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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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Pop quiz, in modern Western society which is more likely to shoot you? The armed citizen or the armed authority.

I don't know. Why don't we ask a German Jew.
That's just offensive nonsense. And you know it.


Shame on you TJ. Would you expect Ann Frank to hold off a battalion of Nazis with a spud gun.


Shame on you.

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Very good, I would indeed go the opposite way to the masses in such a situation. You can crack on with the 1billion plus in your country queuing like zombies for handouts, good luck to you and Bon appetite :-)


Already told you Matt, you're just a walking Happy Meal to me.



Not if I get you first......flyboy biggrin.png

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Very good, I would indeed go the opposite way to the masses in such a situation. You can crack on with the 1billion plus in your country queuing like zombies for handouts, good luck to you and Bon appetite :-)

Already told you Matt, you're just a walking Happy Meal to me.


Not if I get you first......flyboy biggrin.png

Are Matts edible? what's the best way to dispatch and cook? What's the best bait to catch one..

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That's not accounting for when things go south, if you don't think they can, then you keep believing that. Statistically you are more likely fall foul of Democide than be shot by your fellow man. The Germans didn't see the Holocaust coming when they elected the National Socialists. But I suppose they were just stupid ancient folk and we live in the 'new age'.


Your understanding of modern history is almost 'American.'

And you dear lonan3 hold complete and utter repugnance for Americans. I get it.

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Yes, I could perform open heart surgery or programme the space shuttle after reading books. But not "a few" books; more like, "a lot" of books.


So how many people have you saved by performing said operation? Or are saving your super powers for more mundane things like...being a civil servant...sorry failed civil servant?


The ability to read is not the same as the ability to understand or apply practically.

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.....Statistically you are more likely fall foul of Democide than be shot by your fellow man.


Given the number of people killed by civilians compared to the number of people killed by "the man", in modern Western society (you know the one we live in now)....you don't understand what "statistically" means.

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Ruger. If was living in the same street as you.... Would I feel safer?


Nop .


That's sort of offensive, but you see that word, 'feel'. You pass for number three right here.




Trouble with this 'feel' business is that, well that's all it is. The US was a safer place to spend the last century than China. Irrefutable fact.


You could have avoided the ghettos but not Mao.


Why does anyone who fails to subscribe to the fear of firearms club want to kill you Alan?. Odd but that's kind of how It looks.

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.....Statistically you are more likely fall foul of Democide than be shot by your fellow man.


Given the number of people killed by civilians compared to the number of people killed by "the man", in modern Western society (you know the one we live in now)....you don't understand what "statistically" means.

Lets take 262M and divide it by 100 years. 2.62M murders by Government for each year of the 20th century.


The estimate for total global homicides in one year based on the year 2000 - 0.52M.


Conclusion, Government kills far more people than your fellow man.


Why?, they are just human, but with far greater capacity for destruction than any citizen.

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And you dear lonan3 hold complete and utter repugnance for Americans. I get it.

Not so. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for those Americans who are capable of genuine thought and genuine reason. My 'repugnance' and ridicule is reserved particularly for those whose attachment to personal weaponry appears to be almost sexual in its nature - as if a great percentage of the American male population cannot obtain or sustain an erection without the comforting thought that they have a gun to protect themselves with.

I reserve total contempt for those who twist and manufacture statistics, facts and historical records to make it seem that direct parallels exist between events in, for example, poverty-stricken, agriculturally backward and massively over-populated far eastern countries and the comfortable existence of the overfed and over-rewarded nations of the so-called civilised west.

I also find it an atrocious distortion of the facts when comparisons are made between events which have occurred in nation states with no history of anything other than autocratic rule and the potential for similar events in nations with experience and respect for some form of democracy. No matter how paranoid some people may be about their governments, the simple truth is that the toothpaste cannot be pushed back into the tube once it's been squeezed out - autocratic rule cannot succeed for any length of time in a country that has experienced democracy and all such governments are aware of that.

This is not, however much you may try to present it as such, a simple matter of black & white or of right & wrong: being opposed to the 'freedom to bear arms' does not make anyone less of a democrat or more of a threat to democracy - nor does it automatically imply that such a person has some kind of absolute faith in their government. A degree of mistrust in the powers-that-be is a perfectly healthy condition - when it trips over into paranoia, it isn't.

The projection that American citizens need to be armed in order to protect themselves and their way of life from their own government, is about as reasonable as arming the people of Jamaica in case there's an invasion of polar bears.

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