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Boston Marathon Explosion(S)


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A very valid point in the WTC7 argument is that fact that the BBC News anchor woman was reporting it had fallen whilst it was still visibly standing behind her in camera shot. Now she was obviously reading from a pre-scripted piece which contained false pieces of information/propaganda and not personal observation.

Do you really think they'd be stupid enough to send out their plan to collapse Building 7 to the international media BEFORE actually doing it? This has to be one of the most ridiculous claims made by 9/11 truthers.


That being said, I suspect, though not unreservedly, that the US intelligence services deliberately "stepped back" and allowed 9/11 to happen. That's not to say that everyone in the intelligence services was complicit. It is my understanding --- I could be in error --- that the people lower down the chain of command thought it was part of a drill; which, coincidentally, involved hijacked planes flying into a skyscraper in Manhattan.

That's not what I am saying. I am making the point that the media regularly broadcast/print untruths. Whether such info are genuine mistakes or not is a moot point. The central point is most media now work off central press releases, the art of journalism, of going out and seeking facts on the ground, has more or less gone. With less and less corporations owning more and more of the market it's very easy for 'official' versions of events to become accepted as fact without any discernment or investigation.

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That's not what I am saying. I am making the point that the media regularly broadcast/print untruths. Whether such info are genuine mistakes or not is a moot point. The central point is most media now work off central press releases, the art of journalism, of going out and seeking facts on the ground, has more or less gone. With less and less corporations owning more and more of the market it's very easy for 'official' versions of events to become accepted as fact without any discernment or investigation.


I agree with that. So do a lot of people in the United States, which is why alternative media (of which Alex Jones is a part) is growing in popularity. They go beyond press releases and discuss real issues. I particularly like Democracy Now and TheRealNews, both of which have had Noam Chomsky on (you'll notice he's seldom on the mainstream media, because he can't dumb things down into in 5 second sound bites between commercial breaks).

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