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What's The Betting On A Eurozone Wide Banking Crash By Friday?


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And as the head of the eurozone finance ministers suggests, the "Cyprus model, which involves a tax on bank deposits, could form a template in any future bailout". http://www.bbc.co.uk...siness-21920574


This sends out an obvious message that when you put your dosh in any bank you're no longer a depositor, but an investor, with all the risks it incurs.


Anyone,(who actually has savings anymore), would be better off buying gold....or better still land!

It's been obvious for a while, but increasingly so now, that anyone with any sense and a large amount of currency to their name should be buying up physical assets and only keeping enough cash sat in a bank that they are prepared to lose. Investors shouldn't be looking for what offers them the biggest return on their capital at the moment but how they can at best keep hold of what they have or at worth how little can they lose through the escalating current crisis. Thankfully I don't have to worry about such trivialities!

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Anyone,(who actually has savings anymore), would be better off buying gold....or better still land!

Anyone looking at buying the yellow relic needs to take physical delivery though as ABN AMRO have just informed it's customers (that it stores gold on their behalf of) that they won't be able to take delivery of their own bought and paid for asset any more......although they will offer them lovely, rapidly devaluing fiat currency in exchange though. Anyone see a pattern emerging..... http://www.zerohedge...l-gold-delivery
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I don't predict that the Russians will take this well, and you never fuck with the Russians. A guy on newsnight tonight suggested German businesses in Russia might suddenly start having problems with the tax man and have to shut up shop. I wouldn't rule out a few banks being bombed and a few banking figures experiencing, err, random accidents. Today is only the start and I honestly can't believe the Germans can be so stupid as to let this run.

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I don't predict that the Russians will take this well, and you never fuck with the Russians. A guy on newsnight tonight suggested German businesses in Russia might suddenly start having problems with the tax man and have to shut up shop. I wouldn't rule out a few banks being bombed and a few banking figures experiencing, err, random accidents. Today is only the start and I honestly can't believe the Germans can be so stupid as to let this run.


I think they knew exactly what they were doing. Diverting attention away from the collapsing economic system. History shows when shit hits the fan we have trade wars then currency wars followed by real wars. Nothing resets a failed system (and this one is dead as debt levels are too high to ever be repaid) like a good ol shoot em up. We'll see a game of cat and mouse in Europe, the Iran situation escalate as well as probably the Koreas/China area hot up. May take a while reach to that stage but don't expect it to just blow over anytime soon.


In the meantime it'll increase employment in Cyprus as the politicians will need to hire people to start their cars for them in the mornings.

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Another take on the Cyprus issue from Zerohedge website.....

Is This The Diabolical "Master Plan" Behind Crushing Europe's Depositors


Last week, when we commented on the absolutely idiotic Eurogroup proposal (now voted down and replaced by an equally idiotic "bank resolution" proposal which will see uninsured deposits virtually wiped out) to tax uninsured and insured deposits, we jokingly suggested that this may be merely the latest ploy by the legacy status quo to achieve one simple thing: force depositors across the continent (and soon, world) to pull their money out of a malevolent, hostile banking system and push that money into stocks, or simply to spend it. This would help finally defeat the biggest bogeyman of the centrally-planned reflation attempt in the past 4 years - the absolutely dismal velocity of money which drops every time the G-7 central planners inject liquidity into stocks.




We were joking, because it would be beyond conspiratorial to suggest that a central bank could go as far as wiping out the wealth and savings of an entire nation in order to promote broken monetary policy. It would be outright idiotic and not to mention criminal. Why purposefully endanger depositors, and thus an entire financial system, just to spook them and their money? Or so we thought until we read the following just as "conspiratorial" take from Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid:

Maybe the lesson from all of this is that if you are fortunate enough to have a fair degree of money you might be better off spending it!
Maybe that’s the master plan here? Boosting activity by forcing people to use their money rather than deposit it!
Indeed I wonder how long it’ll be before an equity strategist suggests that
this is bullish as money might now leave deposit accounts and go into equities!

Sarcastic humor or sad, insolvent reality... You decide.

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I believe land is a solid investment ...

You sound very much like an estate agent who's got land to sell?

You are a Director of Crystals and good buddies of Heritage/ Dandara and I claim my £5

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