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Boston Marathon Explosion(S)


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More people died that day from legally held firearmsin the US than died in the terrorist bombing.


( I have no facts, but it;s a safe bet my statement is true)


More 8 year old kids died that day on American soil from playing with their dad's legally owned guns than died on a Boston pavement from a terrorist bomb.


The bomb is an outrage, leaving loaded guns lying around an American house is a right.


I don't get it. Millions will be spent on finding some home grown weirdo who planted a homemade bomb, Billions will be spent on bombing his counrty if it turns out he is not home grown.... And yet the US legislators vote down Obama's gun control laws.


The country is nuts. the President of the USA has the power to oblitarate the earth with nukes in the name of national defense, but he does not have the power to ask for a national register of what nutter owns what gun. He can't even stop ordinary people from owning assault rifles with 20 shot magazines.


It really is crazy. I just don't get it at all.


They have the fastest planes, the biggest guns, the biggist defense and police budget in the world, but yet they can't do the simple things such as remove the rubbish bins from potential targets.

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An Arrest is imminent according to USA news programmes

They probably had their suspect ready before it happened.

Wouldn't make as good a conspiracy theory if they didn't...

Just the law of averages. The most corrupt, deceitful, blood-thirsty government on the planet with a history of 'dubious' atrocities against everyone, including it's own people, makes a lot of people sceptical whenever something like this happens.

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Just the law of averages. The most corrupt, deceitful, blood-thirsty government on the planet with a history of 'dubious' atrocities against everyone, including it's own people, makes a lot of people sceptical whenever something like this happens.


Agreed. The No 1 cause of death is democide (death by government)

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They probably had their suspect ready before it happened.


Maybe the suspect's passport was miraculously found in one piece at the blast site. Just like on 9/11.


PaulD, I've missed you fella.


I don't know who PaulD is, but I do know that the passport I referred to is on record -- it was was reported in the news immediately after 9/11. One of the hijackers' passports was mysteriously and conveniently discovered all in one piece. Goodness only knows how we're expected to believe it managed to survive the explosion.


Here's an article from CNN on September 18, 2001:


Last week, a passport belonging to one of the hijackers was found in the vicinity of Vesey Street, near the World Trade Center. "It was a significant piece of evidence for us," Mawn said.




But feel free to call me a conspiracy theorist simply for repeating what was published by a reputable news channel.

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Just the law of averages. The most corrupt, deceitful, blood-thirsty government on the planet with a history of 'dubious' atrocities against everyone, including it's own people, makes a lot of people sceptical whenever something like this happens.


Agreed. The No 1 cause of death is democide (death by government)

You only need to ask ScotsAlan, he lives in China where the government murdered about 70 million + innocent people (including millions of elementary school age children) last century. Yet he believes the USA should ditch its constitution and become another democidal dictatorship... I suppose he thinks Obama should ban pressure cookers now to.

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I suppose he thinks Obama should ban pressure cookers now to.

Especially the high pressure ones.


Praise Obama we have the guberment to keep us safe.

Is this the anti-war Obomber?



According to research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, drone strikes killed between 474 and 881 civilians – including 176 children – in Pakistan between 2004 and last year.


That's nice of you Obama.

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