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5 Yr Old Boy Shoots 2 Year Old Sister, With His Own Gun

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Why are you all bitching about a law in a country that no one here lives in?



the best that I we can hope for is a massive sinkhole about the size of the USA. Matt Bawden


This is a forum for discussion. We are discussing a terrible tragedy, the after effects, the causes and potential ways to fix/ignore the problem. If you are not interested in the topic being discussed, I'm sure there is thread about traffic lights or being a negligent parent and not having your children vaccinated.


Oh and I fixed your last sentence.

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Yes because 262Million dead is less dead people. Okay, "moon child".



Okay, I'll play along...please explain where you came to the conclusion that 262 million people have died because of gun control?

They died because they couldn't defend themselves when their governments murdered them.


They couldn't defend themselves because their governments brought in gun control.


Moon child.

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Yes because 262Million dead is less dead people. Okay, "moon child".



Okay, I'll play along...please explain where you came to the conclusion that 262 million people have died because of gun control?

They died because they couldn't defend themselves when their governments murdered them.


They couldn't defend themselves because their governments brought in gun control.


Moon child.


We have gun control, are we being rounded and pushed into "re-education" camps?


Australia and gun control....I'm reasonably sure they aren't in the middle of some civil war.


The problem with conspiracy woo's....they would jump at their shadow if you told them it was after them.

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The anti-gun lobby are not working to reduce gun-related violence at all; they're working to promote a government and corporate monopoly on violence.

Don't worry - just carry on wrapping yourself in tinfoil and continue advocating the sale of arms to people who need defending from... errm... people who've bought arms.

I think you got your quotes mixed up a bit there Lonan 3

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Yes because 262Million dead is less dead people. Okay, "moon child".


Okay, I'll play along...please explain where you came to the conclusion that 262 million people have died because of gun control?

They died because they couldn't defend themselves when their governments murdered them.


They couldn't defend themselves because their governments brought in gun control.


Moon child.

I thought you were all for population control TJ.


Sorry. Not relevant to this thread I know. But your politics baffle me.

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Yes because 262Million dead is less dead people. Okay, "moon child".


Okay, I'll play along...please explain where you came to the conclusion that 262 million people have died because of gun control?

They died because they couldn't defend themselves when their governments murdered them.


They couldn't defend themselves because their governments brought in gun control.


Moon child.

I thought you were all for population control TJ.


Sorry. Not relevant to this thread I know. But your politics baffle me.

No I am not for population control.

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Yes because 262Million dead is less dead people. Okay, "moon child".



Okay, I'll play along...please explain where you came to the conclusion that 262 million people have died because of gun control?

They died because they couldn't defend themselves when their governments murdered them.


They couldn't defend themselves because their governments brought in gun control.


Moon child.


We have gun control, are we being rounded and pushed into "re-education" camps?


Australia and gun control....I'm reasonably sure they aren't in the middle of some civil war.


The problem with conspiracy woo's....they would jump at their shadow if you told them it was after them.


Australia. Working well down there I see.



Countries with the biggest goobermints and the strictest gun control are more likely to be treating their citizens like shit and killing them. Unless of coarse of coarse your blind to facts and history. Do you honestly think Kim Jong Un has a total gun ban for the peoples sake?.


Britain doesn't have the biggest government and strictest gun control laws in the world by any means.

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We have gun control, are we being rounded and pushed into "re-education" camps?


Ever heard of Ballakermeen, St Ninians, QEII ?

You're either a very stupid troll - or just very stupid.

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So lets just check our positions again.


The anti gun nuts appear to want the thread to deteriorate into personal insults and want to step around the arguments.


The anti gun nuts are the ones advocating policy. Therefore its their job to make the case for it.


Question. In the face of 262MILLION victims of Democide in the 20th century alone ( with the trend apparently set to continue into this one). Why should Americans give up the part of their constitution that protects them from becoming another figure in that?.


Explain. If you can't convince me then good look convincing an American to whom it concerns.


Awaits another tirade of emotionally charged outrageous accusations and insults...



Several pages later...

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In my real life, I know only one person who defends the right of citizens to own and carry guns. And he is a confessed red neck American who didn't vote but if he have would have voted Bush.


Only one out of many many friends (erm .... Ok out of my 6 friends .....Getting that in before Ruger )


Hey, I know people from a lot of places. I have right wing friends and left wing friends. Muslim friends, Christian friends, educated friends and a lot more beside.


Yet... only the redneck is pro gun.


Everyone else can't understand why America don't just ban them.

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If you expect anyone to respond sensibly to the kind of conspiracy lunacy which suggests that anyone who doesn't want the entire population to be armed just in case their elected government decides to turn into a military dictatorship - then I wish you luck with that as well!

The USA is a country that is now held in the utmost contempt by most of the civilised world - not because of it's president, not even because of its aggressive foreign policy and not even because the introverted nationalism of its population is responsible for the gradual collapse of its economy - but simply because a rich and powerful industry prevents any reasonable control being applied to the sale of its potentially lethal products - even to 5-year-olds!

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Why are you all bitching about a law in a country that no one here lives in?



the best that I we can hope for is a massive sinkhole about the size of the USA. Matt Bawden


This is a forum for discussion. We are discussing a terrible tragedy, the after effects, the causes and potential ways to fix/ignore the problem. If you are not interested in the topic being discussed, I'm sure there is thread about traffic lights or being a negligent parent and not having your children vaccinated.


Oh and I fixed your last sentence.



Ooh get you...................if it's for discussion why the personal insults?

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So I'm a redneck now.


Yup Lonan . Even the ordinary apparently oppressed Chinese citizen finds it all amazingly stupid.


And we rednecks think its amazingly stupid that Mao could massacre 70million of his people with no threat to himself.


Before you call it a civil war. War is about opposition forces. The people had no force, they stood up to Mao's machine guns with pitchforks and they were mown down. Machine gunning a civilian armed with a pitchfork is murder not war.


USA homicide ranked 52nd worldwide. USA gun ownership ranks 1st. USA citizens can't suffer from the same monopoly of force that you are so desperate for, and what they do at home as nothing to do with you.


One thing to note about the anti crowd, they despise Americans. Why should or would they listen to you?.


Lonan3, is the UK government suffering from this "conspiracy lunacy" that they think it worth paying vast sums of money they don't have for the Trident weapons system capable of turning the entire globe to ash?. Even the leftist Labour seem to think so.


I'd love to know what you guys are taking, that you seem to think we live in this world of peace, stability, security, daisys and rainbows.

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