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Boston Marathon Explosion(S)


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Explosions in Boston. Blast in Texas, (looks initially like an accident). President sent Ricin.


The American gun-lovers' dream arguments.


What a country.


I saw a news report before I left LA that the senator for Mississippi had received ricin...




Edit to add: Just noticed ATs link says the same thing.

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They probably had their suspect ready before it happened.


Maybe the suspect's passport was miraculously found in one piece at the blast site. Just like on 9/11.


PaulD, I've missed you fella.

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Explosions in Boston. Blast in Texas,


Wasn't the Boston bomb on or around the anniversary of the Oklahoma bomb, which itself had some link to the Waco, Texas massacre


Not suggesting anything though :-)


The Oklahoma bombing was committed on Patriot day as was this bombing. The Oklahoma bombing was supposedly in protest to the handling of the Waco siege. Dont know about the Texas massacre though

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The Oklahoma bombing was supposedly in protest to the handling of the Waco siege. Dont know about the Texas massacre though


Think it's the same thing.


The Waco siege (sometimes called the "Waco massacre"[4]) began on Sunday, February 28, 1993, and ended violently 50 days later on April 19

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An Arrest is imminent according to USA news programmes

They probably had their suspect ready before it happened.


Wouldn't make as good a conspiracy theory if they didn't...

There is no conspiracy theory. It is all straight forward


Bush, Clinton, Obama indicted by a bi partisan group of being criminals and guilty of torture.

The same day as these findings are published a bombing occurs in Boston effectively neutralizing the whole story; the awful bombings neatly dove tail with a particularly incongruous recent scripting seen emerging through out the US media that ” right wing, white extremist gun owners” are the new Al Qaeda.



A much maligned, independent Austin Texas based news website gets it’s hands on photographs clearly showing military types with large black back packs seen near the explosives in Boston (as does Drudge.). Within minutes of them breaking this, the US media mysteriously withdraws their recent story that they have a suspect in custody.

A massive explosion effects the area near to where the web site is located, effectively neutralizing their Boston story?.


If you google it you will find it is all true!!!


Just to confirm, I am wearing a tin foil hat and believe Elvis lives on Mars .. does that make you feel better?

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