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Airlines Charges Passengers By Weight


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I think it is a great idea, last time I flew I was sat next to a tub of lard that squashed me against the window and when I wanted to go for a pee took half an hour to grunt and groan it's way out of the seat to let me past then got stuck against the trolley dolly and her goods. What a performance, everyone around got the giggles the trolley dolly got the hump and I got desperate. They used to have scales at Ronaldsway and weigh all the passenger in the good old days, although this was for balance rather than monetary gain.

30 mins? Really? Absolute nonsense, and even if this scenario ensued it would have been moments meaning you chose to leave your seat as the "trolley dolly" was making her rounds. People like you are scum. Sub-human scum.

Are you morbidly obese?

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I think it is a great idea, last time I flew I was sat next to a tub of lard that squashed me against the window and when I wanted to go for a pee took half an hour to grunt and groan it's way out of the seat to let me past then got stuck against the trolley dolly and her goods. What a performance, everyone around got the giggles the trolley dolly got the hump and I got desperate. They used to have scales at Ronaldsway and weigh all the passenger in the good old days, although this was for balance rather than monetary gain.

30 mins? Really? Absolute nonsense, and even if this scenario ensued it would have been moments meaning you chose to leave your seat as the "trolley dolly" was making her rounds. People like you are scum. Sub-human scum.

Are you morbidly obese?

Matthew you know I am.


Still doesn't change the fact that there is no way it took anyone 30 mins to get out of their seat and it doesn't change the fact that people who leave their seat when meals/snacks are being served are scum.

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I think it is a great idea, last time I flew I was sat next to a tub of lard that squashed me against the window and when I wanted to go for a pee took half an hour to grunt and groan it's way out of the seat to let me past then got stuck against the trolley dolly and her goods. What a performance, everyone around got the giggles the trolley dolly got the hump and I got desperate. They used to have scales at Ronaldsway and weigh all the passenger in the good old days, although this was for balance rather than monetary gain.

30 mins? Really? Absolute nonsense, and even if this scenario ensued it would have been moments meaning you chose to leave your seat as the "trolley dolly" was making her rounds. People like you are scum. Sub-human scum.

Are you morbidly obese?

Matthew you know I am.


" it doesn't change the fact that people who leave their seat when meals/snacks are being served are scum."

An interesting hypothesis , call me what you like but when travelling by air I dread being seated next to someone who is very overweight and asks if it's OK to put the seat armrest up to make them more comfortable as I'll refuse and probably offend.


After paying for a seat with more legroom I was then told by another passenger that I was unreasonable as I declined to swap seats with him as he felt his 'need' was greater than mine.


Don't get me started on parents who when being requested to deter their kids from kicking the back of my seat respond with "Well what can you do". lol


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I think it is a great idea, last time I flew I was sat next to a tub of lard that squashed me against the window and when I wanted to go for a pee took half an hour to grunt and groan it's way out of the seat to let me past then got stuck against the trolley dolly and her goods. What a performance, everyone around got the giggles the trolley dolly got the hump and I got desperate. They used to have scales at Ronaldsway and weigh all the passenger in the good old days, although this was for balance rather than monetary gain.

30 mins? Really? Absolute nonsense, and even if this scenario ensued it would have been moments meaning you chose to leave your seat as the "trolley dolly" was making her rounds. People like you are scum. Sub-human scum.

Are you morbidly obese?

Matthew you know I am.


Still doesn't change the fact that there is no way it took anyone 30 mins to get out of their seat and it doesn't change the fact that people who leave their seat when meals/snacks are being served are scum.

As opposed to the morbidly obese who prefer to sit back in their double seat licking their lips when the meals/snack trolleys are coming round.

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I think it is a great idea, last time I flew I was sat next to a tub of lard that squashed me against the window and when I wanted to go for a pee took half an hour to grunt and groan it's way out of the seat to let me past then got stuck against the trolley dolly and her goods. What a performance, everyone around got the giggles the trolley dolly got the hump and I got desperate. They used to have scales at Ronaldsway and weigh all the passenger in the good old days, although this was for balance rather than monetary gain.

30 mins? Really? Absolute nonsense, and even if this scenario ensued it would have been moments meaning you chose to leave your seat as the "trolley dolly" was making her rounds. People like you are scum. Sub-human scum.

Are you morbidly obese?

Matthew you know I am.


Still doesn't change the fact that there is no way it took anyone 30 mins to get out of their seat and it doesn't change the fact that people who leave their seat when meals/snacks are being served are scum.

Er...two things:


1. I don't know who you are so couldn't possibly have known whether you were morbidly obese or not, I only asked because of your response.

2. Only my wife calls me Matthew, usually when I have annoyed her.

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i think the ticket price should reflect an overall weight, person plus baggage. so say an average human for instance is 75 kilos plus 20 kilos baggage a flat fair of what ever is cahrged, then if you weigh in more than that a sensible per kilo charge, this would increase fairness between the overwieght/heavy bag charge situation and also allow you to take more baggage weight if you wanted without being bent over for it.To implement the ticket charge the passenger could weigh at home to avoid embaressment but with the chance of a random private airport weigh in. I dont think the per kilo charge should be prohibatory to bigger people but it does seem unfair when someone is 30k heavier than you and your hit with the outragious baggage over weight charges for maybe 2 kg and them nothing, maybe i will just wear everything i take on holliday next time!

