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Whats He Done Now.


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2 It was sent to me after posting was made.


I am SO going to fake some newspaper clippings with my Photoshop skills and mail them anonymously.


Edit: Arse. I feel this post may remove the surprise element of my plan.

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It's quite clever trolling, really.


Its also really sad that this keeps coming up over and over again. Politicians arent whiter than white...well shock horror thank god I was sitting down for that one. </sarcasm>


Sometimes I wish we could close the local news thread just for a month to see if we could take a view on what else is going on in the world. Perhaps then we would come to realise and appreciate what we have and see that its not all that bad.

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A good idea. But it won't make it good will it, even by comparison. What would they get up to when our backs are turned.


We'll return refreshed after a month only to really see perhaps even more of our Island leaders (politicains, judiciary, senior Gov officials etc) for what they really are.




Some of them are good, nice people though :)

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Yeah but maybe when we come back we will realise that it really doesnt matter...


Sorry, but I think it does matter. We can't just give our politicians carte blanche to do whatever the heck they want with out being accountable to either the electorate or the law

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Sometimes I wish we could close the local news thread just for a month to see if we could take a view on what else is going on in the world.  Perhaps then we would come to realise and appreciate what we have and see that its not all that bad.

Manx Radio made a similar wish with the weekdays' Mannin Line - and I don't they'll ever be forgiven until they restore it.

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OK well it matters for you then mate but not for me. If you really disagree then band together and overthrow the Government. If you believe that this is not the way politics are generally conducted then you are naieve in the extreme. Its only the fact that Manx people have an unhealthy interest in other peoples lives that this becomes public knowledge and therefore "scandalous".


Maybe if we were as critical of ourselves as we appear to be of others then the world would be a better place.


P.S. this post should in no way be construed as incitement to overthrow the Govt! :ph34r:

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If you believe that this is not the way politics are generally conducted then you are naieve in the extreme.


I don't believe that it it happens elsewhere we should just shrug our shoulders and accept it here. I would like all of our politicians to meet certain acceptable standards in the way they represent us and conduct their business, especially if it involves public money.

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Surely it is apathy that makes then think they can take advantage of their positions?




If they think the electorate don't care what they get up to then they'll continue to do it


If they think the electorate do care, and that the law will be equally applied to them as it is to Joe Public, then they will start paying attention to how they conduct themselves

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