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Airlines Charges Passengers By Weight


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Nope, not a late April Fool's apparently:


SAMOA Airlines has started to charge passengers by the kilo, rather than per seat.




Bad news for McDonalds customers if this catches on :)

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Quite right ...


Can't wait to see the scales come out at Reynoldsway.


I object to having to pay exorbitant excess baggage rates which may only equate to an extra five kilos or so, whilst Mr & Mrs lardarse weighing well over 200kgs between them pay nowt ...


Airline fuel loading is calculated on distance / baggage / cargo hold weight.


Its about time fatties paid their share of increased airline fuel costs ...


Make it so!



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Quite right ...


Can't wait to see the scales come out at Reynoldsway.


I object to having to pay exorbitant excess baggage rates which may only equate to an extra five kilos or so, whilst Mr & Mrs lardarse weighing well over 200kgs between them pay nowt ...


Airline fuel loading is calculated on distance / baggage / cargo hold weight.


Its about time fatties paid their share of increased airline fuel costs ...


Make it so!

Yeah... but how are we gonna get rid of Reynolds if she can't afford the fare?

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So do tall people pay more than short, simply because there's more of them, no matter how they diet?


Good point - I wouldn't be fat if I was 8' tall


You mean you're not overweight, you're underheight.


Yes, that's it, I'm severely underheight for my weight.

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Very good point on the height front. Do we get extra legroom too so that the midget cunt sat in front of us can't constantly bang his seat against our knees throughout the entire duration of the flight?

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When I saw it on the news, the expert was talking about this only affecting people flying from A to B. So I don't see how it affects the island, cos I've never seen either A or B on the destination or arrival board at Ronaldsway.

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