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Baroness Margaret Thatcher Has Died


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...on this Island of mainly Daily Mail reading ignorant w-nkers, you get looked at like you're a nutter if you say anything against the status quo.

Not by me...some of their songs were actually pretty shite.

The only good song they did was the theme music to Local Hero.


You'd better stick to listening to the greatest hits of Chomsky as Local Hero was Mark Knopfler not Status Quo.

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I remember miners being offered work at different mines 20 miles away from home, but they would not do it because it meant travelling or moving. That did not stop them travelling to be flying pickets though. I found this quite unbelievable. I moved four times in just over a year in order to keep working, I even changed countries. 3M unemployed? Hmm. I have my doubts. If you were willing to travel, there was plenty of work. That I know. The real problem was similar to the problem these days in uk. Apathy. These days immigrants are blamed. Truth is these days they are doing the jobs benefits scroungers refuse to.

What an irritating post. "They should have just moved home". No they shouldn't. Why should people have to leave their community, family and friends?


Well well. MF has it's very own Norman Tebbit...

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She did what had to be done. During the 1970s, uk was producing shite cars at premium prices, subsidised by the tax payer. They were spending twice as much mining coal as the stuff was worth, subsidised by the tax payer. On top of this, the people producing this shite wanted massive wage increases for doing it. It had to stop.


I remember miners being offered work at different mines 20 miles away from home, but they would not do it because it meant travelling or moving. That did not stop them travelling to be flying pickets though. I found this quite unbelievable. I moved four times in just over a year in order to keep working, I even changed countries. 3M unemployed? Hmm. I have my doubts. If you were willing to travel, there was plenty of work. That I know. The real problem was similar to the problem these days in uk. Apathy. These days immigrants are blamed. Truth is these days they are doing the jobs benefits scroungers refuse to.

What an irritating post. "They should have just moved home". No they shouldn't. Why should people have to leave their community, family and friends?

Why shouldn't they move? Do lions sit and wait for antelope to come to them? No they are costantly on the move following the herd, following the work. That is nature.

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...on this Island of mainly Daily Mail reading ignorant w-nkers, you get looked at like you're a nutter if you say anything against the status quo.

Not by me...some of their songs were actually pretty shite.

The only good song they did was the theme music to Local Hero.

And that was good because of Mark Knopfler!

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the rich and the poor

Ah, how convenient. There are just two factions are there? Define them. Which are you? Whilst they are useful concepts for anyone determined to introduce polarisation into a discussion, the vast majority of people are neither. However, like anything else, we can all cherry pick examples to "disprove" this view. Don't take this opinion as dismissing the considerable need of those who are really struggling at the moment through no fault of their own. Our welfare state is the envy of the world and so it should be. Long may it continue.


OK. For the sake of debate here are some definitions for you. Let's say "rich" are those who had enough disposable income to be able to buy shares in the national assets that Thatcher plundered privatised. Let's define "poor" as those with no disposable income who were unable to buy shares in the national assets that Thatcher privatised.


So prior to privatisation every citizen had a share in their national assets. After privatisation the ownership of those national assets passed to the already well off. Result? For example we now have the most expensive rail journeys in Europe and for a G8 nation their safety record is poor.

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She did what had to be done. During the 1970s, uk was producing shite cars at premium prices, subsidised by the tax payer. They were spending twice as much mining coal as the stuff was worth, subsidised by the tax payer. On top of this, the people producing this shite wanted massive wage increases for doing it. It had to stop.


I remember miners being offered work at different mines 20 miles away from home, but they would not do it because it meant travelling or moving. That did not stop them travelling to be flying pickets though. I found this quite unbelievable. I moved four times in just over a year in order to keep working, I even changed countries. 3M unemployed? Hmm. I have my doubts. If you were willing to travel, there was plenty of work. That I know. The real problem was similar to the problem these days in uk. Apathy. These days immigrants are blamed. Truth is these days they are doing the jobs benefits scroungers refuse to.

What an irritating post. "They should have just moved home". No they shouldn't. Why should people have to leave their community, family and friends?

Why shouldn't they move? Do lions sit and wait for antelope to come to them? No they are costantly on the move following the herd, following the work. That is nature.


First your analogy is bollocks. Lions and most preditors do not follow the herds, they have a territory and sit and wait in that territory.


Secondly the idea of getting on your bike was in many cases not practical. For a period I was in the North West looking for work, the only thing I got was a short 3 day job packing for a distributor. Where was I meant to go looking for work? I was on the dole and was having to live with my parents the only way I could have gone to another part of the country to look for a job was if I hitch hiked and slept rough. I did not have the money to spend on long train trips let alone pay for somewhere to stay.


The same I presume would have applied to many with families and in accomodation. It is not that easy to uproot your family and to travel elsewhere in the hope there might be jobs. Even if only renting you have to get ourt of your current lease, find a deposit for your next place and if again reliant on housing benefit/dole you have to go through all the rig marole of getting changes agreed waithing for the money coming through. If you leave your family behind then how are you expected to pay for two sets of accomodation.


Getting on your bike to look for a job is fine in theory but when you have little or no money it is bloody difficult.

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R.I.P. the great Iron Lady.



a great prime minister with more balls than all the labour shite put together.


