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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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Of course they're parallel situations. An accident is an accident.

TJ - Of course they're not parallel situations. A gun is designed to kill and car is designed not to kill although obviously has the potential to kill as do many conveniences in modern life. A gun cannot be used for any other purpose other than killing which does not apply to a car .


If your only criterion is that "it's an accident" then you can drawn parallels to any accident whatever it's cause. All you have to do is find as many with a common causation and you can then compare that to gun deaths (if you're daft enough).

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That's fine I'm not bothered with your views I just disagree.


Any new draconian laws will probably erupt a civil war in America, they have drawn their line in the sand and appear to be standing very much unite in this one. You know it when the state police are standing with the people and standing up the the Federal government.


You disagree necause you are buying into the dogma being repeated like a mantra by the likes of the NRA (which is essentially nothing more than a very well funded lobby group for gun manufacturers).


Take a look at the latest link I have put up. Look at the chart as the the states with gun related homicides in relation to their gun control laws. The states that will "rise" are the cowboy states, where they long for days when you can walk down the street with an "iron" strapped to their hip, Texas being right there among them.

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That's fine I'm not bothered with your views I just disagree.


Any new draconian laws will probably erupt a civil war in America, they have drawn their line in the sand and appear to be standing very much unite in this one. You know it when the state police are standing with the people and standing up the the Federal government.


You disagree necause you are buying into the dogma being repeated like a mantra by the likes of the NRA (which is essentially nothing more than a very well funded lobby group for gun manufacturers).


Take a look at the latest link I have put up. Look at the chart as the the states with gun related homicides in relation to their gun control laws. The states that will "rise" are the cowboy states, where they long for days when you can walk down the street with an "iron" strapped to their hip, Texas being right there among them.


Au contraire. People hate the NRA because the lame stream media tells them to hate it, and makes the people believe it's nothing ore than a well funded lobby group for gun manufactures. Which is frankly drivel of the highest order, it is a lobby group made up of over 5Million members of the public representing about 88Million gun owners in America.


I will have a look later, I know the homicide in the "cowboy state" of Vermont is 1.2 per 100K which is lower than the UK at 1.6. In Vermont its state law for every home (unless you are prohibited through mental or physical reasons) to keep a firearm and ammunition in the home for 'state security'.


Homicide rates tend to increase with poverty and areas including larger and higher numbers of highly populated metropolitan areas.

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" ....allowed a few pistols into the UK is not sufficient reason to make the following changes..."


A "few" like your "some". Upwards of 120 pistols were smuggled by this man, and one of which has been used in 11 shootings.


That's a few in light of the "hundreds of thousands" claim earlier. However it is disgraceful, where was the airport security?, and no doubt he will be released from jail in a couple of years.

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Before someone mentions cruise missiles and A-bombs again, please provide any evidence of a civil war where Government indiscriminately bombed the shit out of their entire population of people and infrastructure. That's not how it's ever played out.

The English civil war? 200,000 dead out of 5 million population. Today with a population of 50M that would equate to 2 million dead.

1651?, I think your trying a bit to hard there Albert. Black powder cannons are not really capable of indiscriminately blowing the shit out of the whole infrastructure and entire populations like the military weapons of more modern times (which people claim would just be used against Billy Bob and his pop gun). We can see how it didn't work in the middle east against Achmed and his AK.

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The thread has suffered a severe and utterly ridiculous diversion into an argument/discussion that's been done to death many times.

Okay, let's accept that Americans are in love with firearms - and paranoid enough to believe that they cannot possibly live without them in case the government they've chosen (under their own wonderful democratic system) suddenly decides to become a military dictatorship but, given all of that -

Is there ANY justification for allowing a 5-year-old to have his own firearm?

Is there ANY justification for leaving him unsupervised with it?

Is there ANY justification for not charging his parents with manslaughter?

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Id say possibly.


In reality though this thread was never intended to be a discussion about that. Its was another "lets use a tragedy to slag off American gun owners and call them Morons and wait for their friends and relatives living in the IoM to take the bait". Just another boring day on the IoM and some need their daily quota of controversy.


Declan not really there are some targeted large scale attacks, but has it worked for him?. Why do you think he (Assad)condemns the west for supplying the rebels with arms?. He knows that the more his men loose their monopoly of force, the more he is ultimately screwed like Gadaffi. Its just a shame the terrorists are going to be the ones getting the arms.

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As for not being allowed out unsupervised, I totally agree. If your not safe to be entrusted with a firearm, anywhere, you shouldn't be free in any society point blank. Because you must be a walking disaster (of which America has plenty).

I just don't get it Ruger. You make the above statement then you say you are against gun control.


I reckon if you lived in the States you would be desperate for some robber to come sneaking into your house so you could take his head off with your magnum. I'm sorry, but you really do come across like that.


Regarding China... Yup they had a civil war and millions died. England had a civil war, America had a civil war, the first industrialised war so I believe.


But what you are suggesting is that normal everyday people should have firearms in the house, so they can go start another civil war if they consider their own elected Government does something they don't agree with. Instead of being armed to the teeth, why can't they just wait for the next election?


A little boy shoots his sister dead with his own gun, and you just dismiss (or seem to) that as collateral damage in the great struggle of the American people to keep their Government in check. Wow.


I reckon Syria is the place for you dude. You could have all the guns you wanted and kill as many people as you wanted in defending your family. I'm not serious of course, but hey, you do come across as that would suit you at times.


Honestly, if some junkie broke into your house and stole the telly and a bottle of Vodka, would you really just grab your M16 and blow his head off? Shoot first, mop up after?


Maybe the guy who bought his young son a gun thought the same as you. And now his baby daughter is dead because of actions he took.


I wonder if that young boy will grow up to be a gung ho"shoot their ass off" redneck, or will he be haunted forever by a stupid accident that should never have happened?


No problem for the dad of course. If his remorse gets the better of him he can just open his bedside cabinet and pull out his Smith & Wesson to end it all. He will still have his guns of course, because the Government apparently don't have the right to disarm him. I hope he does not do that of course. I would hope the dad would start to tell his pals it's maybe not such a good idea after all to buy your 5 year old a rifle.

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In any country, in any world, in any universe a 5 year old child having a gun is wrong, leaving it loaded is wrong, leaving the children is wrong and a two year old child dying from being shot is a massive and horrendous tragedy that the parents will never and should never get over and that the 5 year old boy unfortunately will never get over.

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Interesting that some of the pro-gun lobby's rhetoric mirrors arguments we hear here over the TT/speed.


"This death is tragic but you can't use one incident to determine policy."


"It is callous to use a recent tragedy to support a call for a change of law"


"Irrespective of the consequences of not legislating it is wrong to take away my freedom to ..."


"It's in the constitution / it's part of being Manx"


"If you don't like it move to Irquistan / there's a boat in the morning"

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As I said before I dont think the mass private ownership of guns is a good thing, quite the reverse; its a very bad thing and this thread shows just what can happen when guns are as common as mobile phone ownership.


Having said that I cant see how the USA can now change their laws and more importantly their culture to make private gun ownership illegal. As we dont live there why does it bother so many people on the board, its not really our business so let them crack on if they want to.


As an aside I belive that the amount of deaths by guns in the USA is overall much higher than the UK and in Switzerland, where there is also wide spread private gun ownership, for national defence reasons I belive, (something to do with everyone doing National Service and being available to be called up, in times of national emergency) also has a high rate of killings by guns.

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