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Baroness Margaret Thatcher Has Died


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A magnificent woman who saved a country in a state of rapid decline.


And an excellent scientist before entering politics, responsible for the Mr. Whippy style of ice cream.


ETA: St. Margaret of Grantham perhaps?

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A magnificent woman who saved a country in a state of rapid decline.


And an excellent scientist before entering politics, responsible for the Mr. Whippy style of ice cream.


ETA: St. Margaret of Grantham perhaps?


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Can't say I agreed with her politics or most of the praise she receives, but this is probably the first time I've thought of her as a person.

I don't really know how to feel. I'm certainly not happy about it because she's a person and she's dead and I can't take pleasure in that, but on the other hand she's Thatcher.


I'll settle for some Billy Bragg and then a bit of sombre thought about life the universe and everything.

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The title should read Mrs Thatcher has died - show some respect please.


She had more balls than the whole of the current British Government put together.


Or Baroness Thatcher


ETA - I quite liked her. The UK was a mess and the Winter of Discontent seemed to be the final straw

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A magnificent woman who saved a country in a state of rapid decline.


And an excellent scientist before entering politics, responsible for the Mr. Whippy style of ice cream.


ETA: St. Margaret of Grantham perhaps?


Not a popular opinion but one I agree with, a Prime Minister that will be remembered kindly by the history books.

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There's no point in being vitriolic about her now. Nor should she be held entirely responsible for the most divisive government in my lifetime - others, such as Keith Joseph and Milton Friedman were equally to blame.

Once again, of course, her timing is perfect; a whole generation has grown up being fed the myth of her 'greatness' and now, in the mourning process, her 'achievements' will be celebrated as if they were genuine. Eventually, I hope, historians and unbiased analysts will unravel the legend and expose the damage that her government caused. In the meantime, I do not - in any sense - mourn her death.

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As far as I'm aware leaders aren't supposed to completely polarise those they are leading.....


The BBC made me smile:


"Mr Cameron, who is in Madrid for meetings, has cancelled planned talks in Paris with French President Francois Hollande and will return to the UK later on Monday."


A UK pensioner dies, as plenty do every day, and the PM has to cancel international talks and come back to the UK? WTF! Does he think he's going to lead the tory faithful in mourning or something? Not what we pay you for you twat.


"The Queen was sad to hear the news of the death of Baroness Thatcher"


They hated each other's guts.


"She was also in power when the UK went to war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands in 1982."


Her short-sighted policies helped precipitate the conflict.


And so on.


It had better not mess up tonights tv....

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