group of friends.


There are plenty of games out there that don't require the immersiveness that WoW brings.

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I sometimes let my 10 year old nephew play (he likes to lvl up my fishing for me!) I have asked my guild a couple of times to run him through a 20 man raid with my main char and he got to grips with it quite fast but he was being walked through it and the people he was with were very tollerant.


I made him his own toon but he got bored with all the grinding quests and his attention span only lasts for about 30 mins before he starts getting into mischief and winding other players up.


My advice would be try and find someone with a WOW account and let him have a fool around, but i do agree when it comes to group stuff it might be tough but it would take a few months to get to that stage and by then he would either have become skilled enough to cope or be bored of it.

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Some good replies and feedback, thanks guys.


The gaming aspect and co-operation side of it don't worry me, or his attention span. He's spent a few years playing Morrowind and finished the main quests in Oblivion quite quickly. so much so that he's now creating mods to get more out of the game. Obviously these games were single player. His only experience of collaborative playing up to now has been Diablo. he actually gets frustrated with players who only want to mess around.If he's doing quests he wants to do them properly. (though there are times when all he wants to do is get on the cow level and hack things up....) Now i know that diablo is only really hack and slash, not roleplaying, which is what i understand WoW to be (AD&D without the citadel lead figures but with a lot more to it??).


i'm actually tempted to sit and play the game with him. i used to do that 3/4 years back when he first started with Morrowind. he only wanted to hack and slash that at first but i helped with the gameplay and strategy side of it. I always loved roleplaying games and quite fancy a go on-line myself. Could even hook my laptop next to the gaming PC so we could play togehter on-line. I could also get an idea of the 'adultness' of it then.


Rhumsaa - what other games would you suggest instead of WoW?

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