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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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Out of those 8, which of them are still alive or in power?


Of those 8, which ones well democratically elected?


Of those 8 who brought in gun control (although your understanding of their gun control and what is meant in todays society of gun control are two different things), which of them had popular public support for gun control?


What does any of that -- like "are they still alive" -- have to do with anything? Stop changing the goal posts.


The fact remains: people like Hitler, Stalin and Mao Tsi Tung took away peoples guns before mass murdering them.

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In Germany, for most of the time under the Weimar Republic, gun control was effective - it was only once restraints were removed that Hitler was able to achieve power.


I know its difficult to do any meaningful research on the Internet - because the gun lobby have flooded it with an incredible mass of paranoid misinformation - but at least making an attempt to do so rather than simply becoming another mouthpiece for the arms manufacturers must be worthwhile!


Hitler got in because, among other things, he was voted in. He was appointed chancellor because they thought they could control him. Had nothing to do with guns.


As for Gadaffi, I'm not sure why he's on the poster since he was not a genocidal dictator but a benevolent tyrant. I wouldn't have put him on the poster myself, but then I couldn't be bothered specifically editing the poster.

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Pt 5





“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.”
- Adolf Hitler
“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States.”
― Noah Webster
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Hitler was also a vegetarian. Shall we draw some tenuous link from that as well?


What does Hitler being an alleged vegetarian have to do with disarming Jews before mass murdering them?


Disarming someone and then throwing them into a gas chamber is hardly a "tenuous" link.

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Hitler was also a vegetarian. Shall we draw some tenuous link from that as well?


What does Hitler being an alleged vegetarian have to do with disarming Jews before mass murdering them?


Disarming someone and then throwing them into a gas chamber is hardly a "tenuous" link.


Did he only disarm the Jews, or did he disarm everyone?


And do you have a drivers licence?

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Did he only disarm the Jews, or did he disarm everyone?


He targeted Jews.


Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919 - laws that in fact required the surrender of all guns to the government. These laws remained in effect until 1928, when the German parliament relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm-licensing scheme. These strict licensing regulations foreshadowed Hitler's rise to power.


If you read the 1938 Nazi gun laws closely and compare them to earlier 1928 Weimar gun legislation - as a straightforward exercise of statutory interpretation - several conclusions become clear. First, with regard to possession and carrying of firearms, the Nazi regime relaxed the gun laws that were in place in Germany at the time the Nazis seized power. Second, the Nazi gun laws of 1938 specifically banned Jewish persons from obtaining a license to manufacture firearms or ammunition. Third, approximately eight months after enacting the 1938 Nazi gun laws, Hitler imposed regulations prohibiting Jewish persons from possessing any dangerous weapons, including firearms.


Source: Bernard E. Harcourt, On Gun Registration, the NRA, Adolf Hitler, and Nazi Gun Laws: Exploding the Gun Culture Wars, (University of Chicago - Department of Political Science; University of Chicago - Law School) URL: http://papers.ssrn.c...tract_id=557183

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But what about the 1928 gun control laws they already had in place?


"Under both the 1928 and 1938 acts, gun manufacturers and dealers were required to maintain records with information about who purchased guns and the guns' serial numbers. These records were to be delivered to a police authority for inspection at the end of each year."


And for the third time do you have a drivers licence?

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Did he only disarm the Jews, or did he disarm everyone?


He targeted Jews.


>Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919 - laws that in fact required the surrender of all guns to the government. These laws remained in effect until 1928, when the German parliament relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm-licensing scheme. These strict licensing regulations foreshadowed Hitler's rise to power.


If you read the 1938 Nazi gun laws closely and compare them to earlier 1928 Weimar gun legislation - as a straightforward exercise of statutory interpretation - several conclusions become clear. First, with regard to possession and carrying of firearms, the Nazi regime relaxed the gun laws that were in place in Germany at the time the Nazis seized power. Second, the Nazi gun laws of 1938 specifically banned Jewish persons from obtaining a license to manufacture firearms or ammunition. Third, approximately eight months after enacting the 1938 Nazi gun laws, Hitler imposed regulations prohibiting Jewish persons from possessing any dangerous weapons, including firearms.


Source: Bernard E. Harcourt, On Gun Registration, the NRA, Adolf Hitler, and Nazi Gun Laws: Exploding the Gun Culture Wars, (University of Chicago - Department of Political Science; University of Chicago - Law School) URL: http://papers.ssrn.c...tract_id=557183



Other were affected by these control measures, Jews got the short end of it. But from the way Ruger goes on, gun control doesn't work and they could of got firearms.

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Seems to me the smart people want to evolve......


The gun nuts want to live in the past.


Obama could very well be the Jefferson of the future.


When you listen to some gun nuts you do get the impression they want to live in Wild West, when justice was attached to the hip and had 6 bullets in it.

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But what about the 1928 gun control laws they already had in place?


As the quote says, the Nazis relaxed the gun laws for the general population and then tightened them for Jews.


And for the third time do you have a drivers licence?


Why? Did Hitler have one too?

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