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North Korea Enters "state Of War" Against South Korea


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What I mean is they have an absolutely shit ton of old weaponry, many with no electronic components at all. The only thing an EMP would do is take down their higher tech stuff, of which they have little. The EMP won't stop the artillery barrages hitting Seoul.


Basically in the event of war they'd just use a shitload of airstrikes on North Korean positions and it wouldn't last the week, but loads of people would die. And then you have 25 million North Koreans leaderless, who don't have a clue how the outside world works, and a shit load of bombs and guns. The death toll would be pretty damn high, and you know what the media is like when "civilians" start dying.

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What I mean is they have an absolutely shit ton of old weaponry, many with no electronic components at all. The only thing an EMP would do is take down their higher tech stuff, of which they have little. The EMP won't stop the artillery barrages hitting Seoul.


Basically in the event of war they'd just use a shitload of airstrikes on North Korean positions and it wouldn't last the week, but loads of people would die. And then you have 25 million North Koreans leaderless, who don't have a clue how the outside world works, and a shit load of bombs and guns. The death toll would be pretty damn high, and you know what the media is like when "civilians" start dying.

They might be able to do some limited damage to North Seoul but that's about it.


However this "general uprising" theory leading to few casualties and a quick end to hostilities I think is BS.


But it doesn't matter what I think.


It just matters what El Trumpo thinks (if at all!)


Scary stuff. Because the US rhetoric may just back themselves into a corner. Where to go from there?

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They could pretty much flatten large parts of Seoul very quickly. 14,000 artillary pieces and several hundred missiles are aimed at the place. It would take many weeks and months to take them out conventionally.


All while a million men cross the border, because they ain't gonna stop there.


Even a conventional war there could kill hundreds of thousands within very few days.


And nukes don't have to be delivered by missiles or shells, they can be hidden in ships and lorries.

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Basically in the event of war they'd just use a shitload of airstrikes on North Korean positions and it wouldn't last the week, but loads of people would die. And then you have 25 million North Koreans leaderless, who don't have a clue how the outside world works, and a shit load of bombs and guns. The death toll would be pretty damn high, and you know what the media is like when "civilians" start dying.


Wasn't quite so easy in the 1950s, when the USA wiped out 18 out of 22 cities. And used a shitload of napalm. Perhaps that's where the dislike of the USA comes from, and why they want nukes.




"Overall, the U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of bombs—including 32,557 tons of napalm—on Korea, more than they did during the whole Pacific campaign of World War II."


"we went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea, too." Pyongyang, which saw 75 percent of its area destroyed, was so devastated that bombing was halted as there were no longer any worthy targets. On 28 November, Bomber Command reported on the campaign's progress: 95 percent of Manpojin was destroyed, along with 90 percent of Hoeryong, Namsi and Koindong, 85 percent of Chosan, 75 percent of both Sakchu and Huichon, and 20 percent of Uiju. According to USAF damage assessments, "eighteen of twenty-two major cities in North Korea had been at least half obliterated."[318] By the end of the campaign, US bombers had difficulty in finding targets and were reduced to bombing footbridges or jettisoning their bombs into the sea."

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They could pretty much flatten large parts of Seoul very quickly. 14,000 artillary pieces and several hundred missiles are aimed at the place. It would take many weeks and months to take them out conventionally.


All while a million men cross the border, because they ain't gonna stop there.


Even a conventional war there could kill hundreds of thousands within very few days.


And nukes don't have to be delivered by missiles or shells, they can be hidden in ships and lorries.

This is assuming the regime doesn't collapse after a few days in the event the fat bastard gets taken out by a MOAB or somesuch. Cutting off the head of the snake might be the turning-point necessary. There must be some sort of opposition within NK; is the whole population completely brainwashed to the extent that Germany and Japan became in the 30's and 40's? I doubt it. A population such as NK's, having faced decades of deprivation and hardship might welcome an end to the Kim dynasty.
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There is no organised opposition.

There isn't that's true. They all disappear for even moderate resistance. The whole country is in some weird trance where if they stop taking the tablets they are pretty much sure that they won't be around for too much longer.

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If you have been following it for years you know then that most of their weaponry and air forces are rather antiquated and outdated by modern standards: T-series Russian tanks, for instance, some of which date from the fifties. Some older Chinese tanks also. The majority of their attack aircraft are MIG-21's: granted, in the hands of an experienced pilot, the 21 can be very effective. They operate a few more modern MIG's, the 29 for example, but their weaponry, radar and 'look-down' capabilities are nothing compared to what they may face. As are their rocket-launchers and SAM's. NK's air defence systems are less than sophisticated also (ref the USDoD reports on wiki). They have limited capability when it comes to extending any invasion into the south and resupplying any advance forces would be very problematic. NK is geared-up mainly for defensive action, not attack.


Any attack south would be suicidal. Fat-boy and his obsequious pensioner-generals must know this and must also realise that Trump and the combined US/SK forces won't dither about in the event of conflict. It would spell annihilation and the end of his rule and possibly the NK state for sure.

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