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Women For Peace

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I am posting this to uplift the profile of the aldermaston women's peace campaign.


This group of women has been campaigning against nucleur weapons for many years. Next month they celebrate their 20th anniversary and I hope women in the Isle of Man will lend their support.


Their campaign is very relevant to the Island. We would all be at risk from nucleur warfare and and we would all share the same exposure to the effects of nucleur accidents. The irish sea area is also forced to endure a creeping, irreversible, pollution from the likes of Sellafield and the other installations clustered around this small stretch of water.


It now seems likely that Mr Blair is set to announce plans to renew the British nucleur arsenal.


It is also probable that the UK Government is planning a nucleur power programme, ostensibly to help reduce emmissions from burning carbon fuels.It is not unreasonable to surmise the two are connected...the UK nucleur power industry has long been linked with nucleur weapons programmes.


If you would like to support the campaign please follow this link for more details.


aldermaston women's peace campaign

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I am posting this to uplift the profile of the aldermaston women's peace campaign.


This group of women has been campaigning against nucleur weapons for many years. Next month they celebrate their 20th anniversary and I hope women in the Isle of Man will lend their support.


Their campaign is very relevant to the Island. We would all be at risk from nucleur warfare and and we would all share the same exposure to the effects of nucleur accidents. The irish sea area is also forced to endure a creeping, irreversible, pollution from the likes of Sellafield and the  other installations clustered around this small stretch of water.


It now seems likely that Mr Blair is set to announce plans to renew the  British nucleur arsenal.


It is also probable that the UK Government is planning a nucleur power programme, ostensibly to help reduce emmissions from burning carbon fuels.It is not unreasonable to surmise the two are connected...the UK nucleur power industry has long been linked with nucleur weapons programmes.


If you would like to support the campaign please follow this link for more details.


aldermaston women's peace campaign

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Who are Women in Black?


Women in Black… is a world-wide network of women committed to peace with justice and actively opposed to injustice, war, militarism and other forms of violence. As women experiencing these things in different ways in different regions of the world, they support each other’s movements. An important focus is challenging the militarist policies of our own governments. They are not an organisation, but a means of communicating and a formula for action.


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Women should keep their noses out of affairs better managed by men.


The atomic bomb has saved lives across the globe so far by being in the hands of sane nations who realised the reality of mutually assured destruction and in so doing prevented the animosity that spilled over from the early part of the 20th century from becoming a shooting war as it would most certainly otherwise have done. There is evidence enough how close we came by the way that the Cold War was actually a very hot war but waged by proxy nations on behalf of the Big Three.


It was the Nuclear Weapon that was a very real deterrent, not just on an enemy but also on the possessor who knew that if he once used it the other guy would use it in return.


Had the stupid women at Aldermaston and at other Western bases had their way and had the CND had its way we would by now be in a very different world – those of us left alive, that is.


And let’s never forget the political stance of so many of the ban The Bomb fanatics, especially their leaders who played on the sentiment of decent people who were horrified at war of any form, nor of the finances from the communist bloc that did so much to keep the organisations going.


As regards renewing our nuclear arsenal – well even the awful Bleah can do some things right and this, along with the move towards re-starting the nuclear power generation program proves the point.


Women should stick to do the many things that the do well – these matters are not included in that list

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Women should keep their noses out of affairs better managed by men.


I take it that statement was to try and provoke a response.


Well here's one,

You're just a sexist moron Rog.




Ban The Bomb. Power to the people


I'm all for it myself always have been.


Good luck women of the world.

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I agree with WilDDog.  Rog, you are just becoming more of a Troll in your old age.


Strange how you're getting responses from men as well.


I wasn't Troll-ing. That is precisely what I believe.


We DO need nuclear based electricity generation and atomic weapons HAVE preserved lives thus far.


Had it not been for them there most certainly would have been a US / USSR conventional war within 5 years from the end of WW2.


Peace activists have soft hearts but unfortunatly soft brains to go with them.

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I wasn't Troll-ing.  That is precisely what I believe.


We DO need nuclear based electricity generation and atomic weapons HAVE preserved lives thus far.


Had it not been for them there most certainly would have been a US / USSR conventional war within 5 years from the end of WW2.


Peace activists have soft hearts but unfortunatly soft brains to go with them.



My comment was about the possibly provocative

Women should stick to do the many things that the do well – these matters are not included in that list
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Women should keep their noses out of affairs better managed by  men. 



Women should stick to do the many things that the do well – these matters are not included in that list


This from someone who has, I believe, expressed admiration for the Thatcher creature?


There are exceptions. Lady Thacher was a joint first with Churchill as the best PM the UK has ever had.

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Had the stupid women at Aldermaston


Im not sure about stupid .. these women are drawn from all backgrounds including the academic world .. several of them, whom I know personally, possess Phd qualifications .. I would have thought that would suggest they are not stupid.


And let’s never forget the political stance of so many of the ban The Bomb fanatics, especially their leaders who played on the sentiment of decent people who were horrified at war of any form, nor of the finances from the communist bloc that did so much to keep the organisations going.


The aldermaston women I have met do not have a unified political stance in the sense you imply. They are, however, committed to a single issue. For the avoidance of doubt .. it is not the case and never has been that communist bloc countries financed this particular group.


Women should stick to do the many things that the do well


One of the many things which women do well .. is the execution of intelligently planned campaigns such as the continuing protest at aldermaston.

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There's no real point in trying to change Rog's mind about anything. He prefers to accept reputations, stereotypes and legends rather than seriously examine any facts. He appears to believe that the Isle of Man is sinking into a morass of iniquity, that the Conservative Party is the natural party of government, that 'market forces are the answer to every problem (see his latest diatribe on the 'drugs in schools' thread), and that gender has a direct relevance to ability in every subject.

Whilst some of us may be guilty of making sexist, racist etc remarks in searching for a cheap laugh, the vast majority of us do not believe the stereotypes that they imply. The trouble with Rog is that he genuinely appears to believe in them.

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