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Baroness Margaret Thatcher Has Died


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One of my parents best friends was a recently retired miner, he had done well for himself because he used his very high wages at the time, to invest in property for rent. He could not understand the unions pushing for this and that when the miners were earning huge wages in comparison to other manual jobs at the time.


However to put it in perspective they were also being killed in industrial accidents at a MUCH higher rate than any other UK occupation. From 1950 to 2000 some 16000+ miners lost their lives. Strangely this aspect of mining tends to be underplayed somewhat by those with a political axe to grind.

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RIP Lady Thatcher, good to see that she is getting a state funeral along the same lines as the Queen Mother and Diana Spencer (Without being laid in state, at her own request).


She's not getting a state funeral and it was never an option anyway. It's essentially reserved for monarchs yet Churchill was a most deserving exception.



I was mistaken, she is getting a "Ceremonial funeral with military honors" at St Paul's.


Flags at half mast and all that kind of thing, she deserves no less.

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Flags at half mast and all that kind of thing, she deserves no less.



The woman and her ilk deserve no less than being strung up from the nearest lamp post. What a clever society to have fools like yourself eating from their hands.

What exactly is it she did that you object to?

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They were really taking the proverbial

Really? What exactly are the politicians, ruling classes, et al doing then? Austerity? Recession? You naiive imbecile.



Or, more likely, the unions AND the ruling elite have BOTH been taking the proverbial. All are self-serving. Unions only look out for their own members, although even that is debatable; they certainly do not look out for the best interest of the ordinary people. Take the example of the Bus Drivers in the Isle of Man. Do you think their union gives a damn about minimum wage retail workers? They are only out for themselves. The same goes for the ruling elite as well.
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Nor should she be held entirely responsible for the most divisive government in my lifetime - others, such as Keith Joseph and Milton Friedman were equally to blame.

Good on her for being divisive. I don't necessarily agree with all her policies, but Socialism was ruining the British economy like a cancer. Someone had to step up to the plate and sort out the mess caused by years of self-serving unions holding the country hostage, destroying the economy, and in turn forcing the government to resort to a three-day work week. If she came down hard on them, it is because it was necessary at the time. They were too powerful. On the other hand, I think the reverse has now happened --- but I don't believe unions or strikes are the answer to that. What we need is a better equilibrium between the two extremes.

Talk about weather vanes, one minute you're a socialist wannabe or certainly Marxist, the next you're an out and out capitalist.

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Talk about weather vanes, one minute you're a socialist wannabe or certainly Marxist, the next you're an out and out capitalist.

Utter nonsense. As a classical liberal, I've consistently expressed nothing but total contempt on these forums for socialism, marxism and all other forms of collectivism. I believe in individual liberty, which means individuals have economic freedom and the right to private ownership. Yes, even private ownership of the means of production. An economy in which there is no private ownership would lead to a society in which everyone is a slave to the state. No, thank you.


Speaking up for low paid workers doesn't make someone a non-capitalist. It just means they've got moral principles.

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Talk about weather vanes, one minute you're a socialist wannabe or certainly Marxist, the next you're an out and out capitalist.

Utter nonsense. As a classical liberal, I've consistently expressed nothing but total contempt on these forums for socialism, marxism and all other forms of collectivism. I believe in individual liberty, which means individuals have economic freedom and the right to private ownership. Yes, even private ownership of the means of production. An economy in which there is no private ownership would lead to a society in which everyone is a slave to the state. No, thank you.


Speaking up for low paid workers doesn't make someone a non-capitalist. It just means they've got moral principles.

You say you speak up for low paid workers, out of interest what would be the differential between a neuro surgeon and a toilet cleaner in your fair and just world then?

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You say you speak up for low paid workers, out of interest what would be the differential between a neuro surgeon and a toilet cleaner in your fair and just world then?

If I believe the toilet cleaner should be paid more, it doesn't mean I believe the neurosurgeon should be paid less.
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You say you speak up for low paid workers, out of interest what would be the differential between a neuro surgeon and a toilet cleaner in your fair and just world then?

If I believe the toilet cleaner should be paid more, it doesn't mean I believe the neurosurgeon should be paid less.

Well avoided, I'm not saying that you believe the neuro surgeon should be paid less, are you saying that the neuro surgeon should stay on what they are currently on (let's say for argument's sake £250k PA) but that a toilet cleaner should be on say £50k per annum?

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Well avoided, I'm not saying that you believe the neuro surgeon should be paid less, are you saying that the neuro surgeon should stay on what they are currently on (let's say for argument's sake £250k PA) but that a toilet cleaner should be on say £50k per annum?

I believe workers should earn a minimum of a liveable wage.


What they earn above that minimum is not my concern.

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Well avoided, I'm not saying that you believe the neuro surgeon should be paid less, are you saying that the neuro surgeon should stay on what they are currently on (let's say for argument's sake £250k PA) but that a toilet cleaner should be on say £50k per annum?

I believe the toilet cleaner should earn a minimum of a liveable wage.


What they earn above that minimum is not my concern.

And what pray tell is a minimum liveable wage?

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