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North Korea Enters "state Of War" Against South Korea


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Without north korea the yanks would have no excuse to mass troops and bases near china. Stop panicking. Kim's on our side, everything is going to be ok. I'm that confident i am painting the gable of my house

If you are looking for a painting job PM me:lol: :)

A relatively wise man once told me "if you can piss you can paint" while this basically rings true i am much too slow/too much of a perfectionist to ever make money at it. It would bankrupt me and eventually you passwt. And besides, it's pointless anyway, i have bought the whole islands supply of red lead. Just on the 27th coat right now. Hard work but maybe ultimately worth it. Stuck it on the credit card too. Win win as long as the armageddon comes

I'd put off stripping the old paint off if I were you.


You never know, it might get done for free....

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The lad went to a very posh boarding school in Switzerland. You're not telling me he wasn't tapped up by western intelligence so he could continue his life of luxury as long as he played the boogeyman role like his old man.

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I did wonder if the MOAB strike in Afghan was a try-out for a non-nuclear option against Pyongyang but I suspect the delivery system is too vulnerable.


Current thinking seems to be that the only way to deal with NK is to create a scenario which encourages a popular uprising that has a chance of success. So after Pyongyang has had a successful nuclear launch take out all their command and control via EMP and their leadership with non-nuclear ordnance and then sit back and watch the country implode.


Good luck with that one...


NB - Cruise Missiles have a shelf life of uo to 30 years but need re-certification and maintenance upgrades after just 15 years - use them or lose them!

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I cannot see NK sending a missile with a nuclear warhead on it. What is to say that NK has been doing these rather public missile launches as a bluff, maybe they have been sending up weaponised satellites, and these satellites are already in place to deliver EMP, this would render the enemy paralyzed and unable to counter strike, no need for mushroom clouds over cities, the way modern life is the populations of their target would be killing and eating each other within a week of the store shelves being empty and the horror of being deprived of TV and social media, leading to a 90% population reduction within a year and total annihilation of a hostile government.

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I cannot see NK sending a missile with a nuclear warhead on it. What is to say that NK has been doing these rather public missile launches as a bluff, maybe they have been sending up weaponised satellites, and these satellites are already in place to deliver EMP...

It is improbable NK yet have a reliable delivery-system for a nuclear warhead in missile form. The recent unsuccessful launch might indicate their technology is under-developed. The same improbability that they've managed to locate an EMP capable satellite in orbit, also applies.

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A lot of North Korean stuff is analog so emp won't work. Moab against pyongpang is pointless

NK's nuclear and ICBM programs are analogue?


Sources please?


I think he was referring to their general infrastructure and was positing that an EMP strike against a society that is less dependent on sensitive electronics would not be as effective. I don't have the information to know whether this theory is correct, though.

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A detailed article on EMP, referring a number of times to the US congressional committee. http://www.thespacereview.com/article/1549/1


The bottom line is that, indeed, our infrastructure is vulnerable to significant E1 and E3 pulses. While significant E3 would not be expected from a low yield weapon, it would be expected from a solar storm. And as explained in the following section, while a small weapon could certainly produce substantial destructive E1 fields, such fields would be restricted to only a small region of the country.


..a warhead would likely be launched by one of the Scud/No-dong/Shahab family of missiles. Since the payload of such missiles is limited to ~1000 kilograms, and only relatively crude technologies are available to such actors, we can safely assume that the yield would be on the order of ~1 kiloton


Thus, a standard “crude” one-kiloton device will not expose a very large area of the US to high E-fields, both because it will have to be detonated lower in the atmosphere to boost its EMP, and also because its EMP is inherently limited in strength.


Serious long-lasting consequences of a one-kiloton EMP strike would likely be limited to a state-sized region of the country. Although grid outages in this region may have cascading knock-on effects in more distant parts of the country, the electronic devices in those further regions would not have suffered direct damage, and the associated power systems far from the EMP exposed region could be re-started.

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I cannot see NK sending a missile with a nuclear warhead on it. What is to say that NK has been doing these rather public missile launches as a bluff, maybe they have been sending up weaponised satellites, and these satellites are already in place to deliver EMP, this would render the enemy paralyzed and unable to counter strike, no need for mushroom clouds over cities, the way modern life is the populations of their target would be killing and eating each other within a week of the store shelves being empty and the horror of being deprived of TV and social media, leading to a 90% population reduction within a year and total annihilation of a hostile government.

How do these satellites work on your flat earth?
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