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The problem with wanting to charge for weight is that fat people will just fly with someone who isn't charging them.

For flights in Europe, the vast majority of a flight ticket isn't down to fuel costs or weight anyway, it's down to taxes such as Air Passenger Duty (£13 per person on a standard economy ticket), airport charges (~£8 to £15).

Anyway, it's completely useless to try and do because weighing everyone would take ages at the airport. Most people check in online for flights these days, and just go straight through the gate - there would be huge delays trying to do it. Would YOU really want to be weighed in a queue of people?

It works for Samoa, because the only people flying those island hopping routes are their small aircraft, and people haven't got a choice - AND weight is quite important on those small flights.

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Angrydave - As I mantioned earlier, the cost of hold baggage is due to baggage handling charges, not aircraft take-off weight. Many budget airlines only allow 20kg of hold baggage, because they are charged more if it is over 23kg (50lb), hence the extra charges for 20-23kg (baggage handlers health and saftey / danger money).


Around 2/3 of the weight of an aircraft is literally the weight of the aircraft and fuel. It basically costs little more to fly a full plane than en empty plane once it is in the air. The weight of the passengers is almost irrelevant.

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Cambon - agreed.


I would like to see a graph confirming what effect of extra weight has on fuel over a typical 1 hour short haul flight. I bet it is nothing and the airlines (no longer able to shaft people for the usual £20 card admin fee) need a new excuse to pull people's pants down. The shysters.

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Quite right ...


Can't wait to see the scales come out at Reynoldsway.


I object to having to pay exorbitant excess baggage rates which may only equate to an extra five kilos or so, whilst Mr & Mrs lardarse weighing well over 200kgs between them pay nowt ...


Airline fuel loading is calculated on distance / baggage / cargo hold weight.


Its about time fatties paid their share of increased airline fuel costs ...


Make it so!

Yeah... but how are we gonna get rid of Reynolds if she can't afford the fare?


I think everyone on the IOM would chip in. Failing that, ask some of those manx space industry guys if we can borrow a rocket?



Very good point on the height front. Do we get extra legroom too so that the midget cunt sat in front of us can't constantly bang his seat against our knees throughout the entire duration of the flight?


One easy way to get around the height (and weight) issue: fly business class. Loads of space, free stuff and a more relaxed way to travel with lounge access and whatnot. Even on the rather basic Philippine Arlines, you get huge seats, nice food, and a super pretty nice cabin crew to look after you. smile.png




Doesn't even have to cost you - I've managed to blag upgrades worth thousands of pounds with Emirates and Etihad in the past. Always worth asking!


Whenever I fly, I want to be able to enjoy the experience - nothing is worse than being crammed in your seat with a sweat mountain next to you and crying children providing the soundtrack. The only thing I haven't managed yet is to fly Emirates A380 First Class. I will at some point, just to experience it - just have to find the cheapest way to do it without having to sell a kidney.







I think it is a great idea, last time I flew I was sat next to a tub of lard that squashed me against the window and when I wanted to go for a pee took half an hour to grunt and groan it's way out of the seat to let me past then got stuck against the trolley dolly and her goods. What a performance, everyone around got the giggles the trolley dolly got the hump and I got desperate. They used to have scales at Ronaldsway and weigh all the passenger in the good old days, although this was for balance rather than monetary gain.

30 mins? Really? Absolute nonsense, and even if this scenario ensued it would have been moments meaning you chose to leave your seat as the "trolley dolly" was making her rounds. People like you are scum. Sub-human scum.

Are you morbidly obese?

Matthew you know I am.


Still doesn't change the fact that there is no way it took anyone 30 mins to get out of their seat and it doesn't change the fact that people who leave their seat when meals/snacks are being served are scum.


That's a bit strong to refer to someone as scum for choosing to get out of the seat on a plane. Usually, the crew starts serving once cruising altitude is reached. That's also the time the seatbelt signs are switched off - the first opportunity to go for a pee once in the air. So that would be one scenario and explanation as to why a 'subhuman' would show such outlandish behaviour.


However, as every passenger who has ever travelled economy on a large jet knows, going to the loo on a flight can be a game of strategy, waiting for the right moment, and surprise attack. Sometimes you can see the sign for the nearest loo is red, so it's occupied, and there are a couple of people waiting outside already. No point getting up and joining the queue. Better observe and wait for the right moment. Once the moment is right, it's Yippie Kay Yay fellow passengers, cry Havoc and let slip the dogs of war! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition as that loo shall be mine, trolley service or not!


Only because I choose to get up and follow the call of nature instead of peeing my pants at the same time as the trolley comes along doesn't make me scum.


I don't know who you are or why you are MO and it's not to me to comment about your size, but it's not my fault either that it takes you longer to get out of your seat. Maybe book a different seat, or more than one seat, or fly business so these situations can be avoided.


An interesting hypothesis , call me what you like but when travelling by air I dread being seated next to someone who is very overweight and asks if it's OK to put the seat armrest up to make them more comfortable as I'll refuse and probably offend.


Been there and refused. If you can't fit properly in one seat, buy two. I'm not going to suffer discomfort for someone else's decision (it was a three seat layout).

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