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Baroness Margaret Thatcher Has Died


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and there is still lots of coal in the ground which may come in handy one day


Much of it inaccessible or accessible at huge costs.


This is my issue with Thatcher in a nutshell. She was determined to beat the Unions and especially the Miners who she saw as bring down Heath. I have no huge issue with that, the behaviour of the Unions led by the likes of Scargill with their restrictive practices long needed reforming.


However her determination to destroy the industries at huge social and economic costs and reliance on imports is partly why I have no great like for her.

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Sir John Harvey-Jones is widely accredited in turning around British industrial chemical icon ICI. In five years he turned a loss into a £1 billion profit.


He said of Thatcher - "British industries greatest handicap!"


And he would know....

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and there is still lots of coal in the ground which may come in handy one day


Much of it inaccessible or accessible at huge costs.


This is my issue with Thatcher in a nutshell. She was determined to beat the Unions and especially the Miners who she saw as bring down Heath. I have no huge issue with that, the behaviour of the Unions led by the likes of Scargill with their restrictive practices long needed reforming.


However her determination to destroy the industries at huge social and economic costs and reliance on imports is partly why I have no great like for her.

depends on how high fuel prices go, even the miners now say the best thing was to threaten to go on strike (heath), the worst thing was to actually go on strike, anyway She only died today and atos has already found her fit for work

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Sir John Harvey-Jones is widely accredited in turning around British industrial chemical icon ICI. In five years he turned a loss into a £1 billion profit.


He said of Thatcher - "British industries greatest handicap!"


And he would know....

There's guy that knew 'longterm' meant far more than 6 weeks and that 'R&D' did not stand for Reduce and Destroy.

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I was there and whilst I believe that the unions did have too much power at the time the result that the workers don't have any power or support now is not good. She created the base for the current financial leeches by totally ruining the manufacturing base of the UK. I watched as factories were closed and machinery was sold off and exported to India and China who now produce and export back to the UK the goods that the UK should be producing. OK so an outspoken politician has died , sad, but I for one will shed no tears. My tears will be reserved for the victims of her policies, particularly those that suffered because of her so called, 'care in the community' policies and her treatment of special need pupils.

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The title should read Mrs Thatcher has died - show some respect please.


She had more balls than the whole of the current British Government put together.


Or Baroness Thatcher


ETA - I quite liked her. The UK was a mess and the Winter of Discontent seemed to be the final straw

Yes yes, thread title changed....

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The enormous difference between Blair and Thatcher was that Blair knew it would almost certainly damage him politically however for Thatcher it was damage limitation. She needed action whereas Blair didn't.


Incidentally if Iraq had no WMD just what did kill all those thousands of Iranian Pasdaran and the Kurds at Halabja?


Still don't see that it makes Blair any "better" though.


Obviously referring to the 45 minutes WMD that all the panic was about

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The title should read Mrs Thatcher has died - show some respect please.


She had more balls than the whole of the current British Government put together.


Or Baroness Thatcher


ETA - I quite liked her. The UK was a mess and the Winter of Discontent seemed to be the final straw

Yes yes, thread title changed....


If you use Baroness, you wouldn't use the first name under the etiquette rules. It would be Baroness (or Lady, which she preferred) Thatcher.


Mind you, I can't imagine there would be any fuss if a thread was entitled "Blair dead" instead of "Mr Blair dead".

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Still don't see that it makes Blair any "better" though.


Obviously referring to the 45 minutes WMD that all the panic was about


One thing you should NEVER do is overrule the commander on the ground.


Well guess what? So Thompson left the service he had devoted his life to.

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Yes the country is in a fine position now...errrr


But at least the unions aren't in control : ) I've been a union member all my working life but it was obvious their power was getting out of control. I read somewhere than in January 1979 there were nearly as many workers on strike as in the 1926 General Strike. Don't tell me this type of action had no consequence for the future of our industries. Yep, all would have been well it only Sunny Jim had retained power. My ass.

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All we need now to make THE perfect day, is for one other to pop off, but I won't name him, because he should not be named, and I would never name he (or she) that should not be named.


Norman Lamont?


In my experience those who actually lived through the Thatcher era absolutely loathe her because they witnessed first hand all the misery and suffering she caused. I suspect that those who didn't are the ones who think throwing whole communities on the dole to wither on the vine was the right thing for a NATIONAL (sic) leader to do.

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