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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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No, you didn't mention food and water, but then we are talking about education not living.



So children don't learn anything practical while at school? What about social interaction with other children?


How do you think children learned social interaction during the hundreds of thousands of years before mass education was introduced?


Not sure. But then we used to worship the sun and sacrifice people hundreds of years ago. Little thing called progress.

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When there is a shooting, I will continue to blame the perpetrator. The media and those subjected so heavily to its Propaganda will continue to blame an inanimate object. Now that's where some of us differ.


An inanimate object designed to kill. An inanimate object that shouldn't be in hands of civilians.


An inanimate object that if removed would significantly reduce the perpetrators ability to kill in large numbers.

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Yet when there is a bombing, they won't call for a ban on pressure cookers and demonise anyone who thinks banning pressure cookers and other inanimate objects is a ridiculous emotional response to a tragedy.


Same logical fallacy as saying cars should be banned because they have killed people.


Guns are designed to destroy. Cars are designed to transport. Pressure cookers are designed to...cook.

Who say cars should be banned. That's your logic.


Guns are used to unlawfully "destroy" in fractional percentages of their overall use. No need to ban them.


Cars are used unlawfully to "destroy" in fractional percentages of their overall use. No need to ban them.


Pressure cookers are used unlawfully to "destroy" in a fractional percentage of their overall use. No need to ban them.


Your logic differs for guns because apparently people make guns to be used to "destroy" unlawfully. That's a straw man argument.


Your logic is based on emotion not facts and reality. Simple as that.



Interestingly that is exactly what you want the US to turn into, a dictatorship, one with a leader or 'King' that shits all over the Constitution and the will of 'his people'.


No it isn't. But you are becoming quite the strawman


So you do or don't think Obama should ram his gun control agenda through.



When there is a shooting, I will continue to blame the perpetrator. The media and those subjected so heavily to its Propaganda will continue to blame an inanimate object. Now that's where some of us differ.


An inanimate object designed to kill. An inanimate object that shouldn't be in hands of civilians.


An inanimate object that if removed would significantly reduce the perpetrators ability to kill in large numbers.

Again false. Please show the evidence which proves that inanimate object is designed to kill unlawfully. If they are designed for murderers in mind then why do authorities want so many of them including the US Federal Governments DHS which is not a military force, but a 'Home', domestic force.


I will tell you why, because firearms, amongst countless other purposes of sport, recreation, and competition, are for situations of conflict. Not murder, and clearly with the recent mass hoarding of arms by the DHS, they know a conflict is coming. And the only people you want to be armed, is them, and that's where Democide came from, well armed authority, disarmed citizenry.


Largest mass school murder in American history carried out by a psycho and his home made bombs. So no it doesn't reduce a perpetrators ability to kill in large numbers. Giving criminals and authority a monopoly on force, does however give them an ability to kill in large numbers.

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Same here but rather than ban the killers we ban the Rights. That takes the rights away but not the killing.


Well removing the tools used to kill might be a start or at least stopping them getting into the hands of killers.

The authorities?. Now that would be a damn good start...


I agree. If we're going to disarm everyone, let's make it absolutely EVERYONE. Not just everyone but one special class of people who happen to rule the country.

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An inanimate object that if removed would significantly reduce the perpetrators ability to kill in large numbers.


Instead of taking guns away from lawful citizens, how about improving the mental health service? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that every single one of these school shooters has had serious mental problems, compounded by the use of SSRI's, and that they fell through the cracks instead of getting the treatment they needed.

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Interestingly that is exactly what you want the US to turn into, a dictatorship, one with a leader or 'King' that shits all over the Constitution and the will of 'his people'.

And that is where I feel tempted to personalise the argument.

Up until that point, the debate has ranged across a variety of opinions and introduced a lot of very dodgy statistics which, so far, have proved absolutely nothing.

Then, out of the blue (and with NO logical argument) you suddenly accuse someone of wanting to turn the US into a dictatorship!

WTF??? Has there been a clearer instance of paranoia in this thread so far? Has there been a more obvious case of someone being so unable to make their point that they have to resort to personal abuse?

As soon as you wrote the words 'you want to turn the US into,' you were wrong.

The logic-defying leap which suggests that a poster wants to see the USA become a dictatorship simply by daring to suggest that it would be good to see fewer people killed as a result of guns being freely available - even to 5-year-olds - (just so we don't lose sight of what provoked this) must rank pretty high in any list of stupid and ridiculous and trolling posts we've ever experienced on here.

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Lonan3, personal abuse. Honestly?. I here and now apologise to MDO if that could be taken in any way as personal abuse. It was not intended that way.


Now, would you like me go go back through this entire thread and compile every bit of abuse I have received?. As everyone can see, I have received all kinds of personal insults and false accusations and I've hardly said a word about it. Now can we please stop trying to divert the coarse of the discussion.


If you think it's ridiculous, your more than welcome not to look.

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Simple question time:


Is it acceptable to target pre-teens with cartoon emblazoned boxes and with pink furniture?


Do you think psychological testing should be part of the gun ownership process?


What is your position on the lack of control of sales at gun shows?

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Although it's not really any of my business.


Simple question time:


Is it acceptable to target pre-teens with cartoon emblazoned boxes and with pink furniture?

Seems odd.

Do you think psychological testing should be part of the gun ownership process?

I would say part of much more than gun ownership. I think, I don't want to live next door to a psycho of any sort. Psyco's, criminals, and terrorists need identifying and ejecting from our society. I don't want to dangerously bury my head in the sand by assuming that, because a fruitloop has no gun that he can commit me no harm.

What is your position on the lack of control of sales at gun shows?

If it can be shown to reduce criminal access to firearms then something should be done. In a society already awash with firearms, it probably won't help. If it leads to a national registry that can be abused by corrupt authorities and highly dangerous freedom of info requests, then I may remain dubious.

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"It is the aim that every man bear a gun." - Thomas Jefferson




For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security. [TJ]


No freeman shall be debarred the use of arms. [TJ]


A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities. [TJ]

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