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Baroness Margaret Thatcher Has Died


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Margaret Thatcher Trafalgar Square Death Party Attended By Hundreds

Under pounding rain, they came with cider and champagne, in party hats and witches' hats, from as far afield as Durham and Brighton, to mark the death of Margaret Thatcher with a party in London's Trafalgar Square - first organised nine years ago.


Link http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/04/13/margaret-thatcher-trafalgar-square-party_n_3077288.html?1365885563&utm_hp_ref=uk

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Was it Kinnock who stopped the mass vote of Unions in the Labour party?


He certainly made speeches that were good enough for the present vice-president of the USA to plagiarise!

It was Kinnock and the unions and much of Labour hated him for it, a shame as I think he would have been a great PM.

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Hundreds? Hardly a success and display of the national feeling then?


The fact they are there at all, at the iconic heart of London, is the important bit, and they know it. Tell you what, define success in terms of national feeling? How well did the Jarrow marchers do in terms of success? They're in the history books though. Good luck with that one....

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She destroyed Northern England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


The old bag was only interested in the tory south of england.


She put members of my family out of work and levied an unfair taxation system on Scotlands - the poll tax, which England didn't have to pay.


Good riddence to the evil cow.

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Good riddence to the evil cow.


I had immense dislike for the woman, but let it go.


She has been out of power for 23 years, ousted by her own party. She suffered from dementia in later years and was buoyed up only by drink.


Her legacy effectively led to three straight Labour wins after a stuttering Major led government. Her social conservatism has been erased by New Labour and then byCameron himself with the legalization of gay marriage and her economic competence is questionable with her defenders blaming Labour for the banks going bust when its more to with the neo liberal shamonomics.

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We need a Manx Maggie more than anything else at the moment before the imploding public sector bankrupts itself trying to maintain the status quo.

Having come across some Manx politicians, a Manx Maggie will be somewhere in the ball park of Tony Benn in the political spectrum!!

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prism I think some are just aching for a reason to demonstrate and social media all over the UK is full of verbal demonstration. This is a mighty convenient cause just in time for the summer demonstrating season. However despite finding that and the joy of her death quite distasteful, I fully accept that she did some very bad things that required demonstration (which I think is a right). However, as you point out, it's nearly 30 too late to have any effect on anything.


My concern is that some won't stop at demonstration and despite relying only on the evidence that suits their agenda (as opposed to witnessing some of the excesses of the times first hand like a few of us of us did) we shall no doubt see teenagers and slightly older, full of moral indignation, trashing the place.

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Good riddence to the evil cow.


I had immense dislike for the woman, but let it go.


She has been out of power for 23 years, ousted by her own party. She suffered from dementia in later years and was buoyed up only by drink.


Her legacy effectively led to three straight Labour wins after a stuttering Major led government. Her social conservatism has been erased by New Labour and then byCameron himself with the legalization of gay marriage and her economic competence is questionable with her defenders blaming Labour for the banks going bust when its more to with the neo liberal shamonomics.

All I did was bid old Marge fairwell.


Can't stand cameron either - marriage is between a man and a woman.

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There were about 3 thousand people in Trafalgar Sq according to other reports, I was watching it on a web cam and our friend was there. I'd say really there were 1500 people there but that is still a huge amount considering the rain and cold and also, that the police stopped letting people in, actually if you were to include all the plod that were there it was more in the region of 10,000. Wednesday will be interesting.


I'm too young to know about the Iron lady to whom people refer but, I'll tell you this, her son, Mark, he is a disgrace, arms dealing, military coups and then has the bloody cheek to call himself a sir, but, I guess there are a lot of them about. BTW he paid a £300,000 fine for his part in the coup, piss take.

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Margaret Thatcher Trafalgar Square Death Party Attended By Hundreds

Under pounding rain, they came with cider and champagne, in party hats and witches' hats, from as far afield as Durham and Brighton, to mark the death of Margaret Thatcher with a party in London's Trafalgar Square - first organised nine years ago.[/size]


Utterly obscene and depraved .... Regardless of the politics do any of us really want to be part of a society that accepts celebrating the death of an old lady .... Is this really how low we have sunk?

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Margaret Thatcher Trafalgar Square Death Party Attended By Hundreds

Under pounding rain, they came with cider and champagne, in party hats and witches' hats, from as far afield as Durham and Brighton, to mark the death of Margaret Thatcher with a party in London's Trafalgar Square - first organised nine years ago.[/size]

Utterly obscene and depraved .... Regardless of the politics do any of us really want to be part of a society that accepts celebrating the death of an old lady .... Is this really how low we have sunk?

I'm not saying it's right , but some of the more vociferous critics of people celebrating Thatchers death were doing cartwheels when Bin Ladin , Sadam etc' bought it'. ................funny old world

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Utterly obscene and depraved .... Regardless of the politics do any of us really want to be part of a society that accepts celebrating the death of an old lady .... Is this really how low we have sunk?


Another take on that could be that you are severely underestimating the amount of suffering she caused. There have been more than a few comments that those celebrating her death were far too young to have known what it was like to live through her tenure. That indicates to me that the harm and hurt she caused has lasted for generations.


Incidentally would you want to be part of a society that reduced millions to penury and then did nothing about it?


You reap what you sow...

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