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North Korea Enters "state Of War" Against South Korea


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Amadeus and I are within target distace of their medium range missiles.



Yeah, but you're closer. zorro.gif


If I see a big a bright flash and big 'shroom from your direction, I'll make for Australia!

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Dad? have they bombed us yet..................have they bombed us yet Dad?..................Dad?


According to David Cameron on last nights news they've got missiles that can reach the UK. Err...haven't we heard this bullshit before??

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Dad? have they bombed us yet..................have they bombed us yet Dad?..................Dad?


According to David Cameron on last nights news they've got missiles that can reach the UK. Err...haven't we heard this bullshit before??


Err - they do. They can launch satellites - albeit small ones, these same rockets can hit the UK.


And they have nuclear warheads.


And they are stone bonkers.

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Err - they do. They can launch satellites - albeit small ones, these same rockets can hit the UK.


I'm not sure about your logic. Low orbit satellites are from about 1,000 miles up. The UK is over 5,000 miles away from N Korea. The USA 6,000. It's the pacific bases and Japan that are under threat realistically.


They're thought to have two missiles I gather, the ICBM KN-08 isn't proven so nobody knows the exact range, if it exists at all. The Musodan mobile missile 'only' has a range of 1,800 miles, so can't reach the UK or USA.


In other news:




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From about 100 miles up IME.


Yeah, Wikipedia says "A low Earth orbit (LEO) is generally defined as an orbit below an altitude of approximately 2,000 kilometers (1,200 mi). Given the rapid orbital decay of objects below approximately 200 kilometers (120 mi), the commonly accepted definition for LEO is between 160 kilometers (99 mi) (with a period of about 88 minutes) and 2,000 kilometers (1,200 mi) "


The 'successful' Kwangmythingydong satellite launch from NK was tracked at orbit at only 600 miles ish altitude.


So, not as far as slinging a missile from NK to the UK,

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Erm....just a bit disturbing!



The execution took place less than a year after 28-year-old Kim Jong-un became the world’s youngest leader on the death of his father in December 2011.


The condemned man was told to stand in a deserted spot on an army range where North Korean troops regularly carried out manoeuvres. As the man stood there, mortar rounds zeroed in on him and he was blown to pieces — or ‘obliterated’, as the South Korean media reported it.


Kim Jong-un had ordered that ‘no trace of him, down to his hair’ should remain.


The dead man was Kim Jong-un’s deputy defence minister, Kim Chol. His supposed crime? To have been found drinking and carousing during the mourning period for the new leader’s father.


In truth, the charges were almost certainly trumped up. Kim Chol was the victim of a purge of high-ranking officials in the North Korean regime. Among the dozen or more senior figures who had also fallen from favour — some of whom have been executed by firing squads — were the head of the army and the governor of the North Korean central bank.



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Erm....just a bit disturbing!



The execution took place less than a year after 28-year-old Kim Jong-un became the world’s youngest leader on the death of his father in December 2011.


The condemned man was told to stand in a deserted spot on an army range where North Korean troops regularly carried out manoeuvres. As the man stood there, mortar rounds zeroed in on him and he was blown to pieces — or ‘obliterated’, as the South Korean media reported it.


Kim Jong-un had ordered that ‘no trace of him, down to his hair’ should remain.


The dead man was Kim Jong-un’s deputy defence minister, Kim Chol. His supposed crime? To have been found drinking and carousing during the mourning period for the new leader’s father.


In truth, the charges were almost certainly trumped up. Kim Chol was the victim of a purge of high-ranking officials in the North Korean regime. Among the dozen or more senior figures who had also fallen from favour — some of whom have been executed by firing squads — were the head of the army and the governor of the North Korean central bank.




more than just a bit!


cuckoo cuckoo...



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I wonder if Kim Jong or his aides review actual (non propaganda) news websites from around the world? If they did then surely they must know that they would be utterly obliterated should they decide to launch any kind of serious strike. Or perhaps they have simply been under the shroud of propaganda for so long that they truly believe they are nation capable of wiping out the USA and her allies. The leader seems like a very naive, spoiled brat who thinks he can do anything he wants. All you have to do is look at the pictures of him with his pointing stick aimed at charts to see that he plainly has no military experience whatsoever.


The mind boggles, but i truly hope all this blustering comes to nothing. However, how can we truly stop NK pursuing nuclear weapons?

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You have to wonder how much is the western media blowing it out of proportion as well. We love a good bogeyman and Obomber and his gang need someone to lionise and whip up hysteria against.

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