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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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Those who cannot store a weapon correctly

Those who do not know how to use one correctly



Why did you take those out? We already established that those who can carry the responsibility, cannot exercise the right.


They carry a personal responsibility, they do not lose a right. It is up to adults to properly educate their children to prevent people from being total morons with their guns.


So you have a right, regardless of whether you exercise that right responsibly?


That's right. No pun intended.



They couldn't foresee every retarded person who might be born 200 yrs later and twist their words


Why not? I thought they were visionaries? If they were as brilliant as you claim, they would have made it perfectly clear what they meant by "well regulated militia" (I'm guessing they didn't envisage Billy Bob and his collection of 5.56mm rifles and 30 rounds magazines "in case the guberment comes".


Do you believe that the 2nd Amendment is still relevant today, despite being written at a time when the average firearm fired one - two rounds a mintune depending on the firer, and not at a time when muzzle velocities reach in excess of 700ms, have a rate of fire in the hundreds of rounds a minute and have ammunition capacities that would make most infantry in the 1800's piss them selves in abject terror?


Don't exaggerate. They were visionaries, but they didn't have crystal balls FFS. The Second Amendment is even more relevant today than it was in the 18th century. What Americans had to put up with from George III is a drop in the ocean compared to what they endure at the hands of their own Government today.

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Thanks to TJ (plus one or two others) this thread has turned into a complete load of misinformed, disingenuous shite with massive leaps of imagination from a grain of logic to a world of conspiracy and fantasy.

There is little point arguing with someone as boneheaded and stupid as the troll who defiles the name of Thomas Jefferson.

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Thanks to TJ (plus one or two others) this thread has turned into a complete load of misinformed, disingenuous shite with massive leaps of imagination from a grain of logic to a world of conspiracy and fantasy.

There is little point arguing with someone as boneheaded and stupid as the troll who defiles the name of Thomas Jefferson.


F-ck you. That is all I can say without my words being twisted.


'Apparently, "conspiracy stuff" is now shorthand for unspeakable truth.' - Gore Vidal





Hmmmm comparing Africa and South America to Europe and North America...sigh


Sure, why not?

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