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Boston Marathon Explosion(S)


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Awful situation. I don't get some people though still making sure they stop their watches as they cross the line, suppose it's just inbuilt to do that.

I suppose when you've run 26 miles all your energy and thoughts are focused on the task that you're not going to be diverted in the last 100 yards. You'd feel foolish if it wasn't a bomb.


Also it probably made sense to continue running, it would get you out of the way, towards the medical facilities and towards the exit.

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Let's see who they blame this time. Awful tragedy, innocent people killed.

No doubt whoever it was, Goobermints will be using it as an excuse to expand and intrude further on citizens lives/privacy. I thought the big Utah desert data spying centre was supposed to stop this sort of thing?.


I've been looking at the footage and the explosions were not especially big luckily, probably small concealed explosives. The orange smoke looks like that of an ammonium nitrate and aluminium powder binary explosive.

What if it was a member the Gun nut lobby? The significance of Boston may have been lost on you?

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46 killed & almost 300 injured in Iraq today.


And an almost weekly affair that no one cares about. Started by the West, we make Saddam look like a f@#king saint.

Sunni-Shia killings apparently.

You trot this out like its nowt to do with us and actions of our gubberments (as you say)

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Let's see who they blame this time. Awful tragedy, innocent people killed.

No doubt whoever it was, Goobermints will be using it as an excuse to expand and intrude further on citizens lives/privacy. I thought the big Utah desert data spying centre was supposed to stop this sort of thing?.


I've been looking at the footage and the explosions were not especially big luckily, probably small concealed explosives. The orange smoke looks like that of an ammonium nitrate and aluminium powder binary explosive.

What if it was a member the Gun nut lobby? The significance of Boston may have been lost on you?

Large patriot, anti-tax, pro-constitution event in Boston yesterday.

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I think it was some nutter from Mid-West US who forgot to change the times on clocks to Eastern Standard. The bombs went off at 4 hours and 9 minutes into the race. Had they gone off two hours earlier at 2 hours and 9 minutes, when the race was ending and all the media and spectators would have been there it would have been far worse. As it is most people had already left.

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I think it was some nutter from Mid-West US who forgot to change the times on clocks to Eastern Standard. The bombs went off at 4 hours and 9 minutes into the race. Had they gone off two hours earlier at 2 hours and 9 minutes, when the race was ending and all the media and spectators would have been there it would have been far worse. As it is most people had already left.


Mate of mine who works in anti-terrorism in the US says a serious school of thought is that it is indeed home-grown although the bombs used are very similar to those in Iraq.

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Let's see who they blame this time. Awful tragedy, innocent people killed.

No doubt whoever it was, Goobermints will be using it as an excuse to expand and intrude further on citizens lives/privacy. I thought the big Utah desert data spying centre was supposed to stop this sort of thing?.


I've been looking at the footage and the explosions were not especially big luckily, probably small concealed explosives. The orange smoke looks like that of an ammonium nitrate and aluminium powder binary explosive.

What if it was a member the Gun nut lobby? The significance of Boston may have been lost on you?

What if?. Who knows, more likely someone on the other side considering the target, and the fact they have achieved very little politically, maybe it was Michael Moore,



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Let's see who they blame this time. Awful tragedy, innocent people killed.


Well if you're a Fox news contributor you blame 'the muslims' of course - Erik Rush. Reading his twitter feed is like a car crash in slow motion.





This Erik sounds like a classy guy whatever.gif


If any Muslim made that type of comment online he would be locked up for 30 years or more.


Strange no one has claimed responsibility which tends to signify a lone nut job or domestic terrorism.

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Didn't a lot of Boston residents help fund the IRA?...


I believe so, but possible less than they used to before 9/11 and the "war on terror"


I've travelled a fair bit in the USA, and Boston, whilst mainly being very friendly, was the only place where Irish Americans gave me any attitude for being a "Brit".


Rather ironic, given the huge skeleton in the cupboard on the maternal side of my family tree.

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Didn't a lot of Boston residents help fund the IRA?...


I believe so, but possible less than they used to before 9/11 and the "war on terror"


I've travelled a fair bit in the USA, and Boston, whilst mainly being very friendly, was the only place where Irish Americans gave me any attitude for being a "Brit".


Rather ironic, given the huge skeleton in the cupboard on the maternal side of my family tree.

Irish terrorism was ALMOST all over by 2001, although I expect fundraising is still ongoing for political party purposes.

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