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North Korea Enters "state Of War" Against South Korea


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NK are proof that Trident still has its place and probably will do for many years to come.

North Korea is also a example that deterrence works both ways.


North Korea quite definitely has the ability to deter aggression against it. The US is basically powerless to stop North Korea developing the bomb and the ballistic weaponry to deliver it. All it could do was bluster in the UN and bring in token sanctions.


It is a very ambiguous message being sent to the world - countries like Iran are aware that North Korea, through the deterrence its conventional and nuclear forces provide, has a much stronger bargaining position than it would have if it couldn't obliterate the world's 15th biggest economy if things went noisy.


China's calculation is even more complicated - the last thing it wants is a ballistic missile shield being developed across the Pacific. That is a direct threat to its own deterrence. But it also doesn't want North Korea to collapse with refugee crises and US and South Korean troops moving north.


China doesn't want a nuclear Korean peninsula, but has failed to stop its client being increasingly bellicose.


That is the problem when a cult takes over a country. It simply will do what it wants to do, no matter the harm to its international position and to its population.


The ruling clique just don't care about economic sanctions or death and starvation for its population.


That is a tragedy, but a huge dilemma for the world. The message it sends for the likes of Iran isn't a good one.


There are huge risks that someone will miscalculate, with hundreds of thousands of deaths the result.


A lot of this is rhetoric, but to presume all the actors in North Korea are rational is a big presumption. A brain washed squaddy under a zealous colonel could really do some damage. Scary!

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A brain washed squaddy under a zealous colonel could really do some damage. Scary!

Yes indeed, whilst we have all heard this rhetoric before, only 3 years ago when a ship was even torpedoed etc. an accident or a brain washed folly is a real concern and represents the biggest danger IMO.
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I really don't understand how an isolated nation like North Korea can generate enough income to do anything?

Who buys anything from them and what are they selling?

There's a few Chinks in your logic there.


i.e. mostly down to the Chinese, who 1. want to protect their border and pushed the allies back to the 38th parallel after the Korean war, 2. want to maintain communism in N Korea and 3. pay a shit load of money to N Korea to ensure 1 and 2 remain so.

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NK's posturing is only attracting more attention from the Yanks and in turn to China's border etc; so why aren't the Chinese doing more to keep the 'Jong Un' in check because the current situation is going beyond the usual brink.

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Amadeus and I are within target distace of their medium range missiles.


Bugger, that means we are also within range of the American anti missile missiles.


If Nk do launch, it will fall into the sea two miles from their coast. But the butterfly effect will be a million tonnes of American TNT in the air with nowhere to go but down sweatingbullets.gif

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The ruling clique just don't care about economic sanctions or death and starvation for its population.


That's what happens when a country is run by unaccountable, unelected civil servants.

Especially Shoo Tim, New Kem, and Kil Yan Kee.

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