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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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One thing to note about the anti crowd, they despise Americans. Why should or would they listen to you?.

No, I don't. For two years straight I have gone on holiday there and intend to go back next year. In my time over there I never met an American I despised. I met plenty of people who greeted us and were happy to share the time with us.


What I despise is the gun culture that has been engineered, this fear of the bogey man that has people convinced that if they don't have an AR -15 in their house they will be invaded by the hordes. And the apologists that allow it happen.

I'd love to know what you guys are taking, that you seem to think we live in this world of peace, stability, security, daisys and rainbows.

As someone who has been out in the big bad world and seen what man is capable of doing to his fellow man, you couldn't be father from the truth.


But then you have bought into this idea that there is a ravening horde just waiting down the street to invade your home if you don't own a gun. And what makes it worse is you live in the IOM, where gun crime is almost non-existent, and gun ownership (outside of working farms) is also non-existent.

Clay pigeon shooting clubs, rifle/pistol clubs, the police, private citizens with certification and some illegal firearms owners....who knows what could happen during prolonged food shortages.


What I don't get is this, America pretty much dictates that Iran etc cant have nuclear weapons capability yet currently allow pretty much anyone to own an assault rifle, all things being relative surely this can't be.

We all know what you would do Matt.... Hide in the woods and eat snails.


You been off sick and watching Ray Mears on Dave by any chance ?



Very good, I would indeed go the opposite way to the masses in such a situation. You can crack on with the 1billion plus in your country queuing like zombies for handouts, good luck to you and Bon appetite :-)

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MDO if your scared of me you are a fool. Just a reminder, I unlike you have never advocated policy, only defended it. Don't make assumptions about what I must think the IoM, UK, or Aus needs to be doing.


Aside from people who never question authority and hold it in complete trust. I tell you two of the biggest things that scares me, people who favour big powerful Government. And people who favour big powerful Governments that are armed to the teeth.


I like the IoM, we don't really have that. I like any part of the world that doesn't appear to have an Authority in fear of it's people.


Conservative "redneck" leanings will never bring the danger to long-term peace and society that Socialist/Communist leanings do. History shows it clearly.


I like studying gun control, and its history. And that is something I've noticed, where you have the strictest, or certainly where you have had the implementation of the strictest, you have or have had the worst relations between the people and authority. Firearm freedoms show the opposite.


An armed citizen will never concern me like an armed authority. You see Government is not made up of super humans and they have the same dangerous faults and weakness that we have. Only a far greater ability to cause harm.


I was quite pleased to see China is now apparently allowing some private use of firearms. To me that is a good sign and if it continues and even expands I will look at them in a different light.


I will continue to look at any implementation of draconian firearms laws in the USA in a very dubious manner. Particularly when they continue to rank so low in homicide and crime, and particularly when their constitution forbids it.


That's basically all you need to know about me, seeing as some are so interested.

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Sorry guys totally screwed up that quote. This was meant to be a reply to Matt.




One thing to note about the anti crowd, they despise Americans. Why should or would they listen to you?.

No, I don't. For two years straight I have gone on holiday there and intend to go back next year. In my time over there I never met an American I despised. I met plenty of people who greeted us and were happy to share the time with us.

What I despise is the gun culture that has been engineered, this fear of the bogey man that has people convinced that if they don't have an AR -15 in their house they will be invaded by the hordes. And the apologists that allow it happen.







I'd love to know what you guys are taking, that you seem to think we live in this world of peace, stability, security, daisys and rainbows.

As someone who has been out in the big bad world and seen what man is capable of doing to his fellow man, you couldn't be father from the truth.

But then you have bought into this idea that there is a ravening horde just waiting down the street to invade your home if you don't own a gun. And what makes it worse is you live in the IOM, where gun crime is almost non-existent, and gun ownership (outside of working farms) is also non-existent.

Clay pigeon shooting clubs, rifle/pistol clubs, the police, private citizens with certification and some illegal firearms owners....who knows what could happen during prolonged food shortages.

What I don't get is this, America pretty much dictates that Iran etc cant have nuclear weapons capability yet currently allow pretty much anyone to own an assault rifle, all things being relative surely this can't be.



The Federal Government does NOT allow it, the constitution guarantees it. The Federal Government does not hold the power to ban guns, that power is vested in the people. The Feds are breaking their oaths of office to ban guns, if they even tried it would spark serious trouble believe me. The constitution means a lot to an American, granted it means more to some than others, but if they want to ban guns they need to go through the proper process, through the people. Watch Bill Whittles speech he talks about it toward the end.


I forget which state, but in one they were talking seriously about going it alone and separating from the US over this issue alone. So there was no way the Feds could touch their laws.


