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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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Things will never change in America, because the very large and very profitable gun culture that has been engineered in America is making gun manufacturers a pretty penny.


Fear. Fear has done wonders for the gun manufacturing industry. After Sandy Hook, gun sales in that area actually went up rather than down, because people were suddenly afraid and bought into the idea that a gun will make you safe.


And with the gun manufacturers mouth piece, the NRA shouting from the roof tops that the "Guberment" is trying to take away liberties and what have you, what chance does any sensible debate on gun control have? I mean LaPierre is still trying to peddle the snake oil of video games being to blame for shooting violence....

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*Alan I know you can be somewhat of a drama queen but you really do come across as rather desperate to get some sort of angry response out of me, I mean most people would react quite strongly to a suggestion that they are some kind of 'closet gunman'. But I'm sorry to disappoint. Now please make a point worth addressing, and stop making outrageous assumptions to try and bolster your weak argument. Apparently I dismissed this tragedy, while you dismiss 70Million tragedies in your country of residence?. Sorry but that's the way it looks (as you like to put it). Is that just collateral damage for your Totalitarian dictatorship dream?.


At least others have attacked my argument rather than me.

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At least others have attacked my argument rather than me.



Nope, I think you're a closet gun nut as well.


Actually, scratch that. I think you're a wannabe closet gun nut. But because of geography you can dream of getting your hands on a firearm, where as a closet gun nut would probably have access to a firearm.

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I think having access to a firearm hardly makes someone a closet gun nut however it is obvious that the chances of finding gun nuts increases in proportion (not necessarily directly proportional) to the number of guns around.

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So you don't trust people to own weapons in their own homes, but you're just fine with government having them.


Welcome to the Matrix.


No I don't trust people who clearly shouldn't be allowed to work the oven on their own, let alone privately own and keep in their home a firearm...especially when they have children in the home.


So you don't trust dumb people with guns, but you trust dumb governments with them.

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The idea of a right to be armed made sense in an age of kings and colonies. A distant power's tyranny kept in check by a citizen militia.


But not in a modern democracy. What happens when a significant minority decide they don't like an election result? Or wrongly believe it was a stitch up?


We're still living in an age of kings and colonies.


And where the is this "modern democracy" you seem to think exists?

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The English civil war? 200,000 dead out of 5 million population. Today with a population of 50M that would equate to 2 million dead.


The English civil war is a case in point of the need of citizens to be armed so they can overthrow a tyrant and preserve parliamentary democracy.

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At least others have attacked my argument rather than me.



Nope, I think you're a closet gun nut as well.


Actually, scratch that. I think you're a wannabe closet gun nut. But because of geography you can dream of getting your hands on a firearm, where as a closet gun nut would probably have access to a firearm.

Nice to see your attacking me rather than my argument...


Your the one with the collection of toy guns, who goes to shoot guns in America and bangs on about his time in the RAF where he carried a gun ( sometimes in public to!. Oh!). That's a gun nut wannabe.

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The English civil war? 200,000 dead out of 5 million population. Today with a population of 50M that would equate to 2 million dead.


The English civil war is a case in point of the need of citizens to be armed so they can overthrow a tyrant and preserve parliamentary democracy.

Yeah, if only everyone in Northern Ireland had owned a gun when the loyalists started killing people..... whatever.gif

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So lets just check our positions again.


The anti gun nuts appear to want the thread to deteriorate into personal insults and want to step around the arguments.


The anti gun nuts are the ones advocating policy. Therefore its their job to make the case for it.


Question. In the face of 262MILLION victims of Democide in the 20th century alone ( with the trend apparently set to continue into this one). Why should Americans give up the part of their constitution that protects them from becoming another figure in that?.


Explain. If you can't convince me then good look convincing an American to whom it concerns.


Awaits another tirade of emotionally charged outrageous accusations and insults...

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The English civil war? 200,000 dead out of 5 million population. Today with a population of 50M that would equate to 2 million dead.


The English civil war is a case in point of the need of citizens to be armed so they can overthrow a tyrant and preserve parliamentary democracy.

Yeah, if only everyone in Northern Ireland had owned a gun when the loyalists started killing people..... whatever.gif

Interesting you should say that, concealed carry firearms are Issued by the UK Government in NI. Oh it must be a blood bath...

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"a firearm certificate for a personal protection weapon will only be authorised where the Police Service of Northern Ireland deems there is a ‘verifiable specific risk’ to the life of an individual and that the possession of a firearm is a reasonable, proportionate and necessary measure to protect their life."


Sorry to argue using a 'fact.'

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