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Spain - Next For The Brussels Muscles?


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#4 evasion,evasion,evasion, gold,a commodity has appreciated by 4x in 15 years,economics 101.

Against what ? And so what ? The value of food, fuel, land, apartments and art has dramatically increased over the same period also. Even the price of crappy old pine furniture. And most importantly - the value of stocks. That value increase is real - since it reflects real cultural and economic trends. What we call valuable. Bling has no intrinsic value.

Which kind of makes the case for gold because to turn it around, everything has simply maintained its value at par, except money which has sunk like a stone. Extend it back a hundred years, sterling alone has lost 98% of its value.

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Which kind of makes the case for gold because to turn it around, everything has simply maintained its value at par, except money which has sunk like a stone. Extend it back a hundred years, sterling alone has lost 98% of its value.

If the cost of A increases relative to B that does not imply that B is less valuable.


The price of houses increased dramatically since the 60s because increased liquidity and a relaxation of lending requirements stimulated the economy and made it possible for people to buy their own properties. Liquidity stimulated demand.


The dramatic falls which gold has seen since 2011 and the very poor performance of gold vs stocks has to do IMO with the relatively slight relevance of gold economically (the link / correlation with m2 has been increasingly rubbished by economists).


I find it so weird that the hard money people have so much faith in gold. Relative to many other arbitrary collectables it has dropped dramatically in value since at least the 1930s.


Gold is not money. The same as mechanical watches and 16th century Dutch paintings are not money.

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