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Boston Marathon Explosion(S)


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Al Quaeda would use Semtex or such like apparently.


Available at all good explosives stores?


Available from Amazon, according to Google. Well, them and Jodie Marsh...






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Let's see who they blame this time. Awful tragedy, innocent people killed.


No doubt whoever it was, Goobermints will be using it as an excuse to expand and intrude further on citizens lives/privacy. I thought the big Utah desert data spying centre was supposed to stop this sort of thing?.


I've been looking at the footage and the explosions were not especially big luckily, probably small concealed explosives. The orange smoke looks like that of an ammonium nitrate and aluminium powder binary explosive.

What if it was a member the Gun nut lobby? The significance of Boston may have been lost on you?

What if?. Who knows, more likely someone on the other side considering the target, and the fact they have achieved very little politically, maybe it was Michael Moore,



From your posts it would seem you sail a conservative tack.... Has anyone claimed responsibility yet?

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Three people were killed, including an eight-year-old boy, and more than 150 injured by the bombs.

It was not yet known who carried out the attack and why.


To kill people who are watching a race

To kill an 8 year old child

To kill and run away like cowards


I'm sure the persons will congratulate themselves on skulking away, watching it from a TV whilst holding onto their safety blanket because they were too scared to be close by in case they got hurt. Awww goochie goo!


8 year old killer(s)

I bet their mother, father and faith are so disappointed, but maybe it's because they can't make friends, maybe bullied at school and will use that as an excuse?


8 year old killer

No wonder they're not bragging about it.



For those who have died, injured or know someone there, I'm sorry to hear about your friend or family member who was innocently caught up in this and lets hope that they find the person(s) responsible.

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So much for the Patriot Act, the TSA, and all the erosion of the American people's liberties since 9/11 -- all done in the name of making them safer. What is the point of giving up your liberty for safety, if you're still not safe? The reality is that nobody is ever safe. All the hyped up security state was just corporations cynically taking advantage of the tragedy on 9/11, manipulating people's emotions and their fears, all in the name of profit. I truly hope that this sad tragedy is not taken advantage of to further erode the liberty and freedom of the American people.

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Three year old Johnathan Ball died


Twelve year old Tim Parry died


Warrington, 1993.


I have a few friends that have been to Boston and had a bucket shaken in their face to donate to the cause.


Terrorism hey? Not just for the patriotic.

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My money is on a lone nut job, given that is is almost 18yrs to the day since the Oklahoma bomb


Timothy McVeigh's correspondence with Gore Vidal is well worth a read.

Watched him on youtube being interviewed about this. A brilliant thinker and iconoclast, I would not dissagree with his conclusions on the Oklahoma Bomb

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An Arrest is imminent according to USA news programmes




There is conflicting information as to whether someone has been arrested in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings. A federal law enforcement source told CNN's Fran Townsend that someone was arrested. But later, two senior administration officials and another federal official told Townsend that there had been a misunderstanding among officials and that no one has been arrested.

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Fecking BBC. I'm convinced these people, with all the publicity they give to these terrorists, are in the business of manufacturing the next news stories.


From the BBC: BBC guide to making a bomb.


Why don't these BBC and other 24/7 news pople realise there is a difference between 'free speech' and 'responsible free speech'?

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