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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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No, I thought it would be obvious to you that a hell of a lot of them are though.


Why didn't you express this utter contempt for American gun owners when you were surrounded by them at a range not so long ago?. Did you call them spineless cowards to their face?.


Keyboard warrior.



Clearly you are hard of understanding. The people at the range were professions, experience weapon handlers and in a secure range.

I think I'm not the only one hard of understanding you. You hate the gun industry yet admit to contributing to it with your own funds.

My contempt is for the type of parent who buys their 4 year old a rifle and then leave him alone with the loaded rifle. For the arsehole walking down the highstreet with an AR15 on his back "exercising his rights".

Then specify who it is you've got an issue with, you never once targeted your attacks at specific gun owners in America but all of them.

Hah, you calling me a Keyboard warrior? This from the guy named after a gun manufacturer, whose only experience of warfare is playing CoD.

I've never touched those games, I see your a fan of them though looking through other parts of the forum.


"Militant is usually used to describe a person engaged in aggressive verbal or physical combat (e.g. a terrorist or insurgent)." ...

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Magna Carta is something of a red herring when compared with the English Bill of Rights (1689) which was the inspiration for John Locke - whose writings influenced Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson as well as many others.

It is still largely in effect and established some of the things copied by the Americans such as:

  • the right of petition,
  • an independent judiciary,
  • freedom from taxation without agreement by Parliament,
  • freedom from a peace-time standing army,
  • freedom [for Protestants] to bear arms for their defence, as allowed by law,
  • freedom to elect members of Parliament without interference from the Sovereign,
  • freedom of speech in Parliament,
  • freedom from cruel and unusual punishments and excessive bail, and
  • freedom from fines and forfeitures without trial.
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English common law gave people the right to carry arms. Times change. And so did English common law. Change can be good. Change is called progress.


Progress takes time. But it does tend to be for the good.


A little bit of progress can save a lot of lives.


If you think government having a monopoly on violence is "progress", then you are a lemming.


Apparently 70M dead Chinese mean nothing to him. I wouldn't bother.

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English common law gave people the right to carry arms. Times change. And so did English common law. Change can be good. Change is called progress.


Progress takes time. But it does tend to be for the good.


A little bit of progress can save a lot of lives.


If you think government having a monopoly on violence is "progress", then you are a lemming.

WE are government TJ. It's not some big conspiricy to hold you back from getting a job. If you cant get a job then mayby you need to rethink your direction. Goverment dont want to shoot you. They want you to work and contribute to the economy.


You are a free person. Not a slave. You don't need a gun to be free. You just need a free mind

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Open-source printable weaponry makes its debut.


3D-printable fireable .22 pistols that can optionally be put together without the bits of metal that are supposed to be included to make them detectable - a primitive shooter, not exactly a full-on assault weapon and still needs the ammo and a small metal firing pin, but a worrying development nonetheless - a furtive weapon, unregulated, undetectable, something that can be made by anyone with a 3D printer, presumably by those people who'd be excluded from owning guns by gun regulation, age, mental state and criminal record.


3D printing is going to become much more pervasive in the coming years, so this is the sort of thing that future generations will have to deal with - think your kid is problematic now ? Wait until he's printing out his own guns..


Leah Gunn Barrett (ace name), from New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, has said: "These guns could fall into the hands of people who should not have guns - criminals, people who are seriously mentally ill, people who are convicted of domestic violence, even children."

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English common law gave people the right to carry arms. Times change. And so did English common law. Change can be good. Change is called progress.


Progress takes time. But it does tend to be for the good.


A little bit of progress can save a lot of lives.


If you think government having a monopoly on violence is "progress", then you are a lemming.


Apparently 70M dead Chinese mean nothing to him. I wouldn't bother.

It means a lot to me. I will make sure my Chinese daughther knows about it.


That's a progress thing. I hope to give her knowledge..... not a fucking gun.

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Can someone please direct me to a country that, having had a reasonably long history (i.e. over a century) of democratic government, fell to a dictatorship either wholly or partly as a result of gun control?

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They can't print ammo.


I did mention that - but when little Jimmy prints off his 3D-pistol and starts flashing it out the window of his Saxo in his attempt to become lower Foxdale's number 1 gangsta, are the peeps in the armed response vehicle going to be interested in whether it's loaded or not ?


Even if he's not shot dead, would a court be able to discriminate between a 3D-printed expression of teenage angst and a loaded, working weapon ? Either way I think he's in big trouble.

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English common law gave people the right to carry arms. Times change. And so did English common law. Change can be good. Change is called progress.


Progress takes time. But it does tend to be for the good.


A little bit of progress can save a lot of lives.


If you think government having a monopoly on violence is "progress", then you are a lemming.


Apparently 70M dead Chinese mean nothing to him. I wouldn't bother.

It means a lot to me. I will make sure my Chinese daughther knows about it.

I hope it's never forgotten.

That's a progress thing. I hope to give her knowledge..... not a fucking gun.

And no American is telling you to. However plenty of non-Americans are telling them what they should be doing just because of some nutters and some preventable accidents.

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If you think government having a monopoly on violence is "progress", then you are a lemming.

WE are government TJ. It's not some big conspiricy to hold you back from getting a job. If you cant get a job then mayby you need to rethink your direction. Goverment dont want to shoot you. They want you to work and contribute to the economy.


You are a free person. Not a slave. You don't need a gun to be free. You just need a free mind


You've got to be joking. They might be using my money, but the kleptocratic pricks who run the Isle of Man are of, by and for the nepotistic civil service and their crony friends in the private sector.

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They can't print ammo.




What is ammo at the end of the day? Its a usually a lead projectile*, lead also being very easy to melt and pour into a (3D printer made) mold and gunpowder.


It does not have to be in a shell like modern weaponry, the old style flintlock guns worked fine without shells and just a bit of wadding.


Okay you are unlikely to be able to wipe out an army with a home printed gun but you could easily get on on a plane with one and that is the problem.


* I read an article the other day that said military weapon suppliers were looking at steel tips rather than lead for use in warfare situations.


Because the steel bullets would be more environment friendly than the lead bullets.............. The world is mad...........................

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They can't print ammo.




What is ammo at the end of the day? Its a usually a lead projectile*, lead also being very easy to melt and pour into a (3D printer made) mold and gunpowder.


It does not have to be in a shell like modern weaponry, the old style flintlock guns worked fine without shells and just a bit of wadding.


Okay you are unlikely to be able to wipe out an army with a home printed gun but you could easily get on on a plane with one and that is the problem.


* I read an article the other day that said military weapon suppliers were looking at steel tips rather than lead for use in warfare situations.


Because the steel bullets would be more environment friendly than the lead bullets.............. The world is mad...........................


True. Interesting times to come, I think it will be not so much gun control, or any other weaponry control in the future but complete people control?.


3D steel printers are evolving all the time to so not just plastic stuff to contend with.

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