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Can you explain more?


I'm not a Christian. I would only attend a church service if it was a wedding, funeral or if I was invited as a guest. To attend a church regularly, when you're not a Christian, would be kind of odd behaviour.

I believe this is a quote from you (St.Mary's Church flag waving rant):


Did I mention I'm a baptised and confirmed Catholic?



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Can you explain more?


I'm not a Christian. I would only attend a church service if it was a wedding, funeral or if I was invited as a guest. To attend a church regularly, when you're not a Christian, would be kind of odd behaviour.

I believe this is a quote from you (St.Mary's Church flag waving rant):


Did I mention I'm a baptised and confirmed Catholic?




How is it "hypocritical" for someone to change their beliefs? I regularly change my beliefs on a broad range of things based on new information or ideas from other people. I thought it was a sign of being open minded and rational.

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Can you explain more?


I'm not a Christian. I would only attend a church service if it was a wedding, funeral or if I was invited as a guest. To attend a church regularly, when you're not a Christian, would be kind of odd behaviour.

I believe this is a quote from you (St.Mary's Church flag waving rant):


Did I mention I'm a baptised and confirmed Catholic?




How is it "hypocritical" for someone to change their beliefs? I regularly change my beliefs on a broad range of things based on new information or ideas from other people. I thought it was a sign of being open minded and rational.



I agree, when given new info or someone else presents a good argument you may change your own views, the trouble is TJ you either ending up like this dude:



Or this dude:



Or this dude:


Worst of all keep back tracking and you could end up like this dude:



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Worst of all keep back tracking and you could end up like this dude:



Rejecting the religious beliefs you're brought up with, after doing research and deeming it to be a pack of lies, does not make someone a hypocrite or indecisive. It makes them a freethinker.

Calm down, calm down, it was only a wind up...seriously, all respect due, it takes a lot of courage to reject what you've been indoctrinated with and potentially becoming a pariah to your family

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Calm down, calm down, it was only a wind up...seriously, all respect due, it takes a lot of courage to reject what you've been indoctrinated with and potentially becoming a pariah to your family


It's no different to speaking up against big government (nanny-statism) on an island where at least half the population are government workers or reliant on government hand-outs or business contracts in some form or another.


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Calm down, calm down, it was only a wind up...seriously, all respect due, it takes a lot of courage to reject what you've been indoctrinated with and potentially becoming a pariah to your family

It's no different to speaking up against big government (nanny-statism) on an island where at least half the population are government workers or reliant on government hand-outs or business contracts in some form or another.


See TJ this is where I get confused, not so long ago you were lambasting Alex Jones as a lunatic (he seems that way quite a bit these days) and infowars/prison planet as a website for tin foil hat wearers to inhabit, this along with Alex being a fundamental Christian or is that Christian fundamentalist and yet you post up stories you agree with from his websites.


Can you see where I'm coming from or why I might be confused by you?

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See TJ this is where I get confused, not so long ago you were lambasting Alex Jones as a lunatic (he seems that way quite a bit these days) and infowars/prison planet as a website for tin foil hat wearers to inhabit, this along with Alex being a fundamental Christian or is that Christian fundamentalist and yet you post up stories you agree with from his websites.

Can you see where I'm coming from or why I might be confused by you?


I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic/tongue-in-cheek when I made the remark "better go back to Infowars with your tinfoil hat" in response to someone questioning the government and establishment media.


Alex Jones is not a lunatic; he's extremely well-informed. He is certainly a Christian, but not religious or a fundamentalist -- I don't know where you got that funny idea from. He's a libertarian. I consider Infowars to be a very good source of information. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than the garbage you get from the mainstream media.

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See TJ this is where I get confused, not so long ago you were lambasting Alex Jones as a lunatic (he seems that way quite a bit these days) and infowars/prison planet as a website for tin foil hat wearers to inhabit, this along with Alex being a fundamental Christian or is that Christian fundamentalist and yet you post up stories you agree with from his websites.

Can you see where I'm coming from or why I might be confused by you?

I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic/tongue-in-cheek when I made the remark "better go back to Infowars with your tinfoil hat" in response to someone questioning the government and establishment media.


Alex Jones is not a lunatic; he's extremely well-informed. He is certainly a Christian, but not religious or a fundamentalist -- I don't know where you got that funny idea from. He's a libertarian. I consider Infowars to be a very good source of information. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than the garbage you get from the mainstream media.

Now you see I just don't get AJ. He just looks like a bad actor trotting out news items to whip up hysteria, all of which help the cause of the ever increasing police state.

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Now you see I just don't get AJ. He just looks like a bad actor trotting out news items to whip up hysteria, all of which help the cause of the ever increasing police state.


I certainly share your suspicion, but what it should always come down to is whether claims are backed up by evidence. Alex Jones occasionally does those crazy rants and acts ridiculous on purpose to attract people to his radio show and website. There's method in the madness. Part of it is for entertainment. Don't forget that most people are completely brain dead zombies, so he has to make things interesting for them. On the other hand, there are some regular guests to his radio show who are clearly hysteria merchants. Gerald Celeste is one of them: every time he is on the show, he makes ridiculously melodramatic claims about the economy collapsing the following week and how everyone needs to buy gold and tins of beans to put in their bunkers because society is going to collapse. That guy is a complete phony.

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Calm down, calm down, it was only a wind up...seriously, all respect due, it takes a lot of courage to reject what you've been indoctrinated with and potentially becoming a pariah to your family


It's no different to speaking up against big government (nanny-statism) on an island where at least half the population are government workers or reliant on government hand-outs or business contracts in some form or another.




Sorry, but as soon as you start using Alex "SUICIDE PILLS!!!!!" Jones as a source for information, you know you're a lost cause.

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