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Boston Marathon Explosion(S)


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Yes its on the interweb...so it must all be true.

Eye witnesses reporting via social media on the Internet, official boston police statements and international media reporting from the scene. Yes, it must be true.


There has been a lot of FUD around the bombing, the 4chan/reddit 'investigation' and fingering the wrong student included, but the actual reporting of the events has been so overkill it's hard to imagine it being fabricated.


Unless that's what the lizard overlords want us to think...

CNN haven't helped....rolling news coverage has turned news in to entertainment.....

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Unless you're physically in the custody room no-one will know the truth.


What would you accept as as adequate procedure for proving this man's guilt?


This man deserves a fair trial, but your suggestions that they're already being treated unfairly and that the tragic deaths including an innocent eight year old are already part of some conspiracy are in very poor taste.




Leaving a bomb next to a row of kids is inhuman.

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Well, I hope he lives to testify.


He looks like a conspiracist's dream - I can just guess at the false flag stories they'll be developing!


It's important to understand how he was radicalized and what the US authorities knew and how they dealt with him.

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Well, I hope he lives to testify.


He looks like a conspiracist's dream - I can just guess at the false flag stories they'll be developing!


It's important to understand how he was radicalized and what the US authorities knew and how they dealt with him.

There's no doubt in my mind that it's a couple of 'Lone Wolves', spurred-on by an entity pursuing its own agenda, who've been radicalised by that awfully holy book, the 'Koran' and taken the a-hadiths to its extreme teachings. What's not to understand? Shit like this happens time and again; 9/11, 7/7, Fort Hood et al et al et al....

Obama says he wants to 'understand' their motivation; well laugh-out-fucking-loud....


And what's your take on this 'false-flag' moniker, China? In my opinion, it is what it is- islamic-extremism, disillusioned (apparently), hard-done-by muslims, claiming oppression by some imperialistic notion or other, intent on carnage. The kind of people who'd run for the mosque if it ever came to a stand up fight. Let's blame the West, shall we, and all it stands for, not the in-bred, blood-lust of a 7th century 'religion' steeped in misery and subjugation, intent on death, 72 virgins and all that associated, ''mis-understood'' bollocks.

There's nothing to intellectualise about here, no 'super-deepio' answer, their actions and reasoning speak for themselves.

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Yes its on the interweb...so it must all be true.

Eye witnesses reporting via social media on the Internet, official boston police statements and international media reporting from the scene. Yes, it must be true.


There has been a lot of FUD around the bombing, the 4chan/reddit 'investigation' and fingering the wrong student included, but the actual reporting of the events has been so overkill it's hard to imagine it being fabricated.


Unless that's what the lizard overlords want us to think...

CNN haven't helped....rolling news coverage has turned news in to entertainment.....



A bit like "Tomorrow Never Dies".

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Chechen is not the same as Czech!!!! Boy those yankee doodle dandies are, er, not the smartest of folks when it comes to finding anything, anywhere east of Maine. Grozny is, what, about 2000 miles east of Prague?? Yet the Czech Republic's ambassador to the United States feels the need to explain some geography to the Americans....... hope they don't mistake us for the Islam of Man or we'll get the Tripoli treatment.

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There are a few details about this that seem slightly "off"!


1. Why were the bombs set off at a time in which a minimum amount of people would be killed or injured? Most of the terrorist activities seen all over the world are timed to create the most destruction to lives and property?


2. Why would they suddenly join the 'Islamic Society of Boston', and make a big fuss over something? Terrorists in general try to keep their identity low key!


3. Russia had asked the FBI to talk to the brothers and their possible involvement with terrorism in 2011, yet Russia let them back into the country in 2012. Now if you have ever been to Russia, getting in and out is a major operation. Why let them back in in 2012 if they were suspicious about them?


I think personally that it was not an act or terrorism at all, and all the background will lead the investigators back to terrorism, yet the truth will be overlooked.


Putting on my tin foil hat, have they even tried to look at who has gained from this situation? Could some of the bombs have been simply a diversion from the one real target? If they simply look at terrorism the obvious will be lost in a mass of paperwork.

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There are a few details about this that seem slightly "off"!


1. Why were the bombs set off at a time in which a minimum amount of people would be killed or injured? Most of the terrorist activities seen all over the world are timed to create the most destruction to lives and property?


2. Why would they suddenly join the 'Islamic Society of Boston', and make a big fuss over something? Terrorists in general try to keep their identity low key!


3. Russia had asked the FBI to talk to the brothers and their possible involvement with terrorism in 2011, yet Russia let them back into the country in 2012. Now if you have ever been to Russia, getting in and out is a major operation. Why let them back in in 2012 if they were suspicious about them?


I think personally that it was not an act or terrorism at all, and all the background will lead the investigators back to terrorism, yet the truth will be overlooked.


Putting on my tin foil hat, have they even tried to look at who has gained from this situation? Could some of the bombs have been simply a diversion from the one real target? If they simply look at terrorism the obvious will be lost in a mass of paperwork.

Critical thinking alert! Critical thinking alert! Must ridicule immediately.

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