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Baroness Margaret Thatcher Has Died


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Margaret Thatcher Trafalgar Square Death Party Attended By Hundreds

Under pounding rain, they came with cider and champagne, in party hats and witches' hats, from as far afield as Durham and Brighton, to mark the death of Margaret Thatcher with a party in London's Trafalgar Square - first organised nine years ago.[/size]

Utterly obscene and depraved .... Regardless of the politics do any of us really want to be part of a society that accepts celebrating the death of an old lady .... Is this really how low we have sunk?

I prefer to look at the positives.


Thatcher deliberately ruled with a them and us mentality which even extended to her own party and cabinet. The phrase 'you reap what you sow' looks apt.


Maybe Cameron or anyone else who wishes to lead Britain may decide after this weeks events that when thy die, they do not want people lining up to dance on their graves. In that case they can at least attempt to represent all sections of society.

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In The Grauniad the irreverent Charlie Brooker's take on "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead":


" I found her almost too frightening to watch on TV. She seemed to display such cold disregard for those crushed by the wheels of her personal brand of progress, it was hard to believe she fully understood what human beings are, let alone cared about them."


"Incidentally, Maggie herself was a huge One Direction fan – by which I mean she wasn't for turning!!!!"


"Millions sang for joy when the Tories themselves kicked Thatcher out of No 10 back in 1990. Breaking into song again 23 years later because she's died of a stroke following years of debilitating illness and seclusion strikes me as futile and a bit sad – not unlike dancing into the British Museum to shake your fist at a mummy."




Link : http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/apr/14/thatcher-ding-dong-bbc-charlie-brooker

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I was a school leaver in Scotland when Maggie was in her first term. Everyone felt hopeless. There was no real jobs, only YTS schemes that were tailored to suit the employer.


I think that feeling still affects me to this day. because almost nobody in Scotland voted for her. My first 3 votes were in effect wasted votes because no matter what we wanted, we were out numbered by the idiot "new miiddle class" she was trying to create in the home counties.


The poll tax caused me real hardship ( remember it was introduced in Scotland first). I was getting paid £350 a month and then all of a sudden we had to pay an extra £48 a month tax( for me and the wife who did not work). I just could not pay it.We had the ballifs round wanting to take stuff. And if I remember correctly, I was still paying off the bank loan I took out to pay them long after the poll tax was abolished.


I know what it was like to live under Maggie.



To me Maggie was a monster. But she was an elected monster. So I don't blame her, I blame the people who voted for her.


And you know who you are peeps chris.gif

was it not Alex Salmond and the snp that caused the early election in 79?

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Apparently if you object to Thatcher's "ceremonial" funeral you are supposed to show it by wearing red tomorrow.


Personally I like Mark Steel's take on it:


"Strangely, it’s now her supporters who are insulting her memory, with a funeral paid for by the taxpayer. Surely it would be more fitting to leave her where she is, and say: “If you can’t stand on your own two feet, you can't expect help from the state!"

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Have you seen the smiling pictures of Mark and Carol in the newspapers?


Deep down there are thinking, 'saved a bob or two there with the funeral! thumbsup.gif

Or: "Wow - no death duties or inheritance tax on the house because the old girl sorted it out so that it's owned by a company in the British Virgin Islands, with a head office in Liechtenstein that originated in Jersey. At least 2 mill that Osborne can't get his hands on!

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Margaret Thatcher Trafalgar Square Death Party Attended By Hundreds

Under pounding rain, they came with cider and champagne, in party hats and witches' hats, from as far afield as Durham and Brighton, to mark the death of Margaret Thatcher with a party in London's Trafalgar Square - first organised nine years ago.[/size]

Utterly obscene and depraved .... Regardless of the politics do any of us really want to be part of a society that accepts celebrating the death of an old lady .... Is this really how low we have sunk?


I am comfortable with it as it has to be a two way thing. If they want a ceremonial funeral paid for by the public and the right to publically spout how brilliant she was etc etc then it is only reasonable those who hold an opposite point of view and express that view equally publically

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The cost of the funeral can be explained in 2 ways if the nutters could be trusted to behave themselves there wouldn't need to be so much police, also the police, military etc will be on duty anyway so will be getting paid it's not like 10 million quid has just been taken out and given out.

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The nutters? Do you mean the people of Great Britain Thommo? What do you think they're going to do? How would you police such an event? With an open mind? No. Us against them mentality and it isn't the them that are causing the problem, is it? I was in London while the EDL were protesting a rally for Israel, there were more police than people and they looked fully menacing, full riot gear, shields, batons, robocop head gear, that is scary to a normal person (which give or take the odd mad moment, I am) these things are always over policed. People are generally quite nice, regardless of what you think.

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During the miner's strike, the police genuinely became 'Thatcher's Thugs.' She not only gave them a massive pay rise and a shed load of overtime, she also made sure they were protected when they screwed up at Hillsborough. If there is such a thing as a moment when the public completely lost faith in the police - Thatcher brought it about. And they're protecting her all the way to the grave.

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also the police, military etc will be on duty anyway so will be getting paid it's not like 10 million quid has just been taken out and given out.


So they will all be doing it out of kindness and not expecting overtime etc due to the fact that all police leave has been cancelled and presumably they will be working over time etc. Yeah right

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