Just to add regarding Iran, and the Federal Governments involvement in everything. No they dont want them to have nukes, they don't want any of their people to own guns, they want total power and control of everything possible, it is always a natural inclination of those in power.


One thing I will give deputy prime minister Nick Clegg credit for was this, kind of sums authority in general up,


"I need to say this – you shouldn’t trust any government, actually including this one. You should not trust government – full stop. The natural inclination of government is to hoard power and information; to accrue power to itself in the name of the public good."



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My mother taught me to read and write, and that's all you need.


As a qualified electronics engineer...I strongly disagree.


Do you think the guys who designed your computer, or wrote the operating system that runs it, or the engineer who designed the car you drive, etc, etc, etc were able to do what they do with just reading and writing?


You are starting to rival LDV for his level cloud cuckoo bull shit


There is absolutely nothing that can't be learned from reading books.


There is a difference between learning and application. But then do you believe you could perform open heart surgery or programme the space shuttle after just reading a few books?

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Very good, I would indeed go the opposite way to the masses in such a situation. You can crack on with the 1billion plus in your country queuing like zombies for handouts, good luck to you and Bon appetite :-)


Already told you Matt, you're just a walking Happy Meal to me.

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An armed citizen will never concern me like an armed authority.


Pop quiz, in modern Western society which is more likely to shoot you? The armed citizen or the armed authority.


I'll make it nice and easy, the number of people shot in modern Western society by civilians with guns vastly out numbers the number of people killed by armed authorities.


From Wikipedia:


"...In the year 2007–08, there were 6,780 Authorised Firearms Officers, 21,181 police operations in which firearms were authorised throughout England and Wales and 7 incidents where conventional firearms were used.[2]"


From (urgh) the Daily Mail:


"The identities of just two police officers involved in 33 fatal shootings have been made public in the last 15 years, a Mail on Sunday investigation has revealed.

Since 1995 a total of 55 officers have opened fire on and killed members of the public, but in only two cases have their names been revealed."




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Ruger ... I was reading one of your last post and I was about to hit like.... But then you fucked up.


Let me put it this way. I will defend to my death your freedom of free speech.


I will not defend your right to arm yourself to kill me if you disagree with what I say. I am allowed free speech too..

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An armed citizen will never concern me like an armed authority.


Pop quiz, in modern Western society which is more likely to shoot you? The armed citizen or the armed authority.


I'll make it nice and easy, the number of people shot in modern Western society by civilians with guns vastly out numbers the number of people killed by armed authorities.


From Wikipedia:


"...In the year 2007–08, there were 6,780 Authorised Firearms Officers, 21,181 police operations in which firearms were authorised throughout England and Wales and 7 incidents where conventional firearms were used.[2]"


From (urgh) the Daily Mail:


"The identities of just two police officers involved in 33 fatal shootings have been made public in the last 15 years, a Mail on Sunday investigation has revealed.

Since 1995 a total of 55 officers have opened fire on and killed members of the public, but in only two cases have their names been revealed."





Why are you telling me that?, (thankfully) British authorities are not heavily armed. Your kind of making my point for me.


A could job to when they nearly fire more rounds accidentally than intentionally.

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You stated you are more afraid of an armed authority than an armed civilian.


I showed you that you are wrong to be afraid like that, because statistically you are extremely more likely to be kill by an armed citizen.


Even more so in America, where there are almost as many guns as there are people.

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There is absolutely nothing that can't be learned from reading books.


There is a difference between learning and application. But then do you believe you could perform open heart surgery or programme the space shuttle after just reading a few books?


Yes, I could perform open heart surgery or programme the space shuttle after reading books. But not "a few" books; more like, "a lot" of books.




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You stated you are more afraid of an armed authority than an armed civilian.


I showed you that you are wrong to be afraid like that, because statistically you are extremely more likely to be kill by an armed citizen.


Even more so in America, where there are almost as many guns as there are people.


That's not accounting for when things go south, if you don't think they can, then you keep believing that. Statistically you are more likely fall foul of Democide than be shot by your fellow man. The Germans didn't see the Holocaust coming when they elected the National Socialists. But I suppose they were just stupid ancient folk and we live in the 'new age'.

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Ruger ... I was reading one of your last post and I was about to hit like.... But then you fucked up.


Let me put it this way. I will defend to my death your freedom of free speech.


I will not defend your right to arm yourself to kill me if you disagree with what I say. I am allowed free speech too..


Alan I think there is the risk you have taken me the wrong way somewhere?. Please expand.

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That's not accounting for when things go south, if you don't think they can, then you keep believing that. Statistically you are more likely fall foul of Democide than be shot by your fellow man. The Germans didn't see the Holocaust coming when they elected the National Socialists. But I suppose they were just stupid ancient folk and we live in the 'new age'.


Your understanding of modern history is almost 'American.'

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