A "great" Prime Minister is not one in my view who causes huge division in opinion. Whatever you say about her it appears all sides agree that she polarised opinions etc.


I do wonder how many of those who praise her almost without restraint lived in the UK at the time of her governments and were over 16 years of age. I also wonder how they would feel if the same sort of ceremonial funeral, parliamentary recall was arranged when Blair dies. In my view neither should have, except Churchill no other PM appears to have had, and it seems more to be a party political event than anything else. I do wonder if it will backfire on the Tories as to be honest after 20 years I had forgotten some of what is was like under Thatcher and I am sure others have. The funeral will do nothing to alter the views of true blue Tories who already see her as the blessed Margaret except some may decamp to UKIP but I can see some of the middle ground, who may have forgotten about the worst of times under her and then Major because of subsequent Govts, remembering whilst they were so keen to see the back of her

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I do wonder if it will backfire on the Tories as to be honest after 20 years I had forgotten some of what is was like under Thatcher and I am sure others have. The funeral will do nothing to alter the views of true blue Tories who already see her as the blessed Margaret except some may decamp to UKIP but I can see some of the middle ground, who may have forgotten about the worst of times under her and then Major because of subsequent Govts, remembering whilst they were so keen to see the back of her


I'm not convinced because Kinnochio demonstrated all too clearly that the GBP will not support a party whose leader they do not see as PM. I suspect Milliminor has a long way to go before the GBP view him as Prime Min material as well. So with his choice as leader the unions have shot themselves in the foot - again!

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except Churchill no other PM appears to have had [a ceremonial funeral]

Not really true - both Wilson and Heath had major memorial services in Westminster Abbey attended by Royalty (though not the Queen) and statesmen and women, including serving Prime ministers, international guests etc. I think this is the same for MacMillan too, but the web doesn't mention where it was held.


The point you make though is reasonably valid, we don't remember these funerals because they weren't contentious. It is the divisiveness which makes all this comment worthy. No one thought it necessary to comment on the funeral arrangements of Heath - the 1500 people at Westminster Abbey probably only got a 20 second slot at the end of the evening news.


Thatcher is a far more influential figure than Heath and I don't think there is such a particular difference between what was done for him, and what will be done for her.


And when Blair dies he should also be recognized for the service he did for the UK. Why should we treat him or Thatcher so differently than Heath or Wilson?

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The point you make though is reasonably valid, we don't remember these funerals because they weren't contentious. It is the divisiveness which makes all this comment worthy. No one thought it necessary to comment on the funeral arrangements of Heath - the 1500 people at Westminster Abbey probably only got a 20 second slot at the end of the evening news.


I watched Churchill's funeral procession which was broadcast live and lasted some 2 hours on a Saturday morning. It was repeated in an hour slot in the evening. I felt sorry for the Guardsmen pall bearers. Anyone who has done it will know that they are bloody heavy and the contents was no lightweight either! It looked very tricky loading it onto the launch.


It was doing the rounds that Churchill had requested that should De Gaulle outlive him he wanted his remains to be shipped out of London by train from Waterloo station! In the event De Gaulle did outstay him but I'm not sure if he was at the funeral.

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except Churchill no other PM appears to have had [a ceremonial funeral]

Not really true - both Wilson and Heath had major memorial services in Westminster Abbey attended by Royalty (though not the Queen) and statesmen and women, including serving Prime ministers, international guests etc. I think this is the same for MacMillan too, but the web doesn't mention where it was held.


The point you make though is reasonably valid, we don't remember these funerals because they weren't contentious. It is the divisiveness which makes all this comment worthy. No one thought it necessary to comment on the funeral arrangements of Heath - the 1500 people at Westminster Abbey probably only got a 20 second slot at the end of the evening news.


Thatcher is a far more influential figure than Heath and I don't think there is such a particular difference between what was done for him, and what will be done for her.


And when Blair dies he should also be recognized for the service he did for the UK. Why should we treat him or Thatcher so differently than Heath or Wilson?



Sorry but whilst Heath, Wilson had memorial services after private funerals, they were nothing like the ceremonial funeral being planned for Thatcher. They were more akin to many of the memorial services for famous people. They were not long processions on closed roads lined by police and miltary, coffins on a gun carriage, gun salutes, etc.

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R.I.P. the great Iron Lady.



a great prime minister with more balls than all the labour shite put together.

A "great" Prime Minister is not one in my view who causes huge division in opinion. Whatever you say about her it appears all sides agree that she polarised opinions etc.


I do wonder how many of those who praise her almost without restraint lived in the UK at the time of her governments and were over 16 years of age. I also wonder how they would feel if the same sort of ceremonial funeral, parliamentary recall was arranged when Blair dies. In my view neither should have, except Churchill no other PM appears to have had, and it seems more to be a party political event than anything else. I do wonder if it will backfire on the Tories as to be honest after 20 years I had forgotten some of what is was like under Thatcher and I am sure others have. The funeral will do nothing to alter the views of true blue Tories who already see her as the blessed Margaret except some may decamp to UKIP but I can see some of the middle ground, who may have forgotten about the worst of times under her and then Major because of subsequent Govts, remembering whilst they were so keen to see the back of her

Clement Attlee should have had the full